The One With the Birth
Story by: David Crane & Marta Kauffman Teleplay by: Jeff Gree nstei n & Jeff Strauss Tran scribed by: Mi ndy Matti ngly Phillips Minor additi ons and adjustme nts by: Dan Silverstein
123 本出世
卡萝即将分娩,六人齐集医院;但卡萝却因为陪苏珊购物而姗姗来迟; 罗斯一见苏珊就剑拔弩张,之后两人又为婴儿的名字争执;双双被卡萝哄出门外; 瑞秋对妇产科医生频送秋波……但该医生患职业病,对女性失去了胃口; 菲比带着吉他到医院唱歌, 闭嘴;
乔伊热心帮助一名单亲妈妈丽迪亚生产;当孩子的父亲赶到,温柔的乔伊知趣的离开了; 莫妮卡迫切想要个孩子; 钱德安慰她说,如果我们都四十岁还单身, 婴儿极偶然的得名“班”。
第二十三集 Mazel tov
乔伊在医院里陪一个不认识的女土生完了孩子。 当他再出现时,钱德勒问他干吗 去了
,乔伊说:“没啥,我刚刚有了一个孩子。”受惊的钱德勒就嘲讽地说:“Mazel tov。”
这是一句希伯莱语,意思是好运气(Good Luck)。 【123】 The One With The Birth
3. used to have those bumper stick
Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free en cyclopedia.)
A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get atte nti on of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular sta nd on any issue. Examples:
(USA) Cli nto n Gore 96 [democratic party bumper sticker]
(USA) Cli nto n Gone 96 [republica n party bumper sticker] hoho
第二句是对rach说的,先前rach开ross玩笑被瞪,她抱怨为什么chan开就 行,chan就说你得挑时间.
[Seene: The hospital, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, and Monica are in the wait ing
room, wait ing for Carol and Susa n to arrive.]
Ross: She's not here yet. She's not here. She's hav ing my baby and she's not here. Moni ca: rm sure everyth in g's fine. Has her water broke yet? water n.羊水
Ross: I don't know, but whenl spoke to her, she said she had already passed the mucus plug.
mucus n.粘液,胶/plug v.n. 塞/ mucus plug是一种能堵住宫颈口的粘液,以避免细菌 什么的进入子
ross 说passed the mucus plug
,是指产程发动时, mucus plug
bloody show,也就是快生了。
(Joey makes a sound of absolute disgust.) Joey: Do we have to know about that?
Monica: Joey, what are you gonna do when you have a baby? Joey: rm gonna be in the wait in' room, handing out cigars. hand out v.把…拿出来,分发,施舍
Chandler: Yes, Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the 50's. Ross: God, I don't believe this. She could be giving birth in the cab. Rachel: Oh, Ross, relax. It's probably like two dollars for the first contraction, and then fifty cents for each additional contraction. con tracti on n. 收缩,紧缩
(Every one looks at Rachel as though she made a tasteless comme nt.) tasteless adj.
Rachel: What, it's ok when Chandler does it?
Chandler: You have to pick your moments 你得选对时间. (Phoebe arrives, guitar in hand.) Phoebe: Did I miss it, did I miss it?
Ross: She's not even here yet. Monica: What's with the guitar?
Phoebe: I just thought we might be here for awhile. You know, things might get musical.
awhile adv.片刻,一会儿/musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的 (Carol and Susan arrive.)
Ross: (to Carol) Where the hell have you been ? Susan: We stopped at the gift shop.
Carol: I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a stuffed animal 充气动物玩具
Ross: Susan wanted a Chunky. We're having a baby, ok, a baby, you don't stop for Chunkys.
chunky adj. 矮矮胖胖的 ;粗短的 ;厚实的 Chandler: I used to have that bumper sticker.
bumper n. 缓冲器,保险杠 /sticker n. 贴纸/ bumper sticker 是指贴在汽车后方“保险 杆上的贴
纸”,上面常会写些有个人风格的俏皮话,好给后方来车看,比如:“ All men are idiots…and I married their king.
”所有男人都是白痴 而我嫁给了当中最白痴的那位。
而 Chandler 说出这句,是顺着上一句 Ross 讲的话,开了 Ross 一个玩笑,因为 We're having a baby! We don 't stop for Chunkys. 像是保险杆贴纸上才说的俏皮话。
(Everyone is amused by Chandler's comment.)
Chandler: (to Rachel) You see what I mean 你懂我的意思吗?
Opening Credits
[Scene: Carol's Hospital Room, Carol is on the bed, Ross and Susan are at her side.] Ross: Stopped for a Chunky. Carol: Let it go, Ross.
Susan: I got an extra one. You want this? (holds the candy in front of Ross' face) Ross: (weakly) No.
(Carol's doctor, Dr. Franzblau arrives.)
Dr. Franzblau: Hey, how's my favorite parenting team doing? Ross: Dr. Franzblau, hi.
Dr. Franzblau: So, I understand you're thinking of having a baby? Well,
I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. Howyou doing with your contractions?
Carol: Oh, I love them. Each one's like a little party in my uterus. uterus n.< 解>子宫
Susan: They're every four minutes and last 55 seconds. Ross: 59 seconds. (holds up his watch) Quartz, ha. Quartz n. 石英(表)
Susan: Swiss quartz, ha, ha.
Carol: Am I allowed to drink anything?
Dr. Franzblau: Ice chips, just ice chips. They're at the nurses' station 在护士站那有chip n. 碎片,筹码 /ice chips 碎冰 Ross: I'll get it.
Susan: No, I'm getting it. I'll be right back. Ross: I got it —I'm getting it!
(They both leave just as Rachel enters the room, holding a cup.) Rachel: Hi, I thought you might like some ice chips. Carol: Thanks.
Rachel: And if you need anything else, I —(notices the handsome Dr.
Franzblau) —do not believe we've met. Hi. I'm, uh, Rachel Green. I'm Carol's... ex-husband's... sister's roommate.
Dr. Franzblau: It is nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau. I'm your roommate's... brother's... ex-wife's obstetrician.
obstetrician n. 产科医师 Rachel: Oh, that's funny!
[Scene: The Waiting Room, Chandler is falling asleep on Monica's shoulder.] Monica: I want a baby.
Chandler: Mmmm. Not tonight, honey. I got an early day tomorrow 会起得很早 .
Monica: Get up. Come on. Let's get some coffee. Chandler: Oh, ok, 'cause we never do that.
(Chandler and Monica leave. Cut to Joey, watching the Knicks V.S Celtics game on television.)
Joey: (to the screen) Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, or just fall down. That's good too 也可以 .
fall down 倒下,跪拜 to 不进球 (A young pregnant woman enters.) Lydia: Knick fan? Joey: Oh, yeah.
Lydia: Oh, boy, do they suck 他们真烂 .
Joey: Hey, listen, lady ..... (sees that she's pregnant)...whoa.
Lydia: Look, look at your man, Ewing. Nice shot. You know what, he couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat. hit water ( 将球) 投进水里
Joey: Oh yeah? And who do you like? Lydia: The Celtics.
Joey: The Celtics? Ha. They couldn't hit a boat if...wait. They suck, alright? Lydia: Oh, shut up. You know, it's a rebuilding year. You... waah!
Joey: Wha?Wha..aa? Let meget the father. Hey, we need a father over here! We