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19.Betty can play chess ______ she can't play the 七下Module 2测试题 piano. A.so B.and C.but D.or 1.---Is Jenny ______ at singing?

20.I can run fast.I'm really fit and ______. ---Yes, she sings really ______. A.good;

A.healthy B.health C.unhealthy good B.well; well C.good; well D.well; good

21.He's always ______ help others. 2.–Who is the man over there ? Is it Mr. Li?

A.ready to B.ready for C.ready at --No, it_____be him . Mr. Li is much taller.

22.Tom is friendly,so he can ______ with other A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t

3.—What’s your favorite TV show? students. ——_______favorite TV show is I am a singer. A.get on well B.gets on well C.get well A.I B.me C.my D.mine 23.He works very hard,and he does ______ at 4. Mr Li _____ in the classroom, because I saw school. A.good B.well C.bad him coming into his room just now. 24.They can teach ______ English. A.must be B.mustn’t be C.can be D.can’t be A.my B.mine C.we D.us 5.He works very hard because he wants ______ 25.—Can you swim?—______. A.Yes,I money for his family. can't B.No,I can C.Yes,I can D.No,I'm not A.to make B.doing C.look for 26.Mark can _____ basketball. He usually 6.Lingling wants to learn to speak English, ______ ______basketball with his friends. A.play; she can join the English Club. play B.plays; plays C.play; plays D.plays; play A.so B.but C.or D.because 27.Tom can play ______ football and his brother 7.His mother is a dancer. She can dance very ______. Mark can play ______ piano. A.good B.nice C.well D.fine A.the; the B./; the C.the; / D./;/ 8.Miss Liu teaches ______ music. ______ all like

阅读理解 Hello.I'm Linda.I'm ten years old.I am a

her. A.we; Us B.us; We C.our; Us D.our; We

student.I like dancing and reading.Luo Ling is my

9.---Tony, can you sing?

friend.She is Chinese.We are in the same(相同的)

---No, I ______, but I ______dance.

class.Luo Ling likes watching TV and A.can’t; can’t B.can’t; can

swimming.She can speak Chinese and English.I can C.can; can’t D.don’t; can

speak English but I can't speak Chinese.Our English 10.Riding a bike is good for you. What about

teacher is Miss White.She likes singing and _______ the Bike Club?

reading.She can speak English and

A.join B.joins C.joining D.to join

Chinese.Mr.Black is our maths(数学)teacher.He is

11.They _______ English in England, but they learn

a good teacher.His favourite sport is football. Chinese at school.

33.Linda is ______ years old. A.8 B.9 C.10 A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak

34. Luo Ling likes ______. 12.______ me ______ your class monitor.

A.dancing B.swimming C.reading A.Choose;as B.Choosing;as C.Choose;

35.______ can speak English and Chinese.

be D.Choosing;be

A.Linda and Luo Ling B.Luo Ling and Miss

13.It's important to ______ others. White C.Mr.Black and Miss White A.get on well with B.get well with 36.Miss White is a(n)______ teacher. C.get on with D.get on well in

A.English B.Chinese C.maths

14.My father likes basketball very much.He is good

37.Mr.Black likes ______.

at ______ basketball.

A.watching TV B.reading C.playing football

A.playing B.play C.plays D.to play


15.As a ______ monitor,you should ______ at

56.Meimei can cook eggs?(对画线部分提问)

school. A.good;does well B.good;do well

______ can Meimei ______?

C.well;do well D.good;do good

57.I want to meet some of my friends this Sunday.

16.—Would you like to join the Dancing Club?

(改为同义句) I _____ ______ to meet some of

—______. A.Yes,I'd like B.Yes,I'd like to

my friends this Sunday.

C.Sorry D.No,I'd like to 58.I can swim.(就画线部分提问) 17.I like singing.I ______ play the piano,but I ______ can ______ ______? ______ play basketball. A.can;can B.can't;59.Let us ride a bike.(改写同义句) can't C.can;can't D.can't;can ______ ______ riding a bike? 18.He sings well.He can ______ a singer. 60.I think English is easy.(变否定句) A.is B.sing C.be D./ I ______ ______ English ______ ______.


61.We can sing songs.(变否定句) We ______ ______ songs.

62.Lingling can draw very well.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

______ Lingling ______ very well? ______, she ______.

IV、单词拼写(本大题共3小题,共3.0分) 63.My father enjoys ______(read) newspapers. He doesn’t like watching TV.

64.Liu Ye wants ______(be) the cleaning monitor. 65.His drink tastes sweet, but (她的) doesn’t. V、补充句子

(1).Can he ______(help)the old man? (2).Are you coming with ______(we)?

(3).Jim can make ______(we)classroom tidy. (4).You can ask your brother ______the club. (join)(5).We can teach ______(he)English. 67.用所给词的适当形式填空

(1).He enjoys ______(play)ball games. (2).He can swim ______(real)fast.

(3).I often help my mother do ______(wash)on Sundays.

(4).I'd like ______(be)a good teacher.

(5).Just watch me in the playground between ______(lesson).

(1).What about ______(swim)? (2).I like ______so I can join the Food and (cook),Drink Club.

(3).You may choose ______(you)favourite club. (4).Don't worry about ______(England). (5).There are lots of new ______(club)in our school.

69.He can run really f______. 70.We can t______ you Chinese.

71.Come and j______ the Music Club!

72.I work very hard,and I do w______ at school. 73.He can make our room t______.

74. A: Hi, Jenny. Who would you like to (1)______ as our PE monitor?

B: I want to choose Tony. A: Why do you choose Tony?

B: (2)______ he is good at sport. A: He is short.

B: Yes, he isn’t very tall, (3)______ he can play football very well. And he is also good at playing tennis.

A: (4)______ he run fast? B: Yes, he can. He runs very fast. A: Do you think he is the best?

B: Yes. He is kind and he is always (5)______ to help others. He can help us get the best score!

A: Good. Let’s choose Tony. VI、翻译


Betty can play tennis ______ ______. 75.李雷会讲汉语和英语。

Li Lei can ______ Chinese _______ English. 76.汤姆不喜欢历史。你呢,杰克?

Tom doesn’t like history. ______ _____ you, Jack? 77.我会做米饭,但仅此而已。

I can cook rice, but ______ ______ ______. 78.我姐姐想买一件黄色的连衣裙。

My sister ______ ______ to buy a yellow dress. 79.你帮助你妹妹洗衣服吗?

Do you ______ your sister ______ the clothes? 80.周末,我们经常在家打扫卫生。

We often ______ ______ at home at weekends. VII、单词造句

82.I,get,usually,best,the score,in,match,every. 83.choose,and,me,we,can,our,make,beautiful,school.

84.I,be,want,the,monitor,PE,to. 85.he,always,is,kind,and,ready,help,others,to.

86.we,teach,can,Chinese,you. 87.can,he,club,which,join?

88.Chinese Club,join,I'd,to,like,the. 89.I,speak,can't,well,very,English. VIII、选词填空

90. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空

(1).Tim __________ at school. He always gets the best score.

(2).How beautiful! Your school is __________ a big garden.

(3).Alice __________ Chinese. She can write letters(信)in Chinese.

(4).I __________ my sisters and brothers.

(5).Lily ______ help her mother clean the house. 91.

(1).Look, my grandmother is ______ the dinner. She is so busy.

(2).There are so many clubs this term. Which would you like to ______?

(3).I can ______, so I want to join the Music Club. (4).Mike is in a hurry ______ he can’t find his cat. (5).Can you ______ us to draw, Miss Li?




