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[11] 学位英语:从句考点真题

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1 “ you know I like about him: he is so normal ” powell added. A when B how C which D what

2. I didn't realize that I had lost my key I got home and found it wasn't in my bag.

A. when B. until C. the moment D. no sooner

3. John decided to go for a holiday by ship the fact that he was usually seasick.

A. in spite of B. in case of C. because D. as a result of 4. I was raised to farm work, I continued till I was 22. A. that B. which C. where D. in case

5. , I was pleased that I was finally learning to be more aggressive, to make my own choices.

A. In the way B. To a certain extent

C. In final analysis D. Under no circumstances

6. did you even what makes some people become friends and others not ? A. think B. doubt C. suspect D. wonder

7. Amazon is the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. A so far B by far C thus for D as far as

8. The best thing happened to me was finding my best friend, Katrina. A what B as C that D which

9. Now almost all the parents want their children to learn the piano or the violin, t their children are willing or not.

A no matter whether B no matter if C however D whatever

10. Homework in American schools is often minimal the children have plenty of time to watch television.

A such that B so that C that D because

11. It is largely thanks to the variable climate in England the English pay so much attention to the work on their homes and gardens. A where B that C in which D for which

12. In terms of education systems, one cannot say that one system in one

country is better than A that of another B another C one of another D one another

13 In this company fewer and fewer employees are willing to do they are asked to

A what B which C that D whether

14 when the young man was about to speak , his friends looked at him , to look up his mouth.

A as regards B as C as for D as if

15. Some people are not so much interested in what a man does how he came to choose that particular line of work. A as B so C like D when 16 Success in life is not you make A what money B how many money

C how much money D what amount of money

17 it was that helped clean the teaching building 30 meters high A the football team and I B the footballteam and me C I and the football team D me and the football team

18. It seemed so easy to find a job in the U.K. , it is not. A However B In fact C In contrast DNevertheless

19. In this research institute more and more employees are willing to do they are required of.

A what B which C that D whether

20. On the one hand, Canada has the second largest territory in the world; , it has the lowest density of population.

A for short B on average C on second thought D on the other hand 21. Price rising is the outcome for everyone should be ready during the next decade.

A which B what C that D whom

22. much you may dislike it, junk mail comes to most of you anyway. A Whatever B Whichever C However D Whenever

23. A pop star usually leads quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling heavy schedules.

A with regard to B as to C in relation to D owing to

24. The United States today is no longer considered a \by many of its residents. , many people prefer the term \A Moreover B More often C Truly speaking D Instead 25. Martha ran all the way up to the station that her boyfriend had left fifteen minutes before.

A in order to find B so as to find C only to find D such as to find 26. , gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility. A In conclusion B In contrast C In addition D In comparison 27. is a great pity that there are some disagreements in the school board meeting.

A That B This C It D There

28. Skimming is one of the major types of selective reading. It differs from normal reading not all of the material is read. A in that B in which C at that D by which

29. Dramatic changes in higher education are giving more people ever the chance of studying for a degree. A that B than C as D who

30、We stored up some food and water things got worse. A: even though B: what if C: now that D: in case

31、We should learn from this lesson and consider the long-term influence of dams the short-term benefits.

A: rather than B: owing to C: because of D: or else 32、Her hair golden when she was a child, but it went darker she grew up. A: if B: as C: some D: even

33、Call the university operator, you will find the phone number of Professor Smith.

A: so B: and C: when D: before

34、The instructor won’t give them any help absolutely necessary.

A: when B: if C: unless D: once

35、The number of the employees in our company is that in theirs. A: twice as large as B: twice as many than C: as twice many as D: as twice as

36、 life could be found on Mars was once believed by scientists. A: What B: As C: That D: While

37、 food was rocting in the warehouses ,the pobr did not have enough to eat.

A: While B: Where C: Why D: Which

38、Contact the police and tell them all you know about the accident. A: this B: that C: what D: which 39. Our guests will be guided to safety _______ fire. A. as a result of B. in case of C.in the sense of D. for the sake of

40. I miss the hillside ______ we found a lot of wild flowers.

A. on which B. by which C. in which D. for which 41. ______ get a better score, he has been making great efforts in his lessons. A. So as to B. In order to C. So that D. In order that 42. As far as know, the production of this factory has doubled this year, and the quality of its products has been improved _________ .

A. since then B. by then C. until now D. as well 43. All ______ is an English-Chinese dictionary.

A. that you need B. what you need C. which you need D. things you need 44. ______ its good performance, the machine is too expensive. A. Besides B. Except for C. In spite of D. Apart from 45. Few people knew his reason for quitting his job was ______ he wanted to go abroad.

A. whether B. where C. why D. that

46. The teacher asked me ______ us to finish writing the composition. A. how tong would it take B. how long it would take C. how soon would it take D. how soon it would take

47. She came into the room quietly ______ wake her friends. A. so as not to B. so as to not C. not so as to D. so she does not 48、the reason he is ill is he ate too much .

A. because B. where C. why D. that

49、 1983 did Jiaotong University begin to offer a degree in English A. Not until B. Not since C. Until D. In 50、A dragon is in China as an ancestor of people A. know what B. known what it is C. what is know D. what it is known

1 “ you know I like about him: he is so normal ” powell added. A when B how C which D what

2. I didn't realize that I had lost my key I got home and found it wasn't in my bag.

A. when B. until C. the moment D. no sooner

3. John decided to go for a holiday by ship the fact that he was usually seasick.

A. in spite of B. in case of C. because D. as a result of 4. I was raised to farm work, I continued till I was 22. A. that B. which C. where D. in case

5. , I was pleased that I was finally learning to be more aggressive, to make my own choices.

A. In the way 妨碍 B. To a certain extent on the way 在路上 C. In final analysis D. Under no circumstances

6. did you even what makes some people become friends and others not ? A. think B. doubt C. suspect D. wonder

7. Amazon is the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. A so far B by far C thus for D as far as

[11] 学位英语:从句考点真题


