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专题08 通知写作及实战演练-2021高考英语应用文写作思维训练和写作重点句型汇总

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通知可分为口头通知和书面通知。口头通知所使用的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。在做口头通知时,称呼可以为ladies and gentlemen(较正式);everyone(非正式)或boys and girls(学生)来表示,要先将听众的注意力吸引过来,而后再做通知。常使用的过渡句有:May I have your attention, please? 或Attention please. I have an announcement to make. 结束语往往可以用That's all. Thank you (for your attention). 而书面通知主要包括:标题(居中)、首段介绍活动的背景目的;接着介绍活动,包括活动目的,具体内容,时间地点等;结尾常放置希望或祝愿的表达;最后发通知单位或日期(右下角)。


例:请准时到会。口头:Be sure not to be late. 书面:Everyone is required to be present on time. 为避免命令之嫌,通知中常采用被动语态或“please+祈使句”表示要求。

如:All teachers are required to meet in the school meeting room at 4 pm on Friday to celebrate Teachers' Day.

Please be there on time. 二、通知可用的句式

1. All teachers and students will be requested to do... 2. Every one of you is expected to be part of the event. 3. An exciting event ... is around the corner. 4. Don’t miss the chance. Please get there on time. 5. Please attend it on time and don't be late. 6. Everyone is welcome to attend/take part in it.

三、高考真题:(2018·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括: 1.短片内容:学校的发展;




In an effort to acquaint(使熟悉) us students with our school history, a short English movie called Growing Together is scheduled to be shown in the lecture hall of our school this Saturday afternoon. It will begin at 2 p.m. and last around 1 hour. All students are expected to participate and you are bound to be proud of our school after watching it.

Hopefully, you’ll have a good time. And we would appreciate it if you could make any comments on this movie and give valuable suggestions.(93)

Student Union October 8, 2019


To enrich students' campus life, the Students’ Union is going to invite all the students to enjoy an English movie called Growing Together, which mainly focus on the school development. (活动背景和意义)

The movie is scheduled in the lecture hall of the Art Building from 20:00 p.m to 20:30 p.m. on Sunday evening. (活动时间地点)This movie will not only arouse the pride of all the students in our school, but also serve as a motivation for everyone to study hard.(活动意义)【 Those who intend to participate in it are welcome to see it for free. Meanwhile, you are required to be there 10 minutes earlier and while watching the film, please keep quiet and clean.(注意事项)】

Hopefully, you would make it to our activity. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. I have the confidence that you will have a great time then.(结束语)

The Students' Union

四、实战演练:假如你校学生会(Students' Union)要举办一次英语演讲比赛(contest),请你用英语写一篇书面通知,以便张贴到布告栏上。内容如下:1.比赛目的:提高学生的英语口语水平

2. 比赛时间地点:2017年11月20日下午4点四楼阶梯教室(auditorium) 3. 相关事宜(如评委、奖项设置等)

1. 为了提高学生的英语口语,我校学生会将于2017年11月20日下午4点在四楼阶梯教室举行一次英语演讲比赛。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 邀请了5名老师,包括Mr.Smith来作为评委。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 设置一个一等奖,三个二等奖及五个三等奖。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 参加比赛的学生到你班班长处报名。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 欢迎所有同学来观看比赛。___________________________________________________________________ 五、独立作业:假如你是某国际学校的学生李华,你校学生会拟组织一次书法展(a calligraphy exhibition),请你按照以下提示写一则通知。鼓励同学们踊跃提交作品。

1.举办的目的以及时间地点; 2. 参赛作品要求; 3. 参赛奖励。


假定你是李华,为迎接5月31日“世界无烟日”(World No Tobacco Day),你校学生会将举办英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求写一则英文通知,内容包括:

Ⅱ比赛的时间和地点; Ⅱ演讲的内容(吸烟的害处,摆脱烟瘾的建议...); Ⅱ演讲时长,报名方式及截止日期。


As the World No Tobacco Day is drawing near, which falls on May 31st every year, an English speech will be held in the reporting hall of our school at three o’clock on April 21st. It is aimed to call on people to stay away from tobacco.

The content should include the harm of smoking, especially the harm to the teenagers. Please offer some practical advice on how to get rid of the smoking. Every contestant should limit his or her speech to 5 minutes. You can send an email to us at info@qq.com. before April 16th.

The Students' Union

(电子邮件通知)假定你拽一个涉外小区,社区委员会请你帮忙用英文以短文的形式写一封电子邮件,将下周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。要点如下:1. 下周六上午8:00到11:00; 2 内容:采摘苹果; 3. 报名:办公室,下周一下5:00前; 4. 提示:戴帽子、手套。欢迎踊跃参加。 Ladies and gentlemen,

We are glad to tell you that there will be a picking activity next weekend intended for enriching our community life. Here are some relevant need-to-knows.

First, the activity will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, and last for three hours. And the main thing we’ll do is to help farmers pick apples on the farmyard. Then it should be stressed that people who are interested in it have to come to the community office to sign up for it before 5 p.m. next Thursday. You should also remember to

专题08 通知写作及实战演练-2021高考英语应用文写作思维训练和写作重点句型汇总


