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新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程2 听力原文

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D: Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. I’ve booked a ticket for the show on the fifth of June, but I’d like to change the date.

C: OK, one moment. Can I just check? What’s the name please? D: The tickets are booked in the name of Judy Starr. C: Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Did you say Starr? D: Judy Starr. S-t-a-double r.

C: OK, yes. Two tickets for June the fifth. What date would you like to change to? D: What dates do you still have seats for?

C: There’s nothing on the sixth or seventh. Er, there are two seats for the eighth but they’re separate. We have …

D: Sorry, can you slow down, please? Two seats for?

C: Sorry, two seats for the eighth, but they aren’t together. Er, we can do you two seats together on the ninth of June.

D: Ninth of June. That’s fine.

C: OK. I’ll just go ahead and book that.

Conversation 3 E: Hello?

F: Hello, it’s Wendy here.

E: Oh hi, Wendy. How are you? F: Very well, thanks. And you? E: Yeah, fine.

F: Are you doing anything on Saturday? Because a few of us are going out for dinner.

E: Sorry, Wendy, can you speak up, please? I’m on Oxford Street and I can’t hear a thing. F: Do you want to go for dinner on Saturday? E: Oh, that sounds nice.

F: There’s going to be a few of us, Tom and Zoe, and Steve. E: That sounds like fun. F: Are you free? E: I think so.

F: Alright. Eight thirty, Saturday. Zanzibar’s. E: OK. Zanzibar’s on Saturday at eight thirty. F: That’s right. Brilliant. See you soon. E: OK. Thanks for calling.

Conversation 4

G = Receptionist; H = Caller

G: Thomson and Co. Who’s calling?

H: Hello, this is Andy. Andy Jones. Can I speak to Sarah Hobbs, please? G: I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment.

H: Ah, do you know when she’ll be back? I’ve tried her mobile three or four times and left messages, but she hasn’t called back.

G: She’s visiting a customer. She should be back this evening. Can I take a message? H: It’s about dinner tonight. I’ve had to cancel because of work. G: OK. I’ll ask her to call you back.

H: Thanks.

G: Does she have your number? H: It’s 0988 45673.

G: Can you repeat that, please? H: 0988 45673.

Group discussion Scripts

I’m going to tell you about my perfect day in Prague. Um, first of all, we’re starting the day in the main square. It’s a beautiful place to have breakfast in one of the cafés. It’s a little bit expensive, but we’re going to sit outside so we can watch the clock tower.

After breakfast, we’re going to walk through the old city, and go to Charles Bridge. There are some interesting statues on the bridge, and there’s a market where you can buy some souvenirs. From the bridge, we’re walking up to the Castle. And we’re going to have lunch in a restaurant near there.

In the afternoon, we’re taking a tram around the city. It’s a good way to see the sights because it’s cheap and easy. And afterwards, we’re going to relax in the park at Petrin Hill. Er, there is a tall tower here, where you can see wonderful views of the city, too. We’re going to a coffee shop in the afternoon, in the Municipal House, where they do wonderful coffees.

And then, in the evening, we’re planning to go to a classical music concert in St. Nicholas Church. You can come here to listen to Bach, Mozart or Vivaldi, and the atmosphere is very special. When it’s finished, we’re having dinner at Kolkovna, in the old town, which serves traditional Czech food, and then we’re going to spend the rest of the evening trying different bars in the old town, which serve very cheap, local beers. It’s going to be fantastic!

Further practice in listening

Short conversations Scripts

Conversation 1

W: I’m going to relax a little after such a hard week. How about a long walk this weekend?

M: Sounds good, but no high-heeled boots this time. I still remember last time you were dog-tired after a long walk in the woods.

Q: What can we infer from this conversation about the woman?

Conversation 2

M: One of the things I do on the weekends is cookout. It is fun to have a barbecue party with friends in the backyard.

W: Have you tried cooking with Coke? The sweetness of Coke adds a nice touch to the barbecue sauce.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

Conversation 3

M: The entry fee is $2 per person. The price for sweet cherry is $10 per kilogram. But you can have a 10 percent discount for the cherries if you pick more than 3 kilograms. W: Five of us picked 5 kilograms.

Q: How much should the woman pay?

Conversation 4

W: I was advised to take a weight-loss class. But I find it intimidating to exercise in front of others since I’m out of shape.

M: Exercising at home is also a great way to start and it helps build up your confidence. Q: What do we know from the conversation about the woman?

Conversation 5

M: How about going on a camping trip with us? We are planning on canoeing this weekend.

W: That sounds good. But I’ve never been in a canoe before and I am not much of a swimmer either.

Q: What does the woman mean?

Long conversation Scripts

W: Hello?

M: Hi Amy, it’s Ryan. I’m calling because I want to invite you and your sister Ashley to a dinner party this Saturday. My roommate Erick and I are hosting a 1960s theme party with a few other friends.

W: A theme party? Is that like a dress-up party?

M: Sort of … You’re certainly encouraged to dress in 1960s fashions! Short skirts, bright colors, and bell-bottom jeans! Or go to the beginning of the 1960s and come as one of your favorite actresses … But it’s not just cool clothes; we’ll have food, games, and entertainment inspired by the 1960s. In fact, we’ll start our meal with alien noodles in honor of all those space and alien TV shows.

W: Wait! Wait! What are “alien noodles”? Why not have regular noodles in honor of the movie The Godfather?

M: No way! The Godfather is from the 1970s. Anyway, alien noodles are bright green noodles with purple sauce! W: What?! That’s crazy!

M: Yeah! Anyway, there’ll be lots of other things. I don’t want to spoil the surprises. But just for you, we’ll end with light desserts and coffee from one of your favorite 1960s movies.

W: I can’t wait! Ooooooh, I have an idea. We can have a special bar and make fancy mixed drinks. They’re always drinking in old TV shows!

M: Perfect! And start reviewing 1960s music! We’re having a dance contest and a singing contest. W: This sounds like a lot of fun. Can I invite my roommate? She loves all of the classic movies from that time!

M: Of course – the more, the merrier! Anyway, it starts at 7:00 p.m. – my apartment.

Q1: What do we know about those people who are invited to the party? Q2: What is particular about alien noodles?

Q3: Why won’t they have regular noodles at the party? Q4: What other arrangements do they have for the party?

Passage 1 Scripts

Since I’m a student, I go to school on weekdays and so I don’t have too much free time. I usually spend six or seven hours at school. After that I either go downtown for some shopping or go home and study. If I have some free time during the week I might read a book or watch TV. Lately my evenings have been spent preparing for my graduation examination, which takes up a lot of time.

Even though I have a lot to do, I still have some free time for leisure activities. On weekends I like to go with my family to our cottage. I like taking long walks around the countryside and I like watching the seasons change. I have the most free time during the summer months. One of my favorite activities is to go canoeing with my friends. We borrow a couple of canoes and choose a nice spot on the river to begin. We spend the day floating down the river. Sometimes if it gets hot we jump in the water and go swimming. Of course we take breaks during the day; we stop along the river to prepare some food or to visit a local pub. In the evening we set up our tents and make a campfire. We spend the evening talking, singing songs, and enjoying nature. We often cook some sausages over the campfire. And one of my favorite things to do is wrap potatoes in foil and then cook them in the hot ashes. These wonderful trips, just like summer, always end too soon.

Q1: What do we know from this passage about the speaker? Q2: What does the speaker like doing on weekends?

Q3: How do the speaker and his friends spend the day when they go canoeing? Q4: What does the speaker most like doing when camping in the evening?

Passage 2 Scripts

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal of rock climbing is to reach the top of a formation or the endpoint of a predefined route without falling. Rock climbing competitions have 1) objectives of completing the route in the quickest possible time or reaching the 2) farthest point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is 3) recognized by the International Olympic Committee as a sport.

Rock climbing has been 4) separated into several different styles and subdisciplines. At its most basic, rock climbing 5) involves climbing a route with one’s own hands and feet and little more than a cushioned bouldering pad for protection. This style of climbing 6) is referred to as bouldering, since the relevant routes are usually found on boulders no more than 10 to 15 feet tall. As routes get higher off the ground, the increased risk of 7) life-threatening injuries makes additional safety measures necessary. Climbers will usually work in pairs and use a system of ropes and anchors 8) designed to catch fallers. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport that tests a climber’s strength, 9) endurance, and balance along with their mental control. It can be a dangerous sport and climbers are 10) putting themselves at risk when they go climbing. However, the risk can be reduced by having the knowledge of proper climbing techniques and using specialized climbing equipment.

Unit 4 Life under the spotlight

Listening to the world

Sharing Scripts

H = Hina; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc.

Part 1

H: I like reading about famous people and finding out about their lives. But I wouldn’t want to be famous myself. I’m happy being a normal person, doing a normal job. How do you feel about fame? Would you like to be famous?

Part 2

W1: Oh, I would love to be famous.

M1: Not particularly. I like to keep to myself. I’m a fairly private person. W2: No, I wouldn’t like to be famous.

W3: No, I don’t think I’d like to be famous. W4: I think I would, but not too famous. W5: No. M2: No.

W6: No, I wouldn’t like to be famous. Um, I think that people are too obsessed with fame, too

interested in fame these days.

M3: It’s not something I’d actively look for, no.

W7: Um, I’m not sure about that. I would like, like to be a bit famous but I wouldn’t like to be like,

really really famous, because you just don’t have time on your own anymore.

W8: I’m not sure. I think it’s very easy to get obsessed with the good things that fame can bring,

like the free gifts, and the doors opening for you, and all that kind of side of things.

M4: When I was younger, I used to want to be an actor. And thought, yeah, being famous would be

great, but er, but now I’m not so bothered.

Part 3

H: What would you like to be famous for?

W8: I’d like to be famous for doing something new and exciting.

M4: Um, these days, I’d like to be famous for doing something worthwhile, I think. Ah, for the,

sort of charitable work. W7: Maybe being a model.

W2: I’d like to be well-known as a graphic designer, but that’s not real fame.

W6: If I were to be famous, ah, I would like to be famous for an amazing invention, I think, or for

perhaps, a medical cure, something to cure cancer.

M3: I suppose directing films. If I was gonna be famous for anything, that would probably be what

I’d like to be famous for.

W5: I prefer to be anonymous. I like anonymity when I’m in the street.

Part 4

H: Which famous person would you most like to meet?

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程2 听力原文


