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南京一中实验学校小升初英语试卷 (卷面总分 100分)


( c )1. A. apple ( b )2. A. bus ( d )3. A. arm ( c )4. A. noodles ( d )5. A. piano ( c )6. A. bed ( d )7. A. bedroom ( d )8. A. plate ( d )9. A. horse ( a )10.A. book

B. grape B. ear B. leg B. bread B. violin B. chair B. kitchen B.cup B. duck B. vest

C. pie C. taxi C. foot C. toy C. guitar C. school C. sitting-room C. glass C. pig C. shirt


D. banana D. train D. pen D. cake D. table D. desk D. water D. o?clockD. candle D. blouse


2. She is a nurse. She works in the h_______. hospital 3. The classroom next to theirs is o_______ . ours


1. Can you tell me the m_______ of the sign beside the lake ? meaning

4. She likes English very much . English is her f_______ subject. favorite 5. A k_______ is a room for cooking. kitchen 6. He doesn?t know your telephone n

_______. Can you tell him ? number

too . Let?s do some s_______, OK ? shopping

7. In s_______, boys like swimming in the lakes and rivers . summer 8. You want to buy a new coat and I want one,

9. Excuse me, which is the w_______ to the History Museum ? way 10. What is their p_______ for this weekend? Plan




1. write to a friend of mine_____________________ 2. have the same hobby_____________________ 3. some medicine for cough_____________________ 4. tell me about your country_____________________ 5. 一位穿着红裙子的女孩

_____________________ a girl in red dress


6.互相帮助_____________________ help each other 7.明年春节_____________________ next Spring Festival 8.看上去相像

_____________________look similar

9.在上午八点半_____________________ 10.知道有关她的一切

at half past eight

_____________________ know all about her


flew kites, sing a song. Sports meeting , drink some juice, on the grass Spring Festival, cooking food, go swimming, at the back of, getting off

1. Last week, there was a 2. I like 3. They

at Liu Tao?s school.Sports meeting

Spring Festival

flew kites

very much. I can visit my relatives and friends.

in the playground yesterday afternoon. The kites are very beautiful . 4. It?s very hot. Let?s? OK, let?s go.

go swimming

5. Did you at her birthday party ? Yes, I sang two. sing a song

6. —What are they doing now ?


the bus. getting off7. 一Would you like to ? drink some juice

—Yes, please. 8. My mother likes , but she doesn?t like to eat much.

cooking food 9. I took a bus to the school this morning . I sat ____ the bus . at the back of 10. The sign

means “ Keep off the grass .

on the grass ”


(B )1.---_______ is she? ---She is twelve years old.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

( C )2. It?s very_______in summer in Nanjing.A. cold B. cool

C. hot

( B )3. --- How do you_______ your weekend?

—I usually go to the supermarket. A. do

B. spend

C. make

( B )4.一Where?s the train station, please?

—You can take bus No. 1 and _______ at the third stop. A. get on

B. get off

C. get to

( C )5. —What?s the_______ like in spring


—It?s sunny and warm.A. day

B. date C. weather.

(A )6---_______ wrong with you?

---I?ve got a cough.A. What?sB. Where?sC. Which ( A )7. We_______ a play tomorrow. Will you please join us?

A. are going to see B. saw C. sees

( A )8---Who?s that ? ---_______ Jimmy speaking . A. This is

B. I am C. That is

( C)9. Look at the_______ bedroom .

A. Lucy and Lily?s B. twin?s C. twins?

( B )10. The men in blue are_______ and the men in red are_______ A. America, Japanese B. American , Japanese C. American, Japaneses


1. The students in this school often have their_______ (one) lesson at 8: 05 in the morning. first 2. Nancy dances_______ (beautiful) . beautifully

3. Young Ling?s uncle_______ (live) in a town near Nanjing . lives

4. Do more exercise. You_______ (get) stronger. will get 5. Ben?s parents have different

_______. ( hobby ) hobbies

6. My bike is near the window. Where is_______ ( you ) ? yours 7. I?d like a VCD of _______ (Japan) cartoons. Japanese 8. Girls usually like dancing_______ ( well) than boys. better 9. December 18th is_______ ( Mary ) birthday. Mary10. We_______ (have) a Science Festival last month. had



改为同义句)用 next 替代 last)


What?s weather


1. My favorite season is autumn.(2. She saw a play last Sunday.(

I _______autumn _______. like best She _______ a play next Sunday. Will see 3.Liu Tao is writing a letter to his grandpa.(4. It?s very cold in New York in winter.(

_______Liu Xao _______a letter to his grandpa? Is writing _______ the _______like in New York in winter.

_______ _______Helen going to buy a new dress? Why is

5. Helen is going to buy a new dress, because her dress is too small.(


( D )1 .What do you want this envelope for ? ( J )2. Where are you from? ( E )3. What would you like? ( G )5. What does your sister do ? ( A )6. Whose ruler is longer( C )7. Which bus shall I take ? ( F )8. What day is it today ? ( B )9. How many stops are there ?

( I )10 . Which season do you like best ?

,his or yours ?


A. Mine.

C. You can take bus No. 33 E. I?d like some chocolate.F. It?s Tuesday.

G. She is a nurse.

B. There are three stops.

( H )4. Can I have some paper? D. I want to post a letter.

H. Of course, here you are

I. I like winter best. J. We are from Japan


( B ) 1.当你想知道现在几点,可以问:A. What are you doing? B. What time is it? (A ) 2.你想知道别人的国籍时,可以问:


C. What?s this?

A. Where are you from? B. I?ll come with Wang Bin. C. What do you do?( C ) 3.你的同学口渴了,你给她一杯水时,可以说:

A. Here is a cake for you. B. Can I get you some medicine? C. Here's some water for you.

( B ) 4.你告诉妈妈李明的个子比你高时,可以说:

A. Li Ming is older than me. B. Li Ming is taller than me. C. I?m faster than Li Ming.( C ) 5.你想知道去历史博物馆的路,可以问:A. How far is it from here?

C. Can you tell me the way to the History Museum? (A ) 6.你向爸爸要几张邮票时,可以说:A. Would you please give me some stamps?

B. What would you like?

B. Oh, it?s a long walk.

C. I have some stamps.

( A ) 7.你打电话给David时,可以问:A. May I speak to David?

B. Let?s hurry. C. I?m sorry to hear that.

( C ) 8.你想知道今天的日期,可以问:A. What does it mean? C. What date is it today?

( A ) 9.你想知道别人是否有空,可以问:A. Are you free now?

B. Where are you going?


C. You need some warmer clothes.

C.Please help me.

B. What songs did you sing?

( C ) 10.当你得知北方天气转冷,可以对准备去北方的朋友说A. It?s cool in autumn.

B. It?s warm most of the time.


Television 1 now come to nearly every family. It has taken a very important part in __2__ life. School children in the U. S. watch TV about twenty-five hours a __3__.

Some parents feel that television is good __4__ their children because it helps them learn about their country and the world. __5__ the help of some programmers (__6_ school.

__7__ parents do not let their children __8__ TV too much. They say the TV programmers are not good and children __9__ bad things from them. Men have invented (( B )1. A. have ( B )2. A. people ( D )3. A. day ( C )4. A. at ( A )5. A. With ( A )6. A. well in ( A )7. A. Other ( B )8. A. to watch ( B )9. A. study ( D )10.A. are

发明)many things which have brought much convenience (

B. has

B. people?s

B. month

B. of

B. Under

B. good in B. The other B. watch B. learn B. will be

C. On

C. better in C. Another

C. watching C. listen C. was C. year

C. for

D. So

D. best in D. Others

D. watched D. see D. is

C. there?s

C. peoples

D. had

D. peoples?

D. week

D. to

便利).Television is one of

节目)of education (教育), children will do

them. If it __10__ carefully planned, watching TV can be good for children.



Who put ink on my chair?

Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him“I was in the headmaster?s office.

us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but mquestions was ,Who put ink on my chair????

,“Why are you late today?

” “but the

” “Why did you go to the headmaster?s office?” “Because my teache

e.” “It?s good to answer the questions.


( T )1. Tom lives near his school.

( F )2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day. ( T )3. Today Tom went to school late.

( F )4. Tom put some ink on the teacher?s chair.( F )5. The boy is very naughty(




” on the Internet

Now, an Internet game became more and more popular. People can “farm” on a piece of

“land”“grow??, “sell” “vegetables”. '”flowers” and “fruits” on the Internet. They can make some e-money and buy


What do people think of this game? Here are., some ideas. Harold:I think they don?t like the real world and it is hard for them to face the real world

Allan: Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it. Laura: People are looking forward to the life in the village. It can help them understand the real world.

Ivy:It?s just waste of time. People will not focus on their work or study if they spend too much time on it. 根据文章内容,选择最隹答案。

( B ) 1. What can people buy on the Internet farm? A. Vegetables. B. E-money.

C. Farm.

D. Houses.

( B ) 2. Who thinks “farm” games is very exciting?

A. Harold.

B. Allan.

C. Laura.

D. Ivy.

( C ) 3. What?s Ivy?s idea about “farm” game?A. Popular.

B. Hard.

C. Waste time. D. Have run.

( A ) 4. What is the passage about?

A. “Farm” game B. Real world. C. The life in the village.

D. Work and study.

( D ) 5. Who can farm on the Internet? A. Boys B. Girls

C. Young people

D. Anyone who like




