3260 棒料切割机结构设计.doc(全套图纸)
专业: 学号: 1334095854 姓名: 指导教师: 雨辰
关键词:切割机 机电一体化 气压 棒料 PLC控制
Based on the research of the cutting process, this subject adopts mechanical and electrical integration of system design idea, the overall modeling, mechanical structure and control system design, bar stock cutting the mechanical and electrical integration system is mainly composed of four parts: the basic machine, electronic control unit, actuators, and power supply. Working principle is the motor drives the cutting piece of high-speed movement, motor and adopts the hinged support method between the workbench, a falling cylinder can be driven to move up and down push cutting disc blade cutting action completed order, each hydraulic cutting machine adopts PLC control reversing valve electromagnet, implement automatic cutting and blanking bar work and tests. And servo table speed can also be through the clamping manipulator clamping bar to that of the bar speed synchronization. Transverse cutting when the cutting speed can be adjust by hydraulic cylinder. Field operation shows that, the design of the cutting machine is fast, smooth movement, and convenient with computer on line, it can improve the labor intensity of workers, to achieve automatic control, improve labor productivity.
Casting rod wire cutting machine in continuous casting, it is a can effectively improveproductivity, but also in terms of price and use can be accepted by the majority of usersof a new automatic control cutting machine. PLC controlled pneumatic casting rodcutting machine, which combines automatic pressure control, robotics and PLC control technology. PLC control various pneumatic solenoid valve, cylinder driven by a robot to complete the sequence of the cutting process, to achieve an effective combination of mechanical design, electrical controls and pneumatic controls. This cutting machine haseasy to control, stable performance, simple structure, regulation, easy maintenance,high productivity advantages, has broad application prospects.
Keywords:Cutting machine Mechanical and electrical integration Air pressure Bar
PLC control
绪论 ................................................................... 1 第一章 切割部分设计 .................................................... 1
1.1切割部分设计要求 ................................................ 2 1.2切割部分方案设计 ................................................ 2 1.3切割部分结构设计 ................................................ 3
1.3.1砂轮片的选取 ............................................... 3 1.3.2电机的选取 ................................................. 3 1.3.3带传动设计 ................................................. 4 1.3.4升降气缸的选择 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.3.5滚动轴承的选取及校核 ....................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章 夹紧部分设计 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1夹紧部分设计要求 ................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2.2夹紧部分方案设计 ................................ 错误!未定义书签。 第三章 纵横行走部分的设计 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1设计要求 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.2方案设计 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.3直线导轨的选择计算 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.3.1选定条件 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.2选择方式 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第四章 PLC概述 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.1可编程控制器PLC的基本原理 ...................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.2可编程控制器的特点 .............................................. 5 第五章 电气控制线路的设计 .............................................. 6
5.1电气控制线路设计的一般要求 ...................................... 6 5.2电气控制线路的设计方法 .......................................... 6 5.3气动原理图设计 .................................................. 7
5.3.1气动原理图 ................................................. 8 5.3.2控制流程图 ................................................. 9
结论 .................................................................. 10 致谢 .................................................................. 11 参考文献 .............................................................. 13