《英语词汇学 》 复习资料1
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
Directions: Complete the following statements with proper words.
1. The 1 is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words.
2. 2 are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English
3. The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from
two different angles: 3 approach and synchronic approach.
4. “Mal-” in “maltreat” is a 4 prefix, while “inter-” in “ interstate” is a 5 prefix.
5. Old English is described as a language of full endings, Middle English language of 6
endings, and a language of 7 endings.
6. In modern English, one may find some 8 words whose sounds suggest their meaning,
for these words were created by imitating the natural sounds or noises. 7. The word meaning is made up of 9 meaning and 10 meaning, and the later has
two components: conceptual meaning and 11 meaning.
8. Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or 12 . 9. 13 is thought to be the opposite process of suffixation.
10. 14 is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a
part of another word. 11. 15 refers to the jargon of criminals. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups, and
outsiders can hardly understand it.
12. “Pretty” and “handsome” share the same 16 meaning,but differ in 17 meaning.
13. ___18___analysis is a process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal
components which are also known as semantic features..
14. Radiation and 19 are the two coinages which the development of word meaning
follows from monosemy to polysemy.
15. 20 deals with the relationship of inclusion, i.e. the meaning of a more specific word is
included in that of another more general word.
Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false”.
1. Homonyms are descendants of different sources whereas a polysemant is a word of the same
source which has acquired different meanings in the course of development.
2. Words of the basic word stock are mostly root words or monosyllabic words, so they have
strong productivity.
3. “Can-opener” used as slang to mean “all-purpose key”. 4. Native words are neutral in style.
5. The Indo-European language family is made up of most languages of Europe, the Far East, and
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