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一、 与话题相关的单元:

相关单元: 初一上 Unit 5 Visiting the Moon, Unit6 Travel around Asia. 初一下Unit 1 Traveling around the world. 初三上 Unit 3 Family life

2. 词语相关:

高频词: festival, activity, holiday, birthday ,Christmas, ,go swimming、,customer ,price, culture,wonderful, delicious, fresh, relax, send, visitor, restaurant, sunshine, ,celebrate, amazing, succeed, accept, gift, stupid, century, beauty, respect, be made of.

高频短语:take part in, pay the bill, go shopping, enjoy oneself(have a good time), make jokes about, succeed in doing sth, feel like doing sth. , take care of, such as, go abroad, after dark, millions of.

拓展词及词语:the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, celebrate, Merry Christmas out of fashion, department store ,on sale, be similar to, unfortunately 3. 经典句型:

a. It takes sb some time to do sth b. Sb pay ….for

c. Sb spend …on sth/(in)doing sth

d. Great changes have taken place in shopping these years.

e. Quite a few changes have taken place in shopping since the development of the Internet. f. ……is one of the most important festivals in….

g. It has a very long history and many beautiful views; place of interest It’s a good place to visit. l: ....is famous for

m: It is adj. (for sb.) to do sth. n: sth. is too adj. (for sb.) to do



假设你是Emily,你们学校每年都有外出旅游的活动,上星期四你们去了番禺长隆欢乐世界(Chimelong Paradise)。请你根据下面的内容写一篇短文。 1. 当天天气不冷不热,大家觉得很舒服。 2. 长隆欢乐世界离广州约一小时车程。 3. 到达那里的时候,同学们都很兴奋。 4. 完了很多游戏,最喜欢的玩的是打水仗。 5. 回来的时候,很累但很开心。

注意:1. 词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 提示中的信息要全部用上,可适当发挥。3. 文章中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名字。 Every











解题思路: 1). 审题:

a. 本文共有 5 个要点 b. 时态主要采用 一般过去时 c. 人称是__第一人称_______ 2).可能用到的单词、短语和句型: 1. ...neither cold nor hot, feel comfortable 2. ...took us an hour to... by bus 3. arrived there, ...excited....

4. played lots of games...., liked most...., played with water... 5. ...tired but happy...

3). 可能用到的连接词:and, but, so, when等 4). 成文:

Every year we have a chance to go sightseeing. Last week we had a trip to Chimelong Paradise. On that day, the weather was neither cold nor hot. We felt comfortable. It took us an hour to Guangzhou Chimelong Paradise by bus. When we was arrived there, we felt excited. We played lots of games. We like most played with water. Came back home, we felt tired but happy.


点评:整篇文章,内容点达到,结构基本完整,主要出现句子结构不完整和时态问题。 分项分档评分表 项目 内容 6分 要素 给分表 3-2.5 2 1.5 1 0 切合题意,6-5.5 5—4.5 4-3.5 体现要点 有所发挥 5 6-5.5 准确语 法 性 6分 词 汇 机械性:大小写,拼写和格式等错误 流畅结构 性 3分 自评总分: 11.5

5)检查思路 完成作文自查表:

5—4.5 4-3.5 4.5 3-2.5 2 1.5 1 0 3-2.5 2-1.5 2 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 如果没有问题的,请在项目后打√。


项目 布局与内容要点 人称 时态、主谓一致 动词搭配、介词搭配 拼写错误 好词好句 6)参考例文:

第一次自查 第二次自查 3

Every year we have a chance to go sightseeing. Last week we had a trip to Chimelong Paradise. On that day, the weather was neither too hot nor too cold. And we felt very comfortable. It took us about one hour to get there by bus. We were all very excited when we arrived there. We played a lot of wonderful games. What I liked most was playing with water. I was tired but i enjoyed myself. It was really amazing. 三、 练习:

春节前夕,你邀请朋友-Jack到你家做客,并向他介绍中国的传统节日:春节。 春节是中国最重要的节日,就像西方的圣诞节。

在春节前夕:人们做清洁并把房子布置得漂漂亮亮的;人们还为新年购置新衣服和礼物。 除夕夜:人们吃团年饭,聊家常。他们会守夜庆祝新一年的到来。

春节期间:人们一大早起来穿得漂漂亮亮的去亲戚朋友家拜年。他们互相祝愿“新年快乐”。小孩子还可以拿到“红包”。人们可以在街上看舞狮(lion dancing)。 你对春节的看法:? 解题思路: 1. 审题:

a. 本文共有 个要点 b. 时态主要采用 c. 人称是_________

2. 可能用到的词语(写在要点旁边)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 可能用到的句型

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 成文:




检查思路: 完成作文自查表:

1. 如果没有问题的,请在项目后打√。

2. 如果有问题,请在项目中圈出来,并在文中做出修改。

项目 布局与内容要点 人称 时态、主谓一致 动词搭配、介词搭配 拼写错误 好词好句 参考例文:

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people just like Christmas in the West. All people who live far away from home go back to their hometowns and celebrate the Spring Festival with their relatives and friends.

Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, wash their clothes and bed sheets. They also decorate their houses to make it prettier. What’s more, people do some shopping for new clothes and shoes for the children as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives. All of people have a good time this day.

On New Year’s Eve, the whole family have reunion dinner together. They usually stay up late and set off fireworks to welcome the coming new year that night.

On the first day of Spring Festival, everybody dresses up and begins to visit or welcome relatives, friends and loved ones. They greet each other “Happy New Year”. Children can get lucky money in red envelops from adults. There are also lion dancing in the streets. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!

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