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小升初英语 毕业考试试卷


请从A. B.C三个选项中选出与其他两个单词画线部分发音不同的选项 回答1~5题 ( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4. ( )5.

( )6.在英文字母表中,第12个字母是__________。 A.Ii B.LI C.Mm ( )7. -Do you like playing____piano, Mike?

-No. I'm a sport-lover and I like playing____basketball. A. the; the B./;the C.the;/ ( )8. -Can you show____around your school? -Sure.

A.his B.them C.I

( ) 9. Nancy is so sad _____she can't find her new watch. A. so B.because C.but

( ) 10. Miss Li often helps me ______ my homework. A. with B.for C.to

( ) 11. June is the _____ month of a year. A. fifth B.sixth C.seventh ( ) 12. The boys are playing_____ in the playground. A. excited B.exciting C.excitedly ( ) 13.I often drink ______ milk for breakfast. A. a few B.a little C.a lot

( ) 14. Mary ______ draw pictures six years ago, but she can draw well now. A. didn't B.doesn't C.couldn't

( ) 15. There ______ some robots on the- desk this morning, but there _ any on it now. A. are; aren't B.were; aren't C.was; isn't ( ) 16. Peter always _____breakfast at seven. A. cook B.have C.has ( ) 17. To protect the Earth, we shouldn't_______.

A. waste water B.save energy D.reuse plastic

( ) 18. To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and ______ cars and bikes. A. look after B.look for C.look out for ( ) 19. -_____will Wang Bing stay in Australia? -For about one month.

A. How long B.When C.Where ( ) 20. _____beautiful clothes!

A. What B.What a C.How

( )21.-_____ -He is a scientist.

A. What does he usually do? B. What does he do? C. What does he like doing?

( ) 22. -What would you like, Helen? -_________. A.I like to watch TV. B.I like oranges. C.I'd like some grapes.

( ) 23. -Mr Green, what does the word \ mean?

-It means“____”.

A.a place for people to do shopping

B.a place for people to play

C.a place for people to eat and drink

( )24.下列句子中连读符号标注均正确的选项是_____。

A. Look photo. my father.

B.What want



( ) 25. There are three main holidays in the UK. They are the Easter holiday, the

summer holiday and____.

A.the winter holiday B. the Christmas holiday C.the Thanksgiving holiday 二.阅读理解.


( ) 1.This is a book about __________.

A. fairy tales B.rhymes C.science

( )2.There are _______ chapters in this book.

A. five B.ten C.thirty-three

( )3.Mike wants to read a story of a foolish king. He can read Chapter _

A. Three B.Five C.Eight

( )4.Mike can see Picture _______ in Chapter Four.




( )5.\火

柴). Her hands were frozen. She was so cold...\can read this story from page _______ .

A. 13 to 15 B.22 to 27 C. 28 to 32


One day, when we were sitting at the table, father came into the room and said to us with a smile, \She is coming to see us with her little son Tony this afternoon. I'm going to meet them at the station.\ I was so happy to hear the news because I really liked playing with Tony. Mother was happy, too. She missed Aunt Amy very much.

After lunch, mother and I went to the supermarket. We bought lots of food. Then we went back home and began to clean the house. We were all busy but very happy. At four o'clock,we finished all the things. We sat around the table and waited for them. At last, father came back home alone(单独).

\are they?\we asked. Father laughed and said, \are all April fools! Today is April 1st. It's April Fool's Day!\( )6.We were_______in the morning.

A. at home B. in the supermarket C.at the station ( )7.I was very happy to hear the good news from_____. A. Aunt Amy B.my mother C.my father ( )8.In the afternoon, we ______. We were all busy. A. did some shopping

B. cleaned the house C. A and B

( )9.Which of the following is April Fool's Day?

A. B. C.

( )10.Which of the following is True? A. Father came back home with Aunt Amy. B. Aunt Amy didn't come to see us that day. C. We got a letter from Aunt Amy.


Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important Many people don't understand this, but it is quite true. People can live without food for a long time, but they may be ill or dead if(如果)they don't have water for two or three days.

Most people drink water when they feel thirsty. They don't understand how much water a man's body needs. And they don't drink enough, especially (尤其)in hot weather. A man's body contains(包含)65% t0 70% water. If we don't have enough water, we may feel tired and become ill.

To keep healthy, we need to drink about eight glasses of water a day. So let's drink more water during the day and stay healthy.

( )11.The word \ in the passage means“________” in Chinese. A. 没有 B.拥有 C. 携带

( )12.Most people drink water when they ______ . A. feel tired B.feel thirsty C.feel ill

( )13.How much water does a man's body contain? Which of the following is True?

A . B. C .

( )14.People need to drink about_____ glasses of water a day. A. 4 B.6 C.8

( )15.This passage tells us_____.

A. water is very important

B. people may be ill or dead without water for some days

C.A and B



A: Where did you go last New Year's Day, Liu Tao? B: (1)__________ A:(2)______

B: Of course, it is. Where did you go, Su Hai? A: I went to Hong Kong with my sister.


A: Yes. I love Mickey and Minnie very much. (4) ______We like to see dolphins(海豚) and polar bears.

B:Do you want to be a guide(导游)in the future?

A:Yes. (5)__________


A. Yes. We'll have a big lunch together too.

B. It's going to be Christmas next week.

C. Are you going to have a party at school?

D. Sounds great! Can I join you?

E. Why are you so excited?

F. Of course. I'm sure we'll have a good time.

(1)_______→B→(2)_______→(3)______→(4)_______→(5)_______ 3.根据句意及所给提示完成下列句子。 (1)The weather became c________

yesterday afternoon.

(2)The two_____(man) showed the king some new clothes. (3)We love______(we) country.

(4)Look at_____(this) pictures of our city.

(5)How can the old people cross the road______(safe)? 4.用所给动词的正确形式填空。

(1)I want_____(draw) some pictures for my teacher. (2)My little sister often______(fly) kites in the park. (3)The dancers are_____(dance) at the party now.

(4)My parents are going to_____(give) me some red packets. (5)The mouse_____(bite) the net with his sharp teeth and made a hole. 5.根据句意及中文提示,在横线上填入适当的短语。

(1)My mother often buys some clothes in the________(购物中心). (2)We should_____(爱护)our eyes. (3)My grandpa has________(健康的饮食). (4)The lion in the zoo is_____(又大又强壮). (5)We often have a party on_______(儿童节).

(6)People in Nantong________(欢迎游客们)to visit the Wolf Mountain. (7)Mr Green likes______(读电子书)in the evening. (8)We have many______(旅行计划)for this summer holiday. 四.按照要求做题

1.He finishes his homework before dinner every day.(改为否定句) He_____ _____his homework before dinner every day. 2.Sam bought some bread last night.(改为一般疑问句) ______Sam____any bread last night?

3. I was in Nanjing two days ago.(对画线部分提问) ____ _____you two days ago?

4.Will you go to the Science Museum this weekend?(作否定回答) _____,I_________.

5.We can go to school on foot.(写出同义句) We can_______ _____school.

一. 1. C 2.B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 24. A 25. B

二.1A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.C 三.1.D;C;E;B; A 2.E;C;A;D;F

3. cloudy;men;our;these;safely 4.to draw;flies;dancing;give;bit

5.shopping center;take care of ;a healthy diet;big and strong;Children's Day; welcome visitors ;reading e-books ;travel plans 四.1.doesn't finish 2. Did; buy 3. Where were

B 23. C 11. 4. No; won't 5. walk to



