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作者:王旻烜 张佳 何皓 张家仁 来源:《环境与发展》2020年第02期
摘要:城市生活垃圾的处置一直是环保问题的关注点,城市生活垃圾会对环境带来非常大的伤害,而且会影响到城市居民的生活与健康。针对城市生活垃圾处理方法有:焚烧法、填埋法、堆肥法。我国城市生活垃圾大部分混合收集,厨余垃圾量占比较大。本文概述了三种垃圾处理方法的优缺点,同时也简述了受到广泛关注的垃圾热解气化技术。 关键词:城市生活垃圾;垃圾处理;热解气化;生物质废物
中图分类号:X799.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-672X(2020)02-00-02 DOI:10.16647/j.cnki.cn15-1369/X.2020.02.028
Abstract:Disposal of municipal solid waste has always been a key issue for environmental protection.Urban solid waste is very harmful to the environment and will affect the life and health of urban residents.For municipal solid waste treatment methods: incineration,landfill,and compost.Most of the domestic garbage in China is collected in a mixed way, and the amount of kitchen waste accounts for a relatively large amount.This article outlines the advantages and