论文题目:基于JSP技术的文档信息管理系统的设计与实现 Design of Document Management System Based on JSP
摘 要
关键字: 文档管理 信息化 JSP 文件上传 JSPSmartUpload 基于角色的访问
Along with the globalization and the informationization speed up day by day, the arrival of knowledge economy time and the general application and dissemination of the network technology , traditional paper office work suffer huge impact,we will receive a great quantity file and data, which come from various department or field ,and we need write , store , signature , retrieve it in daily life . In the past , the process of document management often complete by hand ,which need a large number time and workload . But now ,all the work target is that high efficiency in the modern society ,even though user stroe deal with document resource by computer ,but they may be faced with all kinds of difficuty .
Under widely application of information technology , enterprise informationization gradually turn into measuring the management level of a enterprise and also become the core competition of a enterprise .
this information management offer eight function. Such as : the management of system、the upload of the common document、the browse of the common document、the upload of the common subject、the browse of the common subject、the management of the personal information、assist management、help。Among this information management ,the management of system、the upload of the common document、the browse of the common document、the upload of the common subject、the browse of the common subject are the main function module of the system,other function is the necessary supplement of the system , they are all together make up a small Document Management System .Pass through shared network , the system realize the exchange and the coordination of the document information , so then , improve the daily management efficiency of company .
this article introduce a document management information system that help us improve our office management level , and introduce detailly the configuration , the design , and the development of the whole system .
Key words: Document management , informationization , JSP , document upload ,
JSPSmartUpload , role_based aceess control