【期刊名称】《中国农业气象》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)004
【摘要】基于甘肃省武威市气象局1980 -2004年对多年生植物旱柳和中国槐物候期、1981 - 2008年对一年生植物春小麦和玉米发育期的观测资料,运用线性倾向估计法、膨化相关、SPSS统计软件进行逐步回归和方差分析,建立了关键物候期的气候预测模型.结果表明:(1)在分析期内,多年生木本植物相同物候期最晚与最早出现日期相差达20~38d,一年生草本植物达11~30d,反映出物候期对气象条件年际变化非常敏感.(2)分析期内多年生植物春季多数物候期提前(线性倾向率-2.008~-3.246d/10a,P<0.05),秋季物候期推迟(线性倾向率6.631 ~7.108d/10a,P<0.01).一年生植物的春、夏季物候期均有提前的趋势(线性倾向率-1.494~-4.122d/10a,P<0.05),秋季物候期推后不显著.(3)从各物候间隔期变化看,多年生植物绿叶期延长速率为1.046~7.738d/10a,营养生长期延长速率为0.877~8.454d/10a,干物质积累期延长速率为4.392~7.738d/10a,秋季生长期延长速率为0.477~3.015 d/10a.一年生植物春季营养生长期缩短速率为2.17 ~3.41d/10a,秋季生殖生长期延长速率为3.322d/10a.(4)对多年生植物而言,平均气温、平均最低气温、平均最高气温和20cm、80cm、160cm地温是影响春、夏、秋季物候期的主要气象因子,温度越高春季物候期越提前,夏、秋季物候期越推迟.对一年生植物而言,平均气温、平均最低气温、平均最高气温和20cm、80cm、160cm地温也是主要影响因子,气候变暖,春、夏、秋季物候期均提前.osed on the perennial plants
(Salix matsudana and Aphis sophricola) phenology data during 1980 -2004 and the annual plants (wheat and corn) phenology data during 1981 -2008 from Wuwei meteorological bureau,the key phenology climate predicting model was established by using the methods of linear trend estimation, puffs related and SPSS software counts to stepwise regression and variance analysis. The results showed that the perennial woody plants differed from 20d to 38d,and the annual herbal plants differed from lid to 30d,which showed plants phenology was sensitive toclimate change. The perennial plants phenology were advanced in spring with linear trend -2. 008~-3. 246d/10y (P <0.05) ,and their autumn phenology were postponed with linear trend 6.631 ~7. 108d/10y(P <0.01). The annual plants were advanced both in spring and summer phenology with linear trend - 1.494~-4.122d/10y (P <0. 05) ,but the autumn phenology did not changed. For the perennial plants,green leaves stage prolonged 1.046 ~7.738d/10y, vegetative growth stage prolonged 0. 877 ~ 8. 454d/10y, accumulated substance stage prolonged 4. 392 - 7. 738d/10y and autumngrowth stage prolonged 0.477 ~3.015d/10y. For annual plant,vegetative growth stage shortened 2.17 ~3.41 d/10y,autumn reproduction growth stage prolonged 3.322d/10y. Average temperate,soil temperature (20cm,80cm and 160cm), average minimum temperature and average maximum temperature were main influenced meteorological factors both for
perennial and annual plants. The perennial plant phenology advanced in spring and postponed in summer and autumn, but the annual plant phenology advanced in spring, summer and autumn. 【总页数】7页(543-549)
【关键词】物候期;气候变化;响应;不同类型 【作者】蒋菊芳;王鹤龄;魏育国;丁文魁
【作者单位】中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾开放实验室,兰州 730020;甘肃省武威市气象局农业气象试验站,武威 733000;中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾开放实验室,兰州 730020;甘肃省武威市气象局农业气象试验站,武威 733000;甘肃省武威市气象局农业气象试验站,武威 733000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-agrometeorology_thesis/0201257455627.html 【相关文献】
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