【期刊名称】《安徽农学通报》 【年(卷),期】2012(018)009
【摘要】Real - time, rapid and non - destructive monitoring and diagnosis of the crop growth status had gradually becoming reality. Among them crop nitrogen nutrition diagnosis and growth status monitoring technique based on digital image of digital camera, were used increasedly due to popularization of digital camera, hand - phone and scanner. They were divided into two types of based on crop leaf image and on crop canopy image. The objective of the paper was to review the research ad- vance in crop nitrogen nutrition and growth status diagnosis based on crop canopy image.%农作物生长信息的实时、快速、无损监测与诊断正逐步成为现实,可广泛应用于作物生产的栽培管理、生产力预测等。随着数码相机、手机相机、扫描仪的普及,运用数字图像处理技术进行作物营养状况与生长指标监测成为成本低、应用方便的方法。基于数字图像技术的作物营养诊断和生长指标监测,包括基于单叶片与基于冠层图像分析两类。该文综述了基于数字图像的作物冠层氮素营养及生长指标监测的研究进展。