Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】
班级:____________ 姓名:_____________ 得分:____________ 说明:考试时间80分钟,卷面满分为120分。
Part I Listening Comprehension
一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词选项,填在括号中(10分): 1. ( ) A. zip B. zebra C. zoo 2. ( ) A. box B. fox C. ox 3. ( ) A. fish B. fan C. fine 4. ( ) A. map B. monkey C. man 5. ( ) A. wolf B. window C. well 6.( ) A. leaf B. lazy C. lion 7. ( ) A. red B. radish C. rain 8. ( ) A. yellow B. yarn C. yawn 9. ( ) A. goat B. gate C. good 10.( ) A. queen B. quail C. quilt
二、听录音,选出划线部分发音不同的选项,填在括号内(5分):1.( ) A. apple B. vase C. parrot 2. ( ) A. egg B. jet C. leaf 3.( ) A. lion B. fish C. ink 4. ( ) A. ugly B. beautiful C. duck 5. ( ) A. box B. wolf C. koala 三.听录音,填出所缺字母 (15分)
1)___ubway 2)___oot 3)__lass 4)___uck 5)___anda 6)___iger 7)__gloo 8)___ump 9)__ _ifteen 10)_ __es 11)_ __en 12)_ _anana 13)__ippo 14)_ __pple 15)_ _uarter 四.Listen and tick (√). 勾出你所听到的句子.(5分)
1)(A) Where is the sack (B) Where is the sock (C) Where is the hat 2)(A) This is a taxi. (B) This is an apple. (C) This is a cat.
3)(A) The panda is over there. (B) The panda is here. (C) Where is the panda 4)(A) What are they doing (B) What are you doing (C) What are the Ted’s doing 5)(A) What’s your name (B) How are you (C) Here you are.
五.听录音,选择正确的单词填入单词中.(9分) 六. 听老师读单词,给下列单词排序(6分)
log cup lip wet hug cat ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 七. 听音圈词(10分) 1 cup cap cop 2 bat bet but 3 hip hap hop 4 met mut mit 5 coke cake cute 6 tube tide take 7 moon cook room 8 fish dish wish 9 sir fir bir 10 beef feed feet
Part II Reading and Writing
一、 选择题(10分): 1, ( ) 香肠
A.snake B. yawn
2, ( ) 小货车
A.car B. van
3, ( ) 螳螂
A.mantis B. butterfly
4, ( )大门
A.door B. gate
5, ( ) 修女
A.bucket 6, ( )pumpkin
A.西瓜 B. 梨子 C.南瓜
7, ( )toast
A.吐司 B. 面包 C.蛋糕
8, ( )radish
A.胡萝卜 B. 白萝卜 C.小萝卜
9, ( )tin
A.瓶子 B. 罐头 C.听
10. ( ) under
A.在···上面 B. 在···下面 C.在···中间
二、 正确默写26个大小写字母,每个字母写出一个相关单词(26分):
三. 依照图画补充对应单词所缺的字母。(8分)
n_ se ___ake __gg ___oon
四.读出下列单词 (16分)
can fan bat mat cap lap sad dam hip hit mix six bib dig net hen hop mop pot bug rug rub pup bud mud cut log jet cake lake mate kite like hose pose cute tube make hide fine