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朗文英语1A Chapter 4全英文说课稿

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朗文英语1A Chapter 4全英文说课稿

Distinguished teachers,

My name is. I am from . My topic today is My pencil case, Chapter 4 in Longman Welcome to English 1A. I will talk about it in five parts, 1st about the text, 2nd about the teaching method, 3rd learning method, 4th about teaching procedures, 5th about layouts.

About the text Text analysis

Longman welcome to English applies the concepts of modules, units and tasks throughout the course. Each module contains several units which are thematically or conceptualli related. These themes and concepts are explored through different tasks in the key stages. The theme of this chapter is talking about the thing in one’s pencil case. Pupils learn the names of different colours and stationery. They talk about the things in their pencil case in terms of quantity and colours in oder to play a guessing game.

Teaching Objectives

According to requirements of quality-oriented education and the spitit of new curriculum reform, I set

my teaching objective as follows:

To introduce pupils to the names of different colours and stationery.

To encourage pupils to talk about the quantity and colours of different stationery. By the end of this lesson, the pupils will be able to describe his/her pencil case, using colours and quantity.

Learning Targets

To provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics

To recongnise some obvious features of the English Language in simple spoken and written texts such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of and alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English; and apply this awareness to one’s initial and use of the language.

Teaching procedure:

First I will greet my pupils as usual, ask them how are you and listen and comment on their response. Few times

later, I will ask them to look around the classroom in Christmas atmosphere. Try to collect the colours in the classroom. Meanwhile, I will put the specific colours on the white board. After they give all the colours out, I will show them a rainbow without colour. This can arouse their interest in talking about colours because they will give colours to the pale rainbow. Through this, they can practice what they’ve learnt. Give comments to this part. E.g. as long as you all master the colour, I will give you a magic box! To go to the next part about stationery fluently.

I will introduce the magic box in a very mysterious voice to draw the pupils attention.e.g. I bring a magic box for you! Do you want to know what’s inside? Please put your hand in it and touch! Pick one!

Then I will ask one of them come to the front and ask What is this? Take it out, please!

Pupil will guess what it is according to what they feel. And I will give comments like Great! You are so smart! Meanwhile I will ask the weaker ones to repeat.

At the end of this part, I will bring all the flash cards

朗文英语1A Chapter 4全英文说课稿


