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1. In the picture, the shelf is______the sofa. Many young people like this kind of design in their one﹣bedroom flat.( ) A.on

2. ﹣ Do you like outdoor activities?

﹣Yes, and I often go______with my father around Mochou Lake at weekends.( ) A.camping

3. ﹣ Whose English book is this on my desk?

﹣Oh, God. It's______.I'm looking for it everywhere.( ) A.me

4. Never throw______from tall buildings. Even small things may hurt or kill people below.( ) A.something

5. Please take the dog indoors______it bites somebody. There're some kids nearby.( ) A.before

6. ﹣ Li Hong______read English storybooks when she was three.

﹣Isn't that amazing? Most children of her age just like reading picture books.( ) A.can

7. ﹣Shall we go out for dinner with grandparents on Saturday evening, Dad? ﹣Yes. Your mum______a table in a nice restaurant online the other day.( ) A.orders

8. ﹣Your body itself can______the virus (病毒).Just drink water and have a good rest. ﹣Thanks, doctor. I'm feeling much better now.( ) A.catch

9. ﹣Could you tell me how to change water, Grandpa?

﹣Of course. Don't______the goldfish with your hand. A fishing net can help you.( )


B.under C.above D.below

B.swimming C.skating D.jogging

B.I C.my D.mine

B.anything C.everything D.nothing

B.when C.and D.after

B.can't C.could D.couldn't

B.ordered C.is ordering D.will order

B.fight C.lose D.hide

A.pick up

B.clean up C.put up D.grow up

10. ﹣ The students in Hangzhou make a one﹣metre hat to keep away from each other. ﹣______interesting news! It's a good idea to protect themselves from COVID﹣19.( ) A.How

11. ﹣Excuse me,______is a boat ticket for children?

﹣How tall is your child? You don't need to pay if your child is under 1.1 metres.( ) A.how long

12. Stella wants to borrow a book like Alice in Wonderland, which section should she go to in the library?( ) A.History

13. What can we leam from the dialogue below? ﹣Sally, shall we go cycling in the South Hill Park? ﹣I'm too tired to get up off the sofa.( ) A.Sally wants to have a rest now and doesn't want to go out. B.Sally doesn't like cycling but enjoys other outdoor activities. C.Sally went cycling with friends just now, so she is tired now. D.Sally likes her sofa very much and she doesn't want to get up.

14. ﹣______! Butterflies can taste with their feet. ﹣Really? The world is full of amazing things!( ) A.Look out C.No problem

15. ﹣ How was your trip to Mount Huangshan last year? ﹣_________. I hope to go there again.( ) A.We drove there C.It was really great

B.It took me two hours

D.People there were friendly B.Come on

D.Believe it or not




B.how much

C.how often

D.how many

B.How an


D.What an


16. One day, Maria was on the elevator (电梯)in her building when she noticed her neighbour, Mrs. Garcia, carrying a gardening shovel and a bag of soil. Maria(1)_______how Mrs. Garcia was able to garden in the city. \(过去)


grow the most delicious vegetables, and I know she misses her garden(2)_______we don't have a garden, \. Mrs. Garcia (3)_______, \. Maria thought that Mrs. Garcia would take her to the(4)_______but instead she presses the button for the roof (M JjJi). When the door opened, Maria was (5)

_______to see that there were plenty of placed gardening plots (园艺用地)on the roof. \(6)_______!\.

Mrs. Garcia told Maria that for a long time the roof was just an(7)

_______place. Then some of the people in the building asked the owners to turn it into a community garden. The building owners liked the(8)_______because the plants not only helped to keep the air clean, but they also helped to keep the building cooler during wanner weather.

\. Garcia said, \(9)_______would be surprised by different plants up here. Some people grow vegetables just like your

mum. You can do the(10)_______things in the city as in rural (乡村的)areas. You just have to be creative and think of new ideas!\

(1) A.wondered (2) A.if (3) A.whispered (4) A.park (5) A.happy (6) A.flat


B.checked C.decided D.asked

B.because C.so D.and

B.repeated C.agreed D.laughed

B.bush C.center D.room

B.surprised C.excited D.comfortable

B.forest C.pool D.garden

(7) A.outdoor (8) A.idea (9) A.he (10) A.different













四、阅读理解(共3小题,每小题2分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

17. Little leaves fall softly down Red and yellow, orange and ______ Whirling, twirling round and round Falling softly to the ground Little leaves fall softly down To make a carpet on the ground

Then, swish, the wind comes whistling by And sends them dancing to the sky

(1)We can put \A. brown

(2)The poem probably talks about________leaves. A. spring

B. summer

B. blue

C. black.

C. autumn

18. Cody and his sister April decide to buy a pet dog. They head down the local pet store and have a look around. It is a very small pet store that doesn't have many animals. The owner of the shop is a nice old man named Mr. Smith. He walks over and greets Cody and April. \. \

answers. \. Smith tells her \two dogs to choose from.\. Smith to show them the dogs.


Mr. Smith leads them to the back of the store where the two dogs are.One of them is a bulldog named Buster. The other is a small chihuahua named Teacup. April wants Teacup. Cody wants Buster. Which dog will they buy?

April suggests (建议)they race home for it _ The winner of the race chooses the dog. Cody tells April her shoelace is untied (角军开的).When April looks down, he runs off and gets a head start. Cody runs as hard as he can. Finally he wins.

After they return to the shop, they only find Teacup.They ask Mr.Smith where Buster is. Mr.Smith tells that two other boys walk in and buy the bulldog.Cody looks at

April, and she holds back a smile.Cody sighs. He turns back to Mr. Smith, \you win the race, but not the prize!\

(1)What can we leam about the pet store?________ A.There're only four dogs in the pet store. B.The owner of the pet store is Mrs. Smith. C.There're two kinds of dogs in the pet store. D.This is a big local pet store near their home..

(2)Why does Cody tell April her shoelace is untied?________ A.Because it's important for Cody to look after his sister April. B.Because it's dangerous for April to run if her shoelaces is untied. C.Because Cody wants April to tie her shoelaces first and then run. D.Because Cody wants to play a trick on April and starts to run first..

(3)How does Cody feel when he returns to the store and hears Mr. Smith's words?________

A.He feels happy because he wins the race.

B.He feels unhappy because he does something wrong. C.He feels happy because something good happens to him.

D.He feels unhappy because something he hopes for does not happen.

19. Horses are beautiful animals. They can be different colours, and can run quickly. People like to watch horses because they are strong and powerful. Horses are mammals. Mammals are animals that have hair or fur, are warm﹣

blooded, and usually give birth to their young babies. The mother horse generally has one baby in the spring, and feeds the baby milk. Horses have long legs, and big eyes that can see almost all the way around them. They can walk, trot, gallop and jump.

Young horses that are one year old or younger are called foals. A young female horse is called a filly, and a young male horse is called a colt. After 4 years, a horse is considering an adult. Many people think that a pony is a young horse, but that is wrong. A pony is a type of horse that does not grow very large.




