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第一篇 回顾与展望

回顾过去,东亚地区发生了深刻变化,取得了巨大进步。展望未来,我们可以满怀信心的说推动东亚经济和社会发展达到新的水平已经具备了比较良好的条件。 In retrospect, profound changes and tremendousprogress have taken place in east Asia. Lookingahead we can say with full confidence that relativelysound conditions exit for east Asia to raise itseconomic and social development to a new level.


It has become the shared understanding of east Asian countries to maintain regional peace andstability, develop economy, science and tecnology, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, andpromote common prosperity. East Asian countries are committed to the development of theirrelations on the basis of mutual respect, trading one another as equals, and non-interference inone another’s internal affairs and properly adressing some existing differences through friendlyconsultations. With political stability, east Asian countries enjoy good relations amongthemselves. This has provided an important prerequisite for the sustained economic progress ineast Asian countries and the development of their economic cooperation.


East Asian countries have built up significant economic strength. Some have entered thedeveloped stage, others enjoy the rank of newly industrialized nations, and still others havebarked on the road of rapid growth. Endowed with rich human and natural resources, countriesin this region have formuilated their development strategies in light of their actual conditions,constantly reajusted their industrial structure, effectively shifte

d modes of growth, promotedscientific and tecnological progress, and strenghtened external economic exchanges. All thesehave provided a broader scope for east Asian countries to engage in economic cooperation.


Through their long histories, the peoples of east Asian countries have created their own finecultural traditions. These cultural traditions attach great value to social communities, upholdsuch virtues as self-respect and self- strenthening, arduous effort, industriousness, frugality,modesty and eagerness to learn. They stress harmony in handling human relations and standfor peaceful co-exitence in international relations. These cultural traditions constitute valuablespiritual legacy. As long as east Asian countries keep up with the trend of the times, and carryforward and imply those cultural traditions and wisdom with oriental features in light of theiractual natural conditions, while vigorously absorbing all fruits of human progress and civilization,the development of economic cooperation in east Asia will be further boasted by these spiritualmotivations. 总之,从政治、经济、文化地缘等各方面看,东亚都是当今世界一支不可忽视的力量,东亚地区经济发展的前景是光明的。

All in all, east Asia in today’s world is a force that cannot be neglected politically, economically,culturally or geografically. The prospect for east Asia’s economic development is promising.


Of course, while fully recognizing the economic achievements in east Asia, we must also looksquarelly into the difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead. For instance, east Asian countiessuffer to very degress from untenable economic structures, floid financial systems, crude modesof growth, backward infrastructures, and the enormous pre

ssures brought by overpopulationand the increasing needs for environmental controls. These problems need to be adressedseriouly and resolved effectively.


South-east Asia’s recent crisis has taught people a profound lesson. A normal functioning ofthe financial syetem is crucial to the overall economic stability and development. To maintain asound and stable financial order and to closely intertwine in globle economy, it is imperative forcountries to work to improve their financial system, policies and supervision, to strengthenthose regional and international financial cooperation, and jointly ward off excessive speculationby international hot money. Only by doing so can we effectively maintain the internationalfinancial order.


We believe that as long as we work together, peoples in east Asia will certainly build a betterfuture in the new century.


Freedom of the press is a relative term. In myopinion, firstly, the press should be unrestrained.Secondly, the press should be responsible to societyand thirdly, the press should promote social stabilityand progrss. The three aspects are integrated, equally important and inseparable. It is harmfulto one-sidedly strss only one aspect as this would cause some problems.



The united states once faced the situation: it had much sustain for liberalism at the verybeginning. However, its undue emphasis on the society resulted an excessive abuse of thefreedom of the press. This was the period of the development of the press theory. Later on,the America press perceived their own problems and therefore put forward the concept of theresponsible press or the theory of social responsibility, bringing the development of the presstheory into the second period of development. Now the world has entered the post-cold warperiod of peace and development. People all over the world yearn for social environmentcharacterized by stability, progrss, and peaceful development. They earnestly hope the mediawill play an even greater role in promoting social stability and progrss instead of causing socialturbulence and retrogression. This post-cold war period,I believe, characterizes the emergingthird period of development for the press theory. In my opinion, china’s media is strving to putthe three aspects I mentioned earlier into pratice.


Many of the reports on china by the media of the west are not acurate and sometimes veryunobjective and very unfair. Reports on china’s development are rarely seen in weaternnewspapers. They show littleconcer for china’s rapid progress but care only about the difficultiesand problems. If one rely only on those reports and ignore the reality of china, the picture ofchina in one’s mind would be a society soon to callapse. But quite on the contrary, china is avery stable society and economically rapid growing country.



We often report problems that exits in government’s work. Readers may find that our reportson these problems are totally different from western reports. We know these issuses arosenaturally in the process of our development. The purpose of our report is to let the readersoffer solutions to these problems, not to stur up social turmoil and lead to misunderstandingsor even to the distortion of what is really happening. Only by reporting in this way can a newsmedium be regarded as responsible to society.


Family planning and environmental protection arechina’s basic state policies and vital to improving thequalities of people’s lives. We should concentrate ourefforts on the management of family planning andrelated services in rural areas and among the floating population so as to control populationgrowth. We should improve pre-natal and post-natal care and fost phisical fitness among thepopulation.


We must tighten control over and protection of arable land, water, forest, grasslands andmineral, sea and biological resources. We should institute the system of paid use of naturalresources to ensure economical and rational uses. We should stricly deal with and controlpollution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valleys. We should publishstandards for monitoring environmental quality in large cities.




