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最新(人教版)初中英语七下 Unit 8单元测试03[附答案]

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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 单元测试



( )1. Where does the boy want to go?

A. B. C.

( )2. Where is the boy now?

A. B. C.

( )3. What does Mary want to buy?

A. B. C.

( )4. What’s behind Bill’s house?

A. B. C.

( )5. How can the girl get to the bookshop?





听下面一段对话,回答第1—2两小题。 ( )1. Where is Tim’s grandpa’s home?

A. Next to the train station. B. Near the pay phone. C. Next to the police station.

( )2. Where is the town library?

A. It’s next to a bank. B. It’s on Bridge Street. C. It’s across from a bank.

初中英语 七年级下册 1 / 8

听下面一段对话, 回答第3—5三小题。. ( )3. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a post office.

B. In the street.

C. In the zoo.

( )4. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To a hotel and a bank. B. To the bridge and a zoo. C. To a bank and a post office.

( )5. Which picture is right according to(根据) the dialogue?

A. B. C.

三、听短文, 选择正确答案(10分)

( )1. How many people are mentioned(被提到) in the passage(短文)?

A. Five.

B. Three.

C. Four.

( )2. Where’s the post office?

A. It’s on Green Street. B. It’s in front of the school. C. It’s next to the supermarket.

( )3. Who usually goes to school by bus?

A. Tom and Gina.

B. Mary and Ann.

C. Only Mary.

( )4. Where’s the Police Station?

A. It’s on Center Street. B. It’s next to the bank. C. It’s across from the bank.

( )5. Who goes to work by bike?

A. Mary.

B. Jenny.

C. Mary and Gina.



Hi, friends. There is a new 1 in my neighborhood. The food there is very delicious. My parents and I 2 having dinner there on the weekend. It only takes 3 three or four minutes to walk there. After dinner we often take a walk in the 4 across from the restaurant. And sometimes we 5 . There is a big supermarket next to the park.

初中英语 七年级下册 2 / 8

The restaurant is also a great 6 to have big parties. I will have my 14th birthday party there next Friday. If you are 7 , welcome to my party. You can find the restaurant 8 . It’s on Zhongshan Road, 9 a bank and a hotel. Oh, I 10 to tell you the name of the restaurant. It’s Jinyang Restaurant. ( )1. A. hotel ( )2. A. spend ( )3. A. him ( )4. A. park

B. bank B. enjoy B. them B. library

C. hospital C. wish C. us

D. restaurant D. follow D. her D. store D. go shopping D. number D. funny D. easily D. from D. forget

C. office

( )5. A. play sports ( )6. A. time ( )7. A. lazy

B. take a trip B. place B. short B. friendly B. after B. drive

C. go swimming C. country C. free

( )8. A. usually ( )9. A. between ( )10. A. learn 五、阅读理解(30分)

C. early C. under C. leave


It’s snowy. A horse(

, a cock)(

, a duck)(

, a dog)(

and a squirrel)(

are playing in the snow. “Let’s play hide-and-seek(捉迷藏).” someone says.

“OK.” the squirrel says with eyes closed. “You hide(藏) and I’ll seek. One, two, three … twenty.” He opens his eyes.

“It’s a piece of cake. The horse’s footprints(脚印) are like the crescent moon(

). Ha-ha, you’re

hiding behind the stone().” He finds the horse.

The cock’s footprints are like the bamboo leaves(). “Ha-ha, you’re sitting in the box


The duck’s footprints are like the maple leaves(). “Ha-ha, you’re standing behind the tree


The dog’s footprints are like the clubs(“Ha-ha, I find all of you.”

). He finds the dog under the table().

初中英语 七年级下册 3 / 8

( )1. How’s the weather?





( )2. Where is the horse?

A. Behind the stone.

B. In the box.

C. Behind the tree.

D. Under the table.

( )3. What does “a piece of cake” mean in this passage?

A. It’s boring.

B. It’s cute.


The children play a game. They stand in two rows. The girls stand in the first row. The boys stand in the second row. Mary stands in the middle. Betty stands on her right hand side. Li Juan stands on Mary’s left hand side. Lily stands on the right of Betty. Lucy does not next to Betty. She stands next to Li Juan.

Sam stands behind Lucy. In front of Alex is Li Juan. Bill does not stand in the middle of the second row. On his right stands Tom, and Tim is on his left. ( )4. The girls stand in _________.

A. a room

B. the front row

C. two rows

D. the back row

C. It’s not difficult.

D. It’s not cold.

( )5. How many children are there?

A. Six.

B. Eight.

C. Nine.

D. Ten.

( )6. Who is in the middle of the second row?

A. Sam.

B. Alex.

C. Tim.

D. Tom.

( )7. Betty stands between _________ and _________.

A. Lily; Mary

B. Lucy; Lily


Bob comes out of the station and at once(立刻) he doesn’t know where to go. This is the first time he comes to this town. He comes to see his good friend, Peter. Peter is a worker. He works in a factory. But Bob doesn’t know where the factory is.

He walks in the streets. He passes(经过) a hospital, a post office, a bookshop and at last he gets to a school. Some students are coming out. So he asks one of them for help. “Excuse me. Do you know where the watch factory is?”

“Of course, I know. I live near there. My father works there. It’s outside this town.” answers the boy. “Is it far from here? Can you show me the way, please?” Bob asks again.

“It’s about 8 kilometers away from here. I’m going home now. Will you go with me? I’ll take you there.” “That’s great! Thank you very much!”

“Now let’s take a No.10 bus. It’ll take about 15 minutes to get there.”

初中英语 七年级下册 4 / 8

C. Li Juan; Mary D. Mary; Lucy

“It’s very kind of you.” says Bob. ( )8. Bob goes to a town to.

A. look for a job

B. see a student

C. see his friend

D. work in a factory.

( )9. Peter works in a _________.

A. school

B. hospital

C. post office

D. factory

( )10. The watch factory is _________.

A. in the middle of the town C. near the school

B. outside the town

D. between a hospital and a bookshop

( )11. Bob and the child go to the factory.

A. on foot

B. by car


My name is Dale. This is my neighborhood. There is a big supermarket near my house. My mother often goes shopping there. Across from the supermarket, there is a school. It’s my school. There is a library next to the school. I like reading books there.

I’m Scott. My neighborhood is busy. There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighborhood. My house is on a street corner(街角). There is a post office near it. And next to the post office is a phone.

My name is Helen. There is a big park in my neighborhood. Lots of people go there to have fun. I also like to play there. There is a restaurant across from the park. A bank is next to the restaurant. And some clothes stores are near the bank.

( )12. Where is Dale’s school?

A. It’s behind a library.

B. It’s across from a library. D. It’s across from a supermarket.

C. by bus

D. by taxi

C. It’s behind a supermarket.

( )13. The underlined word “there” refers to the _________.

A. school

B. library

C. supermarket

D. bookstore

( )14. There are many _________ in Scott’s neighborhood

A. stores and restaurants

B. stores and pay phones D. post offices and restaurants

C. post offices and pay phones

( )15. What Can NOT we know from the passage?

A. Dale, Scott and Helen study in the same school. B. Scott’s neighborhood is very busy.

C. There are some clothes stores near the bank in Helen’s neighborhood. D. Dale’s mother often buys food in the supermarket near their house.



read I easy cross watch 初中英语 七年级下册 5 / 8

最新(人教版)初中英语七下 Unit 8单元测试03[附答案]


