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Unit 5 Reading for Writing

Ⅰ. 根据提示完成句子

1. Can anybody deny that Mozart has a talent (天赋) for music? 2. The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions (assume).

3. In addition to (除了) painting, he also has a great interest in music. 4. With the last kid passing the finishing line, the coach smiled with satisfaction (satisfy).

5. I somehow (不知怎么地) don’t like the way he speaks to people.

6. We have bought some advanced experiment equipment (设备) for the school lab. 7. The number of the unemployed (失业的) has increased these years.

8. When you are graduating from school, you may be faced with various (各种各样的) options.

9. John has been absent because he had two teeth taken(take)out yesterday. 10. I’ll have the gardener plant (plant) some trees. Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. It was obvious that he was lying. 很明显他在说谎。

2. I think nothing is more pleasant/enjoyable than reading. 我认为没有比读书更让人愉快的了。

3. I was about to go outside when the telephone rang. 我正要出门, 就在这时电话响了。

4. The Internet makes it possible for us to work or shop at home. 网络使我们在家里工作或购物成为可能。

5. Though her family was poor, she managed to finish her college education. 虽然家里很穷, 但她设法完成了大学学业。

6. The reason why she was absent is that she was ill. 她今天缺席的原因是她病了。

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Ⅰ. 阅读理解


Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults. Indeed it is. Scientific studies have proved it. Music has so many good effects on our body, mind and mood that this world will certainly not be a good place without music. Then, is music good for children? Some parents think so and let their children learn or listen to music. But some parents don’t know the importance of music to children. Here are some reasons why music is important to children.

First, music is good for children’s intelligence. Studies have proved that children who learn music are likely to have higher intelligence than those who have no interest in or dislike music. This is because the brain gets stimulated (刺激) by the rhythm and tone of music.

Music also has soothing (抚慰的) effect on children and helps remove their stress. Today’s children are under a lot of stress from schoolwork. Being under too much stress impairs children’s health. Luckily, listening to music can help them feel better.

Music can improve children’s moods. Some children are sad by nature. They seem to be lost in their own thoughts and don’t take an interest in their surroundings. In such cases, a method known as “music therapy” comes to their rescue. It changes their moods and places a new kind of spirit in them.

Music is also a universal language that children ought to learn. Our world has become a global village. People are getting more and more interested in other cultures and countries. Music can help them in understanding foreign cultures.

Now we can say that music is very important not only to adults but also to children. So children should be encouraged to learn music or listen to music. 【文章大意】孩子们接触音乐对他们很有好处, 父母应该多让孩子接触音乐。

1. By mentioning scientific studies in Paragraph 1, the author wants to show .

A. why adults should listen to music

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B. children should listen to music

C. listening to music is only good for adults D. why scientists are interested in music

【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第一段的“Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults. Indeed it is. Scientific studies have proved it. ”可知, 作者是为了表明听音乐对成人有益, 也就是为什么成人应该听音乐。

2. What does the underlined word “impairs” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Harms. B. Changes. C. Improves.

D. Shows.

【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据第三段最后一句“Luckily, listening to music can help them feel better. ”可知, 画线词所在的句子是指“太多压力会‘损害’孩子的健康”。 3. The last but second paragraph shows that listening to music means . A. learning languages better

B. understanding foreign cultures better C. accepting the fast developing world easily D. showing greater interest in other cultures

【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Music can help them in understanding foreign cultures. ”可知, 听音乐可以帮助他们更好地理解外国的文化。 4. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Why do Children Love Music? B. How to Choose Music for Children C. How to Teach Children Music Easily D. Why is Music Important to Children?

【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知, 本文主要是讲为什么音乐对孩子们很重要。


(2019·海淀高一检测 )

It was May 23, 2016. Arnot, the 32-year-old mountain guide, reached the top of Everest without the use of oxygen (O2) equipment. It was achieved after seven years, three previous attempts, and fourteen straight hours of climbing.

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