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高职国际进阶英语综合教程1 unit3课文原文和译文

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Text A How they make you buy

Be careful when you go into a supermarket! A lot of clever people are good at making you buy more – and more.

It’s 3 o’clock on a Saturday afternoon. You go to a supermarket to buy a few things you need: just coffee, milk and eggs. You take a trolley and that’s your first mistake. Now you won’t feel the weight of the things you buy, so you might buy more. And the trolley is so big and deep!

You go into the store and first you pass beautiful flowers and plants. Then you see the fruit and vegetables. Those red, green and yellow peppers look so delicious and fresh. And they’re on special offer. Perhaps you’ll take just one packet. And then you come to the bread counter. Oh, that fresh bread smells so good! Much better than yesterday’s bread at home. Perhaps you’ll just buy ... And so it goes on.

Notes from the marketing managers

1 Displays of fruit, vegetables and flowers just inside a store are common. They give customers a feeling of healthy living before they reach the other ordinary items.

2 Special offers near the entrance help shoppers start shopping. And when the first item is in the trolley, there will soon be more.

3 The store is often painted green. This gives shoppers that natural feeling. Bakery, fish and delicatessen counters also offer fresh, healthy goods.

4 Many large supermarkets now sell other goods, for example clothes and electrical products.

5 Milk, eggs or butter are always at the back of the shop. So shoppers must pass many things that are nice but that they don’t really need.

6 Big brand names and items like precooked meals are very profitable, so they are often clearly displayed to get the customer’s attention.

7 Magazines and sweets are at the checkouts where shoppers have to wait. And that is where they see the information about the other services the supermarket offers such as cheap travels or mobile phones.

8 Paying with the supermarket’s own credit card is so easy. Buy now, pay later. A lot of supermarkets give you loyalty cards. You can collect points and with the points you can get some money back or free gifts. So please come back very soon. 译文:


步入大型超市时,千万不能大意!很多精明狡诈的人非常善于让你买买买。 周六下午3点。你到超市买些你真正需要的物品,也就是咖啡、牛奶和鸡蛋。你推了一辆手推车,这是你犯的第一个错误。现在你根本感受不到所购商品的重量,自然你可能会越买越多。别忘了,手推车可是又大又深。



1 店内通常会摆放水果、蔬菜与鲜花。这会让顾客购买其他普通商品前产生一种健康生活的感觉。

2 入口处的特价优惠商品会让顾客开始购物。一旦第一件商品放入手推车,随之很快就会有越来越多的商品放入手推车。

3 店内的装饰通常为绿色。这会令人感到清新自然。面包、鱼类和熟食柜台也要提供新鲜健康食物。

4 许多大型超市现在还卖其他商品,比如衣服和电子产品。

5 牛奶、鸡蛋或奶油总是放在超市的后面。这样顾客必须经过一大堆好看但并非真正需要的商品。

6 大品牌商品以及那些诸如熟菜之类的东西利润很高,所以通常会摆放得十分巧妙,以吸引顾客的注意。

7 杂志和糖果摆放在购物者需要排队等待的结账柜台旁。这里他们可以看到超市提供的其他服务信息,比如像廉价旅游、手机等。

8 用超市的信用卡支付会十分便利。可以先购物,后付款。许多超市会为你办积分卡。你可以通过积分换回部分款项或者获得免费礼品。所以请你一定要尽早再次光顾哦。

Text B Shopping mall or cyber-mall?

With a partner, talk about the following questions:

1. Have you ever compared products and prices on the Internet before buying something in the shops?

2. Have you ever bought — or sold — anything online? If not, might you in the future?

The Internet is part of everyday life for most young people: about three-quarters of 18-to 24-year-olds regularly go online. Since the mid-1990s, online sales have been increasing by over 25% per year. Last year goods and services worth $93 billion were bought online.

In the beginning, many people thought that this would be the end of traditional shopping. Are ordinary shops and even shopping malls going to close? Will millions of shop assistants lose their jobs?

Well, Internet shopping certainly has big advantages. Travel websites can quickly find the cheapest flights, for example, and fares cost less than they do from a travel agent. Most Internet prices are lower than shop prices. It can also be very convenient to do your shopping from home, day or night.

However, orders can take two weeks or more to arrive, and you have to return the article if something is wrong. Many people worry about the security of their credit

高职国际进阶英语综合教程1 unit3课文原文和译文


