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2014年中考英语复习串讲资料 ( By Chen Qiuliang )


(考点分析及归纳) 一、名词 【考点一】 可数名词的单、复数

( )1. The teacher said we needed to choose three _____ for the school concert. A. peoples B. doctors C. singers ( )2. ---- would you like some more _____? ---- Thanks, I’m full already.

A. banana B. cake C. Bread

【要点归纳1】单数名词前用a \\ an , the , one; 名词复数形式前用基数词,some ,

any , the等。


1、 一般情况在词尾加s。 a book-----three books

2、 以s,x,ch ,sh结尾的词在末尾加es。如: a bus ----- some buses (box,watch,speech,bus,brush,bench,beach,boss,church。)

3、 以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i , 再加es。如: a factory ----many factories (baby,city,story,party,lady,country ,diary—diaries,army,century,copy,) 4、 以f,fe结尾的,有的直接加s;有的把f,fe改为ve再加s。 a knife----- a lot of knives

( wife—wives,life—lives ; half,leaf ,wolf,thief, self ,shelf ) 5、以o结尾的名词变复数:

① 加s: radios , piano; kilo—kilos ; zoo—zoos, He took many photos in the park last week. ② 加es:

Negro—Negroes,hero—heroes , potato—potatoes,tomato—tomatoes,



man,woman,tooth,foot,child , mouse , postman , goose。

2、单复数形式相同。如:sheep,deer, fish,Chinese,Japanese,yuan。 3、形式为单数意思为复数。如:people,police。

4、形式为复数意思为单数。如:maths,physics,the United States ,news(un)。 5、只用复数形式。如: pants , shorts,clothes,glasses。

6、 国家人名的词变复数。如:

a Chinese—two Chinese, one Japanese—some Japanese; Englishman—Englishmen,Frenchman—Frenchmen(但 German—Germans); Russian—Russians,(Indian,Canadian,American。


( )3. --- Would you like some drinks, boys? ---Yes, _____ please.

A. some oranges B. some cakes C. two bottles of orange

【要点归纳】 1、常见不可数名词

room milk water bread homework housework work

news time money weather music knowledge rain information advice ink wood cotton silk air grass coffee traffic hope peace luck health sugar beef pork salt porridge mutton 2、常见量词 个数单位词 容器单位词 piece drop pile cup glass bottle box bag pound kilo 张 滴 堆 杯 杯(玻璃) 瓶 盒,箱 袋 磅 公斤 a piece of advice a drop of ink a pile of wood 3 cups of coffee 4 glasses of milk a bottle of juice a box of chalk a bag of flour a pound of meat two kilos of oil 度量衡单位词 【考点三】专有名词和名词作定语

( )4. March the 8th is _____ and September the 10th is _____ .

A. Women’s Day, Teacher’ s Day B. Women’s day, teachers’ day C. Women’s Day, Teachers’ Day


1、 专有名词 (大写) Class Three ; Beijing ; Changsha ; Liu Dehua 2、 名词作定语

1) an apple tree ----- twenty apple trees 2) a sports meeting---thirty sports meetings 3) a man doctor-----forty men doctors

如: There are fifty women teachers in our school.


( )5、---How far is it from your school to your home? --- It’s about _____ drive.

A. five minutes’s B. five-minutes C. five minutes’ ( )6、My father has many friends. Mr Blue is one of ______.

A. my father B. my father’s C. mine


1、 表示有生命的事物的名词所有格 1) 单数名词后加“’s”。如: This is Tom’s pen. (Mother’s Day , Father’s Day.)

2) 不以s结尾的复数名词后加“’s”。如: June the 1st is Children’s Day. ( Women’s Day)

3) 某物为两个名词共有时,在第二个名词后加 “’s”。如: This is Mike and Tom’s classroom.

4) 表示两个名词各自拥有的东西,在两个名词后都加 “’s” 。 These are Mike’s and Tom’s rooms.

5) 以s结尾的复数名词后加 “’”。如: September the 10th is Teachers’ Day.

(twins’ mother, ten minutes’ walk )

6)以s结尾的专有名词后加“’”。Gauss’ maths book. 2、用 of 所有格。 如: a map of China 3、双层所有格。 如: This is a friend of mine , and he is also a friend of my father’s.



人称 代词 物主 代词 主格 宾格 形性 I me my mine my self you you your yours your self he she him his her her it it its we us our you you your they them their theirs them selves 名性 反 身 代 词 疑 问 代 词 指 示 代 词 不 定 代 词 his hers its ours yours him her it our your self self self selves selves who,whom,whose,what,which this,that,these,those 1、 some 与 any 2、many与much; 3、either与neither 4、both与all 5、 each与every 6、(a)few与(a)little 7、none /nothing / no one something , anything , everything , somebody, nobody, anybody ( somewhere) 注意: 1、名性物主代词和反身代词的构成特点 2、形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,在句中作定语,后接名词。名词性物主代词相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。



Mr Chen teaches us English.

【考点二】 物主代词

形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,在句中作定语,后接名词。名词性物主代词相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。 Our school is larger than yours. (your school)


1、Jim learns Chinese all by himself .

2、Boys and girls (Children), please help yourselves to some fish . 3、Tom,please help yoursellf to some chicken.

【要点归纳】 反身代词在句中作宾语,表语,同位语。 常见反身代词短语:

enjoy oneself, help yourself / yourselves to some…, teach oneself (科目), dress oneself, leave one by oneself, hurt oneself, all by oneself, look after oneself, learn English by oneself.


1、 疑问代词用来构成特殊疑问句。疑问代词主要有who,whom,whose,what,which等。 2、 疑问代词辨析


what用于询问别人职业。 what选择的范围没有限制,侧重于种类; which表示在一定范围类选择,侧重于哪一个。 what color与 which color



指示代词包括:this,that,these,those ;

.this和these一般用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人; that和those则指时间和空间上较远的事物或人。

The weather in Beijing is cooler than that in Changsha.


1、Hurry up, there is little time left.(a little, a few ) 2、----Which would like better,coffee or milk?

----Neither. I prefer to tea.( Both , Either , All)



some和any均表示“一些”,既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句中,any多用于疑问句和条件句中。但在疑问句中,当表示说话人希望得到肯定回答或表达请求、建议时应用some。 2、many与much

many修饰可数名词复数,还可以与表示程度的副词so,too,as,how等连用。much修饰不可数名词,也可以与表示程度的副词so,too,as,how等连用。 3、either与neither

either指两个人或事物中的一个;neither指两个人或事物中一个也不,常构成固定搭配either/neither of+名词/代词的复数+谓语动词(第三人称单数形式):当either…or…和neither…nor…连接两个主语时谓语动词应与离它最近的主语在人称上保持一致。 4、both与all 5、each与every 6、(a)few与(a)little

7、None / nothing / no one

【考点七】 不定代词的定语(要)后置

1.---Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?---No,nothing. 2.---Do you have anything important to say?



一 ) 数词分为 基数词和序数词 二 ) 构成特征


1)、 1-12 2)、十几( 13-19)thirteen 3)、几十(20,30.---90) twenty thirty forty fifty 4)、几十几(twenty-five) 5)、数字和年份的表达(hundred,thousand,million) (365)


1)、 第1-12 first second third fifth ninth twelfth 2)、 第十几 thirteenth

3)、 第几十 (第20---) twentieth 4)、 第twenty-fifth

三 )基数词的用法




