RC 柱对串联隔震体系水平刚度影响研究
【期刊名称】《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】In order to study the effect of reinforced concrete(RC) column on the horizontal stiffness of serial isolation system ,and on the basis of the serial isolation system and the calculation formula of horizontal stiffness of laminated rubber bearing and column ,the simplified calculation formula of the stiffness of serial isolation system is proposed based on the assumptions .According to the basic design loads and the common parameters of the laminated rubber bearing ,the effect of axial compression ra‐tio and aspect ratio of RC column on the components and the serial isolation system is studied respec‐tively and compared with the data of three groups of finite element models .The results show that the calculation formula is correct and applicable .%为了研究RC柱对串联隔震体系水平刚度的影响,文章以串联隔震体系及其构件的水平刚度方程为基础,基于假定提出了串联隔震体系刚度的简化方程;以橡胶支座基本设计荷载和常用参数为依据,主要分析了RC柱的轴压比和高宽比对构件自身及整体水平刚度的影响;并与三组串联隔震体系的有限元分析数据进行对比,结果表明了公式的正确性和适用性。 【总页数】6页(79-84)
RC 柱对串联隔震体系水平刚度影响研究