范文范例 学习参考
40.Rocket Energy Drink Company buys sugar to produce energy drinks. At the
end of a quarter both its inventory of sugar and its inventory of energy drinks has increased. Investment for the quarter will include 为何中间产物也算进投资增加?
a.both the increased inventory of sugar and the increased inventory of
energy drinks.
b.the increased inventory of sugar, but not the increased inventory of
energy drinks.
c.the increased inventory of energy drinks, but not the increased
inventory of sugar.
d.neither the increased inventory of sugar nor the increased inventory of
energy drinks.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:InventoryMSC:Interpretive
41.Which of the following items is included in GDP?
a.the sale of stocks and bondsb.the sale of used goods
c.the sale of services such as those performed by a doctord.All of the above are included in GDP.ANS:CDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Investment | GDP
42.Government purchases include spending on goods and services by
a.the federal government, but not by state or local governments.b.federal and state governments, but not by local governments.c.federal, state, and local governments.
d.federal, state, and local governments, as well as household spending by
employees of those governments.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Government purchases
52 ? Chapter 23/Measuring a Nation's Income
43.Which of the following items is counted as part of government purchases?
a.The federal government pays the salary of a Navy officer.
b.The state of Nevada pays a private firm to repair a Nevada state
c.The city of Las Vegas, Nevada pays a private firm to collect garbage in
that city.
d.All of the above are correct.ANS:DDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Government purchases
44.Recently, the U.S. national income accounts have switched to calling
government purchases
a.government spending and transfer payments.
b.transfer payments and gross investment by government.c.government consumption expenditure and gross investment.d.government wages, salaries, and investment expenditure.ANS:CDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Government purchases
45.A form of government spending that is not made in exchange for a currently
produced good or service is called a.a transfer payment. 转移支付b.consumption.c.investment.
d.None of the above is correct.ANS:ADIF:1REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
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范文范例 学习参考
46.A transfer payment is
a.a payment for moving expenses a worker receives when he or she is
transferred by an employer to a new location.
b.a payment that is automatically transferred from your bank account to
pay a bill or some other obligation.
c.a form of government spending that is not made in exchange for a
currently produced good or service.
d.the benefit that a person receives from an expenditure by government
minus the taxes that were collected by government to fund that expenditure.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
47.Transfer payments
a.are payments that flow from government to households.
b.are not made in exchange for currently produced goods or services.c.alter household income, but they do not reflect the economy’s
d.All of the above are correct.ANS:DDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
48.A transfer payment is a payment made by
a.consumers, but not in exchange for a tangible product.b.firms, but not in exchange for capital equipment.
c.foreigners, but not in exchange for a domestically-produced good or
d.government, but not in exchange for a currently produced good or
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
54 ? Chapter 23/Measuring a Nation's Income
49.Transfer payments are 转移支付不计入政府购买
a.included in GDP because they represent income to individuals.
b.included in GDP because they eventually will be spent on consumption.c.not included in GDP because they are not payments for currently produced
goods or services.
d.not included in GDP because taxes will have to be raised to pay for
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
50.Which of the following represents a transfer payment?
a.You transfer $1,000 from your bank account to a mutual fund.b.The government sends your grandfather his Social Security check.c.You make a payment to get legal documents showing you purchased a
previously owned home.
d.Your employer automatically transfers $100 each month from your wages to
a non-taxable medical spending account.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
51.Social Security payments are
a.included in GDP because they represent current income.
b.included in GDP because they represent potential consumption.c.excluded from GDP because they are not private pensions.
d.excluded from GDP because they do not reflect the economy’s production.ANS:DDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
52.Unemployment compensation is
a.part of GDP because it represents income.
b.part of GDP because the recipients must have worked in the past to
c.not part of GDP because it is a transfer payment.
d.not part of GDP because the payments reduce business profits.ANS:CDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
? 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
范文范例 学习参考
53.To encourage formation of small businesses, the government could provide
subsidies; these subsidies
a.would be included in GDP because they are part of government purchases.b.would be included in GDP because they are part of investment
c.would not be included in GDP because they are transfer payments.
d.would not be included in GDP because the government raises taxes to pay
for them.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Transfer payments
54.After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, governments within the
United States raised expenditures to increase security at airports. These purchases of goods and services are
a.not included in GDP since they do not represent production.
b.not included in GDP since the government collects taxes to pay for them.c.included in GDP since government expenditures on goods and services are
included in GDP.
d.included in GDP only to the extent that the federal government, rather
than state or local governments, paid for them.
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Government purchases
55.Which of the following items is counted as part of government purchases?
a.The federal government pays $2,000 in Social Security benefits to a
retired person.
b.The city of Athens, Ohio pays $10,000 to a tree-trimming firm to trim
trees along city boulevards.
c.The state of Nebraska pays $1,000 to help a low-income family pay its
medical bills.
d.All of the above are correct.ANS:BDIF:2REF:10-3NAT:Analytic
LOC:The study of economics and definitions in economicsTOP:Government purchases