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Sales contract

日期(Date): 合同编号(Contract no):

买方(The buyer):

地址 (Address): 电话(TEL): 传真(FAX):

卖方(The seller):

地址 (Address):

电话 (TEL): 传真(FAX):

本合同由买卖双方达成一致,按照下列合同规定的条款签订本合同: The seller and the buyer agree to conclude this contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格、数量、单价和总价

Cargo description, Quantity, Package, Unit price, Total amount: 货物描述 Cargo description Total (CIF Qinzhou Free Trade Port) 大写: SAY

2. 原产国别(地区)和生产酒庄: Origin and the production chateau: 3. 装运条款Terms of shipment 1)装运方式: Container: 2)运输方式: Transportation: 3)起运港: Port of loading:

4)装运期限:装运期限不迟于201 年 月 日。 Time of shippment: Before

5)卖方应选择信誉良好的运输公司作为合同货物的承运人,并在发货后3个工作日内将运输公司的信息通过邮件及传真方式发送给买方。 The seller shall choose a reputable shipping company as the carrier for the cargo and send the information of the shipping company to

数量 Quantity 瓶 箱 Bottles Cases 单价/瓶(欧元) 总额(欧元) Unit price(EUR) Total amount/Bottles (EUR) the buyer through mail and fax within three working days after the shippment.


Partial shippment not allowed and transshipment allowed. 7)目的港:

Port of destination: Qinzhou Free Trade Port, Guangxi, China 8)海运费:由卖方负责

Freight: Borne by the seller 9)保险费:由卖方负责

Insurance: Borne by the seller


The seller's package shall be suitable for red wine handling, loading, and ocean transportation. 11)运输标志: Shipping marks:


To be covered by the seller for 110% of invoice value after shipment. 5.付款条件:信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后日内到期。 Terms of payment:letter of credit:The buyer shall,______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this contract comes into effect, Open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the seller. The

letter of credit shall expire__ __ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. 卖方单位名称(Beneficiary’s name): 卖方银行名称(Name of seller's bank): 支行(Branch):

支行地址(Branch address): 支行号(Branch NO.): 帐号(A/C NO): 国际汇码(Swift code):

6.单证要求:卖方应按中国进口葡萄酒报关、报检要求准备相应数量的单据,在货物抵达目的港前将以下齐全单证寄达买方, 卖方协助买方完成进口口岸文书工作。所有单证在寄出前,卖方必须扫描给买方审核。如果卖方不能按时向买方提供完整、准确的单证给买方造成的滞柜费、滞报金等,由卖方负责承担;如果因单证问题不能清关的,造成买方的一切损失由卖方负责赔偿。

Document required:The seller shall complete the following documents and post to the buyer before the goods arrived at the port of destination, And the seller will fully assistant and cooperate with the buyer for paperwork at duty. All documents before being sent, the seller must scan to the buyer for review. If seller can’t timely provide complete and accurate documents to the buyer to cause the

demurrage, delayed declaration etc, shall be borne by the seller; If documents problems cause can’t customs clearance and the buyer can’t delivery the goods to the client on time. The seller shall be liable for paying compensation for all the losses.

1)合同原件一份,标注成交和结汇方式,交货期限,装货港和卸货港,原产国。Contract in one original, which notices payment and delivery terms, port of loading and port of discharge, Country of origin. 2)原产地证书正本一份 Certificate of origin in one original 3)卫生证明书正本一份 Sanitary certificate in one original 4)分析证明书正本一份 Certificate of analysis in one original 5)装瓶证明书正本一份 Certificate of bottling date in one original 6)商业发票正本三份,注明合同编号 Commercial invoice in three original,indicate contract number

7)装箱单正本三份,注明发票号码 Packing list in three original,indicate invoice number

8)提供酒庄备案登记表、酒庄的商业登记证。 Winery and business register certificate of the winery in one copy

9)提单正本一份,如将货物以电放方式释放,只需要复印件一份。 Bill of lading in one original. If the cargo is released by telex, only one copy of bill of lading is needed.

10) 酒标实物正标,背标各一式六份。 Original front side & back side labels for each wine in six copies.



