optical intermediate forms
申请(专利)号: DE2003611872T
专利号: DE60311872D1 主分类号: G11B7/007
ELECTRONICS N.V. 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: IB;
摘 要:
An optical record carrier for use in an
optical scanning device, the optical record carrier comprising an entrance face ( 5 ), an information layer ( 3 ) and at least one transparent layer ( 2 ), located between the entrance face and the information layer, through which data is to be read from the information layer, wherein the information layer includes a relief
structure ( 31 a . . . 31 d , 32 a . . . 32 d ; 33 ) holding data in read-only form. The data held in the relief structure includes thickness variation data indicative of a variation in the thickness of the optical record carrier between the entrance face and the information layer, due to a
variation in the thickness of the at least one transparent layer. At the time of manufacturing of the data carriers, the relief structure comprising the thickness
申请日: 2003-11-14 公开公告日: 2007-03-29
分类号: G11B7/007;
G11B7/09; G11B7/135; G11B7/26 发明设计人: MIJRITSKII,
ANDREI; BORG, J. 申请国代码: DE
优先权: 20021213 EP
02080326; 20031114 IB 0305226
摘 要 附 图:
varation data is stamped before the transparent layer is formed. 主权项:
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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