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High school exit tests are tests that students must pass to graduate from high school. In the last few years. however, a number of states in America have dropped them. Although some states still use them for diplomas, the number is down from a high of 27 states during the testing craze promoted by No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

The appearance of this phenomenon is small wonder. Researches clearly show that exit tests have little positive effects on students. A 2014 report found exit testing was associated with lower graduation rates, negatively affected labor market outcomes, and, most alarmingly, produced a 12.5 percent increase in incarceration( 监禁)rates. Exit exams, the study concluded, had tended to add little value for most students.

Exit testing relies on the following assumptions. One is that standardized testing can serve as a kind of “quality control”for high school graduates, guaranteeing that graduates are college ready.The other is that they have predicting value for future success in academic situations.

But there is little evidence. The tests don't exactly measure what they pretend to measure. For example, qualities such as intelligence, academic ability, college readiness are not determined.Those that should be developed in all young people, like responsibility, critical thinking,and empathy (移植),are not measured,either.Even supporters of exit tests have acknowledged that they don't offer reliable data.

Thus, more and more people are suggesting that exit test scores ought to be just one component of the high school diploma. Schools should consider many other records including credits earned, courses taken,activities, service, projects and other elements of academic accomplishment so that students can be evaluated flexibly. In other words, exit test scores should never be the only criterion for high school diplomas.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】

High school exit tests have been cancelled in some states in America in recent years. This is not surprising because studies show they do little good to students. Instead of ensuring college readiness and academic success, they actually don't measure what should be measured. Therefore, exit test scores should only be one part of the standards of high school diplomas. 【解析】 【分析】



【点睛】所给范文清楚明确地概括出了文章的主要内容。语言简练,用词准确。适当运用了一些较好的词汇和句式。例如:cancel;do good to;ensure;academic success;宾语从句(what should be measured)等。 【标题】浙江省温州市2019届高三5月高考适应性测试英语试题 【结束】



