我们的团队将精诚合作,为您带来轻松愉快的旅途! Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:
I am ___ , your (chief ) purser. On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you. And to members of our Sky Pearl Club, it is a pleasear to see you again!
Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you! C.短时间延误
Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:
I am ___ , your (chief ) purser. On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you. We are sorry for the brief delay due to ___(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading/ catering ).
Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you! D. 长时间延误
Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:
I am ___ , your (chief ) purser. We sincerely apologize for the delay due to___(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading).
Together with my team, we will try our best to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We thank you for your
patience and understanding.
E. 支线航班
Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:
I am ___ , your (chief ) purser. Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you!
4、 安全演示
A. 安全演示录像 女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
May we please have your attention for the safety demonstration? If you
have any queations after the safety video, please contact the flight attentions. Thank you! B. 安全演示示范
现在客舱乘务员将为您介绍机上应急设备的使用方法及紧急出口的位置。 Ladies and Gentlemen:
We will now take moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits.
● 救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里(座椅上方),仅供水上迫降时使
Your life vest is located (under/ above) your seat. It may only be used in case of a water landing. Please do not remove it unless
instructed by one of your flight attendants.
使用时取出,经头部穿好。将带子由后向前扣好系紧。 To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head. Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.
Upon exiting the aircraft, pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest while inside the cabin. For further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces in either side of your vest.
For water landing at night, a sea –light will be illuminated.
● 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方。发生紧急情况时,面罩会自动脱
Your oxygen mask is above your head. It will drop down automatically in case of emergency.
氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩。将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。在帮助别人之前,请自己先带好。 When it does so, pull the mask firmly towards you to start the flow of oxygen. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. Please put your own mask on before helping others.
● 在您座椅上有两条可以对扣的安全带。当“系好安全带”灯亮
When the Fasten Seat Belt sign is illuminated, please fasten your seat belt. To fasten your seat belt, simply place the metal tip into the buckle and tighten the strap. To release, just lift up the top of the buckle.
● 本架飞机共有——个紧急出口,分别位于客舱的前部、中部和
There are ___emergency exits on this aircraft. They are located in the front, the middle and the rear of the cabin respectively. Please note your nearest exit.
In case of an emergency, Track Lighting will illuminate to lead you to an exit. White lights lead to red lights which indicate the nearest exit.
● 在您座椅前方的口袋里备有《安全须知》,请您尽早阅读。
For additional information, please review the safety instruction card in the seat pocket. 谢谢您的留意!
Now ,please sit back and enjoy your flight. Thank you!
5、 起飞前安全检查
A. 白天
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We will be taking off shortly. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and
make sure that your tray table is closed, your seat back is in upright position. If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the sunshade. Thank you!
B. 夜间
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We will be taking off shortly. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure that your tray table is closed, your seat back is in upright position. If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the sunshade. We will be dimming the cabin lights. If you wish to read, please turn on your reading light. Thank you!
6、 驾驶舱发出起飞信号后
飞机很快就要起飞了,请您再次确认是否系好安全带。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen:
Our aircraft will be taking off shortly. Please make sure that seat belts are securely fastened. Thank you!
7、 起飞后广播
A. 国内航班
沿着这条航线,我们将飞经——(省/ 自治区),经过的主要城市有——,我们还将飞越(海洋、山脉、河流、湖泊)。 在飞行全程中,可能会出现因气流变化引起的突然颠簸,我们特别提醒您,注意系好安全带。
旅途中,我们为您准备了(正餐/ 点心/ 小吃)及各种饮料。(为了丰富您的旅途生活,我们还将为您播放机上的娱乐节目。)如果您需要帮助,我们很乐意随时为您服务。
“心飞白云深处,爱在天上人间。”能为您提供最优质的服务,伴您度过轻松愉快的旅程,是我们全体机组成员的荣幸。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome you aboard China Southern flight CZ___. (This is the code-share flight with___Airlines.)
We have lelt ___ for ____(via____). The distance between _____and ____is _____kilometers. Our flight will take ____hours and _____minutes. We expext to arrive at ____airport at______.
Along this route, we will be flying over the provindes of ____, passing the cities of___, accrossing over the _____(river, lake, mountain and ocean).
For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times whether seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.
Breakfast (lunch, dinner/ refreshments/ snack and beverages have been prepared for you. We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programmes. ) If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.
We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you. B. 国际/ 地区航班
我们的飞机已经离开——前往——(中途降落),由——至——的飞行距离是——沿着这条航线,我们将飞经——(国家、省/区、城市),经过的主要城市有——,我们还将飞越(海洋、山脉、河流、湖泊)。 在飞行全程中,可能会出现因气流变化引起的突然颠簸,我们特别提醒您,注意系好安全带。
旅途中,我们为您准备了(正餐/ 点心/ 小吃)及各种饮料。 (为了丰富您的旅途生活,我们还将为您播放机上的娱乐节目。) 在供餐之后,有免税商品(和卫星电话卡)出售,欢迎选购。 如果您需要帮助,我们很乐意随时为您服务。 “心飞白云深处,爱在天上人间。”能为您提供最优质的服务,伴您度过轻松愉快的旅程,是我们全体机组成员的荣幸。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome you aboard China Southern flight CZ___. (This is the code-share flight with___Airlines.)
We have lelt ___ for ____(via____). The distance between _____and ____is _____kilometers. Our flight will take ____hours and _____minutes.
Along this route, we will be flying over the provindes of ____, passing the cities of___, accrossing over the _____(river, lake, mountain and ocean).
For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times whether seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.
Breakfast (lunch, dinner/ refreshments/ snack and beverages have been prepared for you. We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programmes. ) If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.
We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you. C. 短程航线
(欢迎您乘坐CZ——航班,本次航班为南方航空公司和——航空公司的代码共享航班)。 我们的飞机已经离开——前往——,由——至——的飞行距离是——公里,飞行时间——小时——分,预计到达——机场的时间是——点——分。在此,我们特别提醒您,飞行全程中请系好安全带。