Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 What can you see ?
教学内容: Look and learn Look and say Play a game Listen and enjoy Say and act
教时安排: 1st period 2nd period Look and learn Listen and enjoy Play a game Say and act Look and say the first period white/ purple/pink/orange/ brown/black What colour are… ? They are … What can you see? What colour is it/are they? A rhyme In the park 教学内容:
认知内容: 能听懂会说white/ purple/pink/orange/ brown/black掌握句
型I see ...(colour)
It is … (colour)
能力要求: 会用英语与他人交流所见事物的颜色
情感态度: 我们生活在一个五彩缤纷的世界里,让孩子用色彩来表达对事
教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Pre-task Daily talk a. How is your spring festival? preparation Now winter is over and spring is coming. What colour is spring/summer/autumn/winter? Spring is ____. Summer is ____. Autumn is ____. Winter is ____ . Read the b. Show the rhyme of seasons rhyme Spring is green. Summer is red. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white. Purpose 以问答开场直接引入主题. 开导学生用颜色表达四季复习所知道的颜色 While-task procedure Listen and enjoy P2 purple 玩偶通过引入a. Cause spring is coming.What’s the 彩虹来weather like in spring? 教授单 词 Spring is a rainy season. What can you see after raining? Do you like the rainbow? Where can you see the rainbow? What colour is the rainbow? b.Look at the video 编培培养学生Colour the rainbow 成段地( 表述习Look at the rainbow. 惯,引入It’s shining over there. 媒体教It’s outside my window. Isee …(red/orange/yellow/green/blue 学看听学三维purple). 直观教c.Teach the purple 学,既符Look at the balloons . 合学生How many purple ballons? 的年龄There are …purple ballons. d.listen to the radio and encourage 特征又适度拓the students to repeat 展了教 学内容。 e. Make a new rhyme a. show a picture of a park what can you see in thepark? What colour is …? It’s … (revew all the colours) What’s your favourite colour? I like … best. b. Ask and question with ur deskmate a. copy the new words b. listen and repeat the text and try to recite the rhyme p2 通过听,跟读,说这三个步骤的层层递进,使机械的操练活动进入到意义性的交流,巩固活用语言知识。 post-task activity Assignment Look and learn the second period
认知内容: 1. 能听懂会说句型What colour is it /are they? It is /They are …
能力要求: 1. 能在日常生活中用以上的句型进行对话
情感态度: 鼓励孩子用所学的句型在公共场合与他人进行交流 教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Daily talk a.who can recite the rhyme? 日常对preparation Who can make a new 话复习rhyme? 巩固 b.What colour is the rainbow? What’s your favourite colour? What colour do u like best? 看图,通While-task Look and say a picture of a park procedure what can you see in the 过问答引出新 park? 授句型, I can see … 通过对 What colour is it? 话练习 It’s … 巩固。 What color are they? They are… Encourage the students to 通过听 use the sentences to make a 力引入复习所 dialogue with deskmates b.Now , listen Alice and Peter 学句型 are in the park. What are they 并适度拓展。听 talking? P: Listen! What can you hear? 说读三 A: Maybe a bird. Where is it ? 项结合。 P: Look at the tree. What can you see in the tree? A : I can see a nest. P:Look at the nest. It’s brown and lovely. Oh, What a pretty bird. It’s flying out the nest. A : I like birds. I have a parrat in my room. P: What color is it ? A : Its body is orange and post-task activity Listen and repeat P3 Activity Assignment green. Its mouth is pink P: Sounds colourful. c. Ask and answer Where are they? What can they hear? What can they see? What’s in the tree? What colour is the nest? What’s in the nest? What colour is Alice’s parrot? Let students to answer d. show the whole dialogue with words let students to read in roles a. Look and say: listen and read b.using the sentences to make a dialogue with desk mates c. read in the park P4 play the game in groups and using the sentences : eg: Aa Bb Cc , a cat What can you see? I can see a cat. What colour is it? It’s brown . a. Listen and read P3-P5 b. Try to make a dialogue with the sentences as activity 通过游戏巩固句型
Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 2 Touch and feel
教学内容: Look and learn Look and say Say and act Play a game Listen and enjoy
教时安排: 1st period watch, bag, soft, hard, rough, smooth Is it…? Yes, it. /No. it’s … Kitty’s birthday Touch and guess Chant 2nd period a. Look and learn b. Look and say c. Listen and enjoy a. Say and act b. Play a game c. Learn the sounds: p, b the first period Teaching aims: Knowledge:
1. Learning new words: watch, bag, soft, hard, rough, smooth 2. Learning sentence patterns: Is it…? Yes, it. /No. it’s … Skills:
1. Understanding the key words in context.
2. Using the new words and sentence patterns to communicate with others. Feelings:
学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并能通过有趣的儿歌来巩固新学的词汇及句型。
Teaching procedures: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose 复习旧知,为学Pre-task Warmer: 1. Greetings 习新知做铺垫,preparation Chant: a book, a T—S/ S—S 并激发学生学习pencil, I can see. 兴趣。 While-task Presentation 1. Show a bag and 承上启下,引出单词与句型的教procedure Look and learn: ask: Is it a book? watch, bag, soft, hard, 2. Learn the new 学。 rough, smooth, pen words and Look and say: sentence pattern. Is it…? Yes, it. /No. 3. Practice in pairs it’s … Do you like it? Yes. /No. Listen and enjoy 1. Listen to the 通过仔细的听和认真的模仿使学 chant.