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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Learning about Language & Using

Language 配套练习 含答案详解

Unit 3 Under the Sea

Learning about Language & Using Language


1.The company says that the growth of 10% is target.

2. (understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.

3.There (be) no bus,we had to walk home. 4.Have you read the novel (reflect) the life of the Chinese doctors? 5.Half an hour later,Lucy still couldn’t get a taxi the bus had dropped her. 6. His hair is combed (neat) with a side part.

7. Young as she was, she could describe the whole story (vivid). 8. The naughty child is always turning everything in the room upside . 9. The child (scare) of the fierce dog, crying. 10. The other day we (narrow) missed hitting the other car. Ⅱ.短语填空

hang out; reflect on; hold down; upside down; be scared of; be aware of; be close to; in danger of 1.You are catching a cold if you don’t take any medicine. 2.Jim has never a job for more than a year.

3.I don’t know why he with James. They’ve got nothing in common. 4.It lunchtime when the children arrived. So everyone sat down for the meal. 5. It’s the third time that I have failed. I possible reasons for my failure. 6.Look! The picture on the back wall was hung . 7.We must the importance of the matter and take immediate actions. 8.We had a cat named Amy,but Brandy her. Ⅲ.句型训练

1. , there is a way. (where) 有志者,事竟成。

2. made his teacher very angry.

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Learning about Language & Using

Language 配套练习 含答案详解

他一次又一次的上课迟到使他的老师非常生气。 3. He likes to sleep . 他喜欢开着窗户睡觉。

4. Mills have iron pillars all over the place the roof. (hold up) 工厂里到处都有铁柱子支撑着屋顶。 5. He bought table.


6. The coal production (target)100 million tons this year. 今年煤的生产指标为1亿吨。

7.I flying. I’d rather go by sea. (scare) 我怕乘飞机。我宁愿坐船去。

8. He doesn’t seem the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. (aware) 他似乎没有意识到他们对待自己的申诉的冷淡态度。 Ⅳ.阅读理解

In Antarctica,when the long dark winter gives way to spring, ice begins to melt, and the sun stays in the sky all night long.

Into this brightly lit world, the large gray head of a Weddell seal (威德尔海豹) appears through a crack in the ice. The seal takes several deep breaths, and then she opens her mouth, turning her head from side to side. With her teeth, she gets rid of bits of ice. Seals are mammals, and they need to breathe air, for which Weddell seals use their teeth to make sure their breathing holes stay open.

The seal makes the hole bigger, and when she can fit her large body through it, she jumps out onto the ice—she is getting ready to have a baby. On the ice shelf, the Weddell seal gives birth to a pup (小海豹).The pup is about three feet long and is covered with thick fur that protects it from the cold wind. The pup drinks its mother’s milk and grows quickly. Within a few weeks, it is more than six feet long. Under the seal’s skin is a thick layer of fat called blubber, which keeps the seal warm in its frozen world.

When the pup is about two weeks old, it begins to dive with its mother. They slide through the

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Learning about Language & Using

Language 配套练习 含答案详解

breathing hole into the water below the ice, where the pup learns to swim, diving deeper and deeper. In order to stay underwater, it must learn to hold its breath and control its heart rate.

Below the ice, the sun shines brightly through the hole. Finding the opening to breathe is easy, but getting back onto the slippery ice can be difficult for a young seal. With practice and its mother’s help, the pup soon feels at home both on the ice and under it.

The young seal spends more and more time below the ice, where it learns to hunt for food. When the pup is about two months old, it will have to feed itself independently. When the pup becomes an adult, it will swim farther out in search of food, but it will always live on or under the ice. 1. Paragraph 2 is mainly about . A.the function of Weddell seals’ teeth B.the living conditions of Weddell seals C.how Weddell seals move under the ice

D.how Weddell seals keep their breathing holes open 2. According to Paragraph 3, the pup . A.grows slowly B.is born in winter C.is born under the sea D.is covered with thick fur

3. The pup begins learning to swim and dive when it is about . A.two days old B.two weeks old C.two months old D.two years old 4. For a young Weddell seal, . A.its father’s help is important B.getting onto the ice shelf is easy C.finding the breathing hole is easy D.learning to hunt for food is unnecessary Ⅴ.阅读七选五


Getting along with parents

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Learning about Language & Using

Language 配套练习 含答案详解

Mum and Dad are the most important people in your life, and they’re likely to influence you more than anyone else in your lifetime. It’s a parent’s job to love and guide kids, and most parents will do this as long as they live. 1 Here are four ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship with your parents.

Spend time together. It might be easy to be physically in the same place with your mum and dad. 2 Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV by yourself, maybe you should ask your mum and dad to play with you. You can go outside together, try a board game, or read a book together.

3 Many kids say they would like their parents to help them when they’re upset. But your mum and dad might not know that you’re having a problem. Tell your parents if you’re sad or struggling with something. If you don’t usually do this, give it a try and you will be glad.

Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum and dad. 4 It’s also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be so excited!

Show your care. Some families are always kissing, hugging, and saying “I love you.” 5 In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents can show their love by respecting each other, being caring, polite, and thoughtful.

A.But how much time do you spend just enjoying each other’s company(陪伴)? B.It’s important to show that you care for each other. C.But parents do a lot more than just pass down their hobbies. D.Share your feelings and ask for help.

E. Talk on the phone and e-mail each other to stay in touch. F. You can brighten your parents’ day with a hug, a card or a joke. G. That means you have many years to share with your mum and dad. 参考答案Answer:

Learning about Language & Using Language

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Learning about Language & Using

Language 配套练习 含答案详解

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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020年 选修 七 Unit 3 Under the Sea


