2. Read practice. 3. Make a chant. post-task activity Introduction Assignment and 生学习新的知识,更直观。 new 自己编儿歌,提高学生的积极性。 Introduce a thing to 从被动的模仿到自主创作,将所your friend. 学内容转化为自身知识。 提高学生伙伴学习的积极性,体会学习英语的快乐。 1. Read page 6,9 2. Introduce a thing to your parents. the second period
Teaching aims: Knowledge:
1. Learning the sentence pattern: Is it…? Yes, it. /No. it’s … 2. Using the sentence pattern to express. 3. Learning the sounds of the letters: p, b. Language skills:
1. Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation. 2. Understanding the key patterns.
3. Identifying the sounds by listening to the pronunciation. Feelings:
学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并通过游戏和表演来巩固新知识,创设良好的活动氛围, 让学生带着愉快的心情去迎接新挑战. Teaching procedures: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task warmer : 1. Greetings ( S—S) 引出新课主题。 preparation 1. Greetings 2. Introduce Kitty. 2. Sing a song Today is her birthday. Sing ‘Happy birthday’ to her. While-task Say and act: 1. Show a parcel. 通过问答复习新单词,并引出新句procedure Kitty’s birthday Touch it. Is it…? 并且有 2. Learn the 型的教学,教师亲自示范,让Touch this. Is it…? sentence 学生自然理解新Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. pattern. What is it? It’s … Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. 3. Listen to the text. 4. Listen and imitate. 5. Act the text 6. Make a new dialogue. Do you like it? Yes. /No. post-task activity Guessing game Learn the sounds: p, b 1. Touch a number Is it soft? Is it 5? 2. Touch letter p. 1.Learn the sound of letters p, b 2. Comparison Assignment 1. Read page 7,9 2. Make a new dialogue and act. 授内容。 先听课文,理解大意。随后模仿语音语调,引起学生兴趣,掌握正确发音。 通过自主表演,使学生始终保持学习的兴趣。 回忆自己的生日,自己编一段对话,激发学生的学习热情。 巩固touch的句型,引出字母发音教学。 对学生进行听的练习 通过比较,让学生区分字母发音,加深印象。 鼓励学生们在实际生活中运用学过的知识。
Module 1 Using my five senses
Unit 3 Can you hear a train?
Look and learn Listen and enjoy Look and say Play a game Enjoy a story
教时安排: 1st period 2nd period
The first period
认知内容: 1.单词:train, bus, car, van, bicycle, ship。 2.句型:What can you hear? I can hear… 能力要求: 1. 正确朗读、拼写单词。
2. 正确运用句型What can you hear?并回答。
情感态度: 学生通过声音来辨别交通工具。创设情境来提高学生的语言运
教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Warmer: 2. Ask and answer: 师先出个谜语,让学生来猜,再让学Pre-task Riddle: T—S/ S—S 生之间互相问答出preparation It’s big. It’s black and 谜,学生猜。激发white. It’s a farm 学生学习的兴趣,animal. It goes 为后面的学习做铺“Moo…moo…” 垫。 Presentation T: We can hear with 通过旧的知识来带出新的句型和单 Look and Learn: our ears. 4. 出示:ear 听老师词。 1. . Word: hear 读hear.让学生拼 2. What can you 操练句型的时候让While-task hear? I can _ear. 5. 操练句型:What 学生以多种方式来procedure hear… can you hear? I 练习。 can hear… Look and learn Look and say Play a game Enjoy a story Learn the sounds Listen and enjoy Train, bus, car, van, bicycle, ship Rhyme Can you hear a train? What can you hear? Beside the window Look and learn: Train, bus, car, van, bicycle, ship Play a game: post-task activity Show the different wall pictures. Imitate the sounds and have the students ask and answer questions in pairs. 1. 要求学生正确1. Listen: bicycle 拼读单词并了2. Sentence: I can 解词义。 hear a bicycle. 3. Show the picture 2. 通过打节奏朗读的方式来提on the street and 高学生学习的ask: What can 趣味性。 you hear? 4. Chant. a. Listen to the 看图听录音并模仿例子对话。 sound. b. Ask and answer question in pairs. . Eg. 让学生从模仿到提T: Boop…Boop… 提高学生S1. What can you 问对话,合作学习的积极hear? S2. I can hear a bus. 性。 Assignment 1. Read page 10, 13 2. Do Workbook (P10/ A, P12 / B,C ) The second period
认知内容: 1.掌握句型: What can _____ hear? _____ can hear _____. 2.学习字母:t d的发音
能力要求: 学会用所学的句型进行问答,创设简单的情境培养学生的语
情感态度: 通过本课时的学习,让学生对声音的辨别,有悦耳的声音和噪
教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Warmer: What can you hear? I can hear_____. Ask and answer: T—S/ S—S 师通过媒体发不同的声音,让学生来猜,进行问答。激发学生学习的兴趣,复习上一节课所学的内容,为后面的学习做铺垫。 通过旧的知识来带出新的句型。操练句型的时候让学生以多种方式来练习。 While-task procedure Presentation T: We can hear with Enjoy a story: our ears. What can ____ hear? The cat can hear _____ can hear… with its ears, too. 操练句型: What can ____ hear? _____ can hear… Learn the sounds: T tiger cat D dog red Listen and enjoy: post-task activity Have the students listen to the song. Then have them work in groups of four and try to make a new rhyme using other words for vehicles the have learnt. 1. 要求学生正确1. Listen: 拼读单词并了T tiger cat 解词义。 G dog red 2. Show the pictures 2. 通过打节奏朗读的方式来提of the letters and 高学生学习的the words. 趣味性。 3. Chant. a. Listen to the radio. 看图听录音并模仿朗读。 Here it comes b. Ask and answer question in pairs. . Eg. 让学生从模仿例子Down by the … 尝试自编儿歌,提Waiting for the … 高学生能力和兴… 趣。 Here it comes!