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TEFL New Concept English 1

The house rose to the singers. 全场起立向歌唱演员们致意。 ★subject n. 话题;[语法]主语;科目 How many subjects do you have in your class? theme n. 论文,演讲的主题 topic n. 一篇文章或对话的主题

★conversation n. 谈话 This is our favorite subject.

This is our favorite subject of conversation.

英国:大不列巅及北爱尔兰联合王国 England 英格兰 Scotland 苏格兰 Ireland 爱尔兰

Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰 Wales 威尔士

Lesson 55 The Sawyer family Lesson 56 What do they usually do?


1,总结第三人称单数动词加后缀的情况。 2,一天中各个时间段的理解和掌握

3,重点词汇:arrive,home,together,usually 3,某一家人的表达方式。

★live v. 住,生活

① v. 居住,生活 ② v. 活,生存 二、教学步骤

1、引入话题(详见右框)。2‘ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2‘ 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5‘ 4、分角色朗读课文 5,讲解课文





引入话题: What do you usually do after class? And what about your family? Do you have any hobbies? TEFL New Concept English 1

My grandmother lived until she was 94. Fish can‘t live long out of water. ③ v. 过生活;享受生活乐趣 At 40 he was just beginning to live.

他到40岁刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。 You haven‘t lived till you‘ve been to Paris. 你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。 ④ 靠……生活(by/on) He lives by playing the violin.

He lives on the fortune left to him by his father. ⑤ adj. 现场的 live show 现场演出

live:长期居住在 …;短期住

live in 住在一个比较大的地方(国家、城市) live at 住在一个比较小的地方(区、街道) They live at Eighty-seven King Street. inhabit:世世代代居住

reside[???????]:(正式用语)合法居住在 … I live in Beijing, but I really want to reside in Beijing.

life n. 生活 make a living 谋生

What you get is a living, what you give is a life. 得到的是生存,付出的是生活。

★stay v. 呆在,停留 ① v. 呆在,停留 ② v. 逗留,暂住

We were staying at the same hotel. ③ v. 保持,保留

The house has to stay exactly at it was. 这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。

★home n. 家;adv. 到家 stay at home:呆在家 homework n. 家庭作业 homely adj. 家常的 homely dish 家常菜 homeless adj. 无家可归的 homelike adj. 像家的 homeland n. 祖国 homesick 想家


TEFL New Concept English 1

homemade adj. 家里自制的 hometown n. 家乡

★housework n. 家务 do the housework 做家务活

★together adv. 一起 drink tea together 一起喝茶

My friends and I often drink tea together at weekend.

★arrive vi. 到达 ① v. 到达,到来

The train is expected to arrive in London at 8.20 p.m. 火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。 ② v. (时间等)来临,(婴儿)出生

At last the day of granduation arrived. 毕业的那一天终于来临。 Elizabeth‘s bady arrived at midnight. 伊丽莎白的婴儿是午夜时分降生的。 arrive in(大地方)/arrive at(小地方) I get school very early everyday. reach vt. 到达(及物动词) reach Beijing

三, 课文精解

1、The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.

the Sawyers是指索耶一家。在英文中,姓氏后面加s,前面加定冠词the,用来指一家人,特别是丈夫和妻子。

2、She always eats her lunch at noon. at noon下午,也叫midday in the morning/ afternoon/ evening at noon/ night

如果说某日夜里,则用介词on on the night of June 2

3、They arrive home early.


Lesson 57 An unusual day Lesson 58 what’s the time?


TEFL New Concept English 1



2,一般现在时与现在进行时的对比,理解两种时态的不同含义。 3,复习it的不同用法,指时间,天气等 4,乘坐交通工具用by(步行on foot)


1、引入话题(详见右框)。2‘ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2‘ 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5‘

4、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。25‘ 5、分组角色扮演,朗读课文。10‘ 6、看图片背课文比赛。15‘



★o'clock adv. 点钟

what‘s the time?/ What time is it? 1、 整点:It‘s … o‘clock.

2、几点过几分:It‘s 分钟 past 点钟. 或 It‘s 点钟 分钟. 在某个钟点的1到30分钟内,用past表示。 It‘s eight past three. It‘s six ten.

3、半点之后:It‘s 分钟 to 点钟.

时间是在某个钟点的31分到下一个整点,常用介词to。 It‘s twenty to seven.

以上两种情况也可用直接读出钟点和分钟的方式来表达。 4、半点:It‘s half past 点钟. It‘s half past ten. 5、一刻钟

① 几点15分:a quarter past 点钟 ② 几点45分:a quarter to 点钟 表示在什么时间通常都需用介词at。 三, 总结

引入话题: What time is it now, class? How did you come here?




一般现在时表达某个习惯性动作,通常与时间频度副词连用,如usually,always,often,sometimes,never等;现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般与now,at the moment,today,this afternoon,this evening,tonight等连用。


TEFL New Concept English 1

Lesson 59 Is that all? Lesson 60 What’s the time?


1,句型:Is that all? What else do you want? 2,学习主格I we they以及复习其对应宾格。 1, 熟练掌握提问时间并知道整点回答。 2, 可数名词复数的变化部分规律。 5,单词及课文要求背诵。



2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2‘ 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5‘

4、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。25‘ 5、分组角色扮演,朗读课文。10‘


★writing paper 信纸

paper (论文)/ newspaper 中的 paper 是可数的

writing paper 是不可数的(a piece of paper,a sheet of paper)

★size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小 ① n.(衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号 special size 特大号 small size小号

large size 大号 pocket size 袖珍型

medium size中号(均码) portable size 便携式的

② n.(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量)多少 There are houses of all sizes in that town. We have chosen some boys all of the same size.

★glue n. 胶水 (不可数) a bottle of glue

★chalk n. 粉笔 (不可数) a piece of chalk

a box of chalk/ a large box of chalk /small boxes

★change n. 零钱,找给的钱 ① n. 找头;零钱 I have no change about me.


新概念第一册教案完整版 - 图文 


