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八年级英语上册Unit 2练习题


1.The ___________ (long)of summer holiday is nearly two months. 2. We have many ______________ (many) weeks off in the summertime this term. 3. If you want to keep ________________ (health), you must do more sports.

4. Millie is a good student. She is in the_______________ ( nine ) Grade this term. 5. Red is ___________________ (popular ) than black.

6. Sandy is very thin and weak. She eats the ________________ (little) food in our class. 7. A club is a_______________ (please) place to spend our free time. 8. My mother always cooks _______________ (taste) meals on Sunday. 9. This is a_________________ (无用的) dictionary.

10. I study in an _________________ (理想的) school in Shanghai. 11. We are not interested in the __________________ (乏味的) film. 12. What do you _________________ (确实) want to do? 二. 用所给动词的适当形式完成下例句子

1. Tom ______________ (hurt) his leg yesterday.

2. Eddie is crazy about sports. He doesn’t spend much time__________ (learn). 3. Be quiet! The students _____________ (have) an English class. 4. Watching TV is better than________________ (do) housework. 5. My father____________________ (fly) to Beijing in two hours. 6. You’d better_________________ (not go) out. 7. This is a_________________ (drive) lesson .

8. He told me________________ (not talk) in class.9. 9. ________________ (read) books is very interesting. 10. Does your father enjoy________________ (drive) a car? 三. 选择填空

( ) 1. What________ your school life_________ ?

A. does; like B. do; like C. is; like D. is; likes

( ) 2. Millie has_________ than Kitty.

A. more egg B. fewer carrots C. least rice D. most bananas

( ) 3. Simon scored__________ points in the exam.

A . most B. the most C. less D. the least

( ) 4. Do you and your brother_________ each other?

A.is like B. be like C. are like D. look like

( ) 5. Tommy usually chats________-the phone_________ his friends.

A. with; on B. on; at C. at; on D. on; with

( ) 6. The teacher will give us a talk on how________ English well.

A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned

( ) 7. Millie has________ free time than Sandy because she has________

work to do than Sandy.

A. less; more B. fewer; more C. least; most D. fewest; most

( ) 8. This classroom is bigger than______________ .

A. any one B. all these ones C. any other one D. all ones

( )9. One of my_________ is clean, but_________ one isn’t.

A..foot, other B. feet; the other C. foot; the other D.feet;the other

( ) 10. This kind of fruit____________ .

A. taste sweetly B. looks well C. sounds beautiful D.tastes delicious

( ) 11. My T-shirt is beautiful. It’s ________ than_________.

A. much; beautifuler B. beautiful; your C. more; beautiful D. much more


( )12._____________ of the women is my mother.

A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest

( )13. Bob doesn’t know the answer to the question. I don’t know_____ . A. too B. either C. also D. neither ( )14. We ought to spend__________ money doing_________ things.

A. fewer; good B. fewer; better C. more; better D. less; better ( )15. Suzy’s jeans are the same______ Anna’s but different_______ Elsa’s. A. as; as B. as; like C. as. from D. like; as 四. 翻译句子

1. 在这里,大一点的学生将会给新生讲述学校生活。

Here,_________students will ________________new students about____________. 2. 英语正变得越来越重要。

English___________________________________________________________. 3. 你想知道我们的学校生活是什么样的吗?

Do you want to know_______________________________________________? 4. 我上次数学考试考了最高分.

I ______________________________________________ in last Maths exam. 5. 每年冬天我们有大约四个星期的假期.

We have ___________________________________________in winter. 6. Simon在家庭作业上花的时间比我少.

Simon spends _________________________________________than me. 7. 他病了,不得不在医院里呆了一个星期.

He is ill and ___________________________________________a week. 8. 中国和美国差不多一样大。

China is almost _______________________________________America. 9. 我妹妹喜欢学如何煮饭和洗衣服。

My sister likes _______________________________________________. 10. 他的服装和我弟弟的不一样。

His clothes are ______________________________________________. 11. 我的牛奶比妹妹的少,但我弟弟的牛奶最少。

My milk is ____________________but my brother’s is _____________________. 12. 你认为八点钟太早还是太晚?

Do you think 8 o’clock is __________________________________________? 13. 你喜欢去哪里度假?

Where do you __________________________________________________? 14. 我们都知道台湾属于中国的。

We all know that Taiwan __________________________________________.



