第一章 公共用语 口述题
1. Please say something about your hometown. 请评价一下你的家乡 例一(简单)
(1) My hometown is Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful city. 我的家乡是大连。大连是一座美丽的城市。It is in the Liaoning Province, facing the Bohai Sea. 它是在辽宁省,面对渤海。There are about 5 million people in the city. 大约有500万人在城市。 (2) It is a famous tourist coastal city in China. Its climate around the year is suitable and comfortable for living. 它是着名的旅游沿海城市 ,整年的气候很合适,舒适对于的生活。The sky is blue and the air is clean. There are many famous spots attracting many tourists every year. 天空是蓝色的,空气是那么清新。有许多着名的景点每年吸引了很多游客。
(3) The specialties of Dalian is the seafood. There are many good restaurants providing delicious seafood. 大连特色是海鲜。有很多好的餐厅提供可口的海鲜。 例二(稍难)
I come from Zhoushan我来自舟山Zhoushan is a city in Zhejiang province舟山是浙江省一个城市It is a small city with a population of about 100,000. 这是一个小城市的人口大约10万It is located by the sea. It is a famous tourist city. 它坐落在海边。这是一个着名的旅游城市Many tourists come to visit my hometown, they enjoy their summer holidays in my hometown. 许多游客来我的家乡,他们在我的家乡享受暑假。People here are very friendly. Now you can see many new buildings, modern-looking residential houses, many straight country roads connected to broad highways, and green trees and plants with flowers everywhere. 这里的人也很友好。现在你可以看到很多新的建筑物,时尚的外表住宅,许多笔直乡村路,连接到公路,到处是绿色的树和植物和鲜花。It is a famous tourist city in China. It is noted for its beautiful sea and clean environment and ship building and repair industry. 它是中国着名的旅游城市。这里出名的是漂亮的海洋和又乾净的住宿环境和船舶制造和维修行业。 2. Please say something about yourself. 说说你自己的情况
。1)My name is …,I am …years old. I graduated from Dalian Shipping College. My major is marine navigation. I am 25 years old. I come from Dalian. 我的名字是…,我…岁。我毕业于大连航运学院。我的专业是航海技术。我今年25岁。我来自大连。
(2) I am a third officer. My daily work includes watching-keeping, maintaining firefighting and lifesaving equipment etc. My watching time is from 0800 to 1200 . and . when at sea. (2)我是一名3副。我的日常工作,包括值班,维护消防、救生设备等领域。我看时间是从上午8点和下午到12点时在海上。
(3) In my spare time, I like reading ,watching TV, playing basketball and football. Sometimes I would like to surf the internet, to go shopping etc. 三)在我的业余时间,我喜欢看书、看电视、打篮球、踢足球。有时我想浏览互联网,去购物等。 3. Please say something about your family3。请说说你的家庭。
(1) My family is a happy one. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and I.. 1)我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。我家有三口人,爸爸、妈妈和我. .
(2) My father is an engineer. He works in Dalian shipyard. My mother is a teacher. She works in Dalian Maritime University2)我的父亲是一名工程师。他在大连造船厂。我的妈妈是一位教师。她在大连海事大学My mother teaches English language. She is one
of the most popular teachers.
(3) My mother has a hobby of collecting stamps. She has collected thousands pieces of stamps, including quite a lot of foreign stamps. (三)我的母亲有集邮的爱好。她已收集了上万件邮票,包括大量的外国邮票。My father likes playing pingpong and this makes him healthy. 我的父亲喜欢打乒乓球,这使他身体健康。 4. The favorite port you have called at. 4。你最喜爱的港口。
1) I have called at many famous ports around the world. Dalian port is my favorite port I have called at. (1)我拜访过许多着名世界各地的港口。大连港是我最喜欢的港口,我所说的。
(2) It is a modernized port. There are many modernized port facilities, including deep water berths and cargo loading and unloading equipments. 2)这是一个现代化的港口。有许多现代化港口设施,包括深水泊位和货物装卸设备。It can accept various large and ultra large vessels. 它能接收各种大、特大船
(3) Dalian port is an ice-free port. 三)有限公司、大连港是一不冻港。With the fast pace of development and the special geographic position, Dalian port will surely become the most important port in the northeast of China. 与快节奏的发展和特殊的地理位置、大连港,他一定会成为最重要的港口在中国的东北。
5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board. 5。请说说你的责任。 (1) I work in the deck department. I am a third officer. (1)我在甲板上。我是一名3副
(2) I shall keep a navigation watch from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 while underway at sea. 我必遵守值班是,从1200到 0800 2000到2400在海上。I shall supervise the operation at station on the bridge while the vessel is mooring , unmooring or anchoring.我在船舶系泊,航行,抛锚时负责
(3) I am responsible to the Master for the care of all lifesaving appliances and firefighting equipment and to ensure that all of them are maintained in a thoroughly efficient state and all are in valid. ,船长的责任是所有救生和消防设备,以确保他们所有的都保持充分的立即可用状态,所有的是有效的。I shall keep the safety equipment record book.. 我要保持设备的安全记录书… 问答题
1 My date of birth is 4th of April 1974. 我出生于1974年4月4日。 2 It’s A3996625.
3 I am from Dalian China我来自中国大连
4 My captain’s nationality is China我的船长国籍是中国
5 I thick the most important thing on board is safe, secure and efficient我想最重要的事情是安全、保险和有效的
6 I often call at Dalian, Shanghai, and Honking ports我经常在大连、上海、喇叭港口
7 My favorite TV program is news program我最喜欢的电视节目是新闻节目
8 My favorite Web site is CCTV. Com我最喜欢的网站是www。中央电视台。Com
9 My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is weekend day and next date is off day
10 My favorite movie is action movie我最喜欢的电影是一部动作片 11 My favorite music is light music我最喜欢的音乐是轻音乐 12 My favorite magazine is READER我最喜爱的杂志的读者
13 The population of my hometown is six millions我家乡的人口是六百万 14 The population of my country is 13 billions我的国家的人口是13亿
15 The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter最大的好处是我的家乡天气。它没有炎热的夏天,和寒冷的冬天
16 The worst thing about my hometown is the cost of living is too high, especially cost of medicine, education and house最糟糕的我的家乡生活费用太高,特别是医疗、教育成本和房子
17 My hometown is a middle size modernization city我的家乡是在一个中型现代化的城市
18 Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, typhoon etc.. 是的。有许多灾害,比如地震、洪水、台风等。
19 I like to watch football games on TV我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛
20 I think the most popular sport in the world is football match我认为世界上最流行的体育运动是足球比赛
第三章 靠离与锚泊业务 口述题
1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor. 描述在抛锚时作为值班员的责任。
1) Regular operations for anchor watch锚班常规操作
(1) The watch officer should observe the anchor position, note down the vessel’s heading and depth of water, and mark the anchor position on the charts; 值班员应该观察锚位,船首向和水深,在海图上标出锚位。
2) The officer on watch and the sailor on duty should keep watch on the bridge and read and sign the master’s night orders/special orders; 值班员和水手应该驾驶台值班,,阅读和签署了船长的夜航命令和特殊命令。
(3) They should maintain proper lookout, pay attention to the vessel’s movements in the vicinity, check the anchor position frequently, check whether the vessel and other vessels are dragging anchor; 他们应保持正规了望,注重那附近船的运动, 频繁检查锚的位置,检查本船和其他船是否走锚。
(4) They must ensure that the signal flag, lights and shapes are correctly hoisted. When the visual range reduces to 2 miles, they should sound the fog signal according to the Regulation. 就必须确保信号旗,灯和型号正确挂出来了。当目视距离减少到2英里,他们应该发出雾声信号按照规定。
(5) The anchor position, vessel’s movement in the vicinity, VHF listening channel, tide stream and weather information as well as matters ordered by the master should be transferred to the relieving officer when change watch. 当改变值班时锚的位置,在附近运动的船舶,甚高频收听的,潮流 天气信息,更多的事项由船长命令的应该转达给接班人员。
2) Emergency handling in case of dragging紧急处理走锚
In case of dragging, the watch officer must inform the master and the engine room and carry out the following emergency measures: 防止拖延值班员必须告知船长及机舱和落实紧急措施。:
(1) veer out more chain on the anchor dropped; 松出更多的锚链。
(2) drop the second anchor, veer out good scope, and then weigh the first anchor放下第二个锚,松开良好的范围,然后起第一锚 2) Conclusion结论
It is very important to monitor the anchor position and avoid dragging. 监控锚位是非常重要的避免拖行着。
2. Describe the proper way of using VHF描述正确使用VHF方法 1) How to operate VHF set properly如何操作VHF Switch on the power, select the channel, and turn up the volume, then you can receive
message on that channel. If you want to transmit message, press the transmitting button and speak. 1接接通电源,选择频道和放大音量, 在那个频道你就可以接收讯息。如果你想发送信息,按传输按钮和说话。
2) General rules of using VHF使用甚高频一般规则
(1) Keep listening watch on channel 16 at all times while the bridge is manned;在16频能够全天的有人在驾驶台职守
(2) Use channel 16 only to establish contact and then change to another frequency at once; 使用频道16仅仅建立联系,然后在换成另一频道。
(3) Distress calls or messages have absolute priority(优先权) over all other communication. When hearing distress calls, all other transmissions should stop and a listening watch should be kept. 遇险的电话和信息有绝对优先级(优先权)超过其他所有的沟通。听到遇险电话,所有的其它传输应该停止并保持监视收听 3) Rules of using CH 16使用规则CH 16 VHF channel 16 is only to be used for calling in cases of distress, safety and urgency. 16通道高频仅限使用遇险,安全性和紧急时使用
3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port描述抵达港口程序 1) The preparations from the bridge驾驶台的前期准备 The bridge should驾驶台应该
(1) send ETA to the pilot station at appropriate time with all relevant information; 预计到港时间和各类相关信息在恰当时间发送给引航站,
(2)study port information, sailing directions and other navigation information, including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, etc.; 入港时间细读港口信息和航路指南等。
(3)check and correct the charts used for entering the port and mark the intended track and courses on the charts; 检查和正确使用进入港口海图并标记预定航线和航道在海图上。
(4) check the communication equipment; 检查通讯设备。
(5) check and test the indicators, displays, meters, vessel’s clock, navigational aids and walkie-talkie; 检查和测试指示器,显示,仪表、船舶的时钟、导航仪器及步话机。
(6) hoist the vessel’s national flag and that of the port state, 船旗和港口国旗vessel’s ensign, signal flag and shapes as per the international practice;船旗、信号旗和型号按照国际惯例turn on/off he stipulated (规定的) lights in time. 打开/关闭他规定灯。
2) Preparations done from the engine room机舱应准备 The engine room should机舱应该
(1) check and inspect the main engine, correct defects and make records; 检查,检测主机及辅机、改正缺陷并做好记录。
(2) make deck power available; 提供甲板电源
(3) put adequate pressure on fire main. 消防水管打开足够压力 3) Preparations done from the deck从甲板上做准备 The deck department should甲板上的部门应
(1) check and inspect the mooring equipments, anchoring equipment, emergency