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Step1 Warming up and lead-in 1. Warming up

教师以猜词方式进行热身,介绍猜词竞赛规则,并鼓励学生踊跃参与。 T: Today I have some presents for you. In each present there is a word or a phrase in Unit5 for you to guess. Which group would you like to choose first?

[设计意图] 教师以猜词进行热身, 一方面易于检测学生预习情况,

另一方面易于调动学生上课的积极性和热情,有利于学生全身心投入到教师活动中,为教师顺利开展课堂教学奠定良好基础。 2. Lead-in

教师由猜词(choking, a sprained ankle, a nose bleed) 引出first aid,介绍并让学生齐读first aid的定义。

First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.

[设计意图] 教师对猜词环节所提供的单词进行了精心的筛选和设计,最后引出first aid,根据学生所给出的英文解释,进而引导学生对所猜单词及短语的几种情况进行急救,学习这几种急救知识。 Step2 Pre-reading

在处理课文内容前,教师让学生观看一个视频,它是有关发生在同学们身边的故事,视频观看完毕后提出问题,让学生思考: T: What happens in the video?

[设计意图] 因为视频中的事故发生在学生餐厅,牢牢地吸引了学生的眼


球,此设计可以引发学生对烫伤急救进行基本的讨论,快速激发学生的求知欲,从而引出本节话题First aid for burns,教学目标明确,为接下来的阅读创造了良好的学习氛围。 Step3 While-reading 1. Skimming


T: How many parts is the text divided into? Exactly, 5 parts.

T: So, Part1: Functions of skin; Part2: Causes of burns; Part3: Types of burns; Part4: Characteristics of burns; Part5: First aid treatment. Here is the outline of this passage.

[设计意图] 在训练学生的略读能力的时候,分析文章,让学生整体地寻找标题,尤其突出思维导图在理解文章结构中的重要性。这样的设计旨在培养学生良好的阅读习惯,可以很好地体现整体教学法的原则,给文章以整体感,并把阅读课上升到了一个高度,即:要分析文章的类型、特点及规律,有的放矢地进行阅读。


2. Scanning

Part1: Skin 教师让学生观察一张放大了的人体皮肤的示意图,让学生根据预习内容回答问题:我们人体的皮肤共有几层?分别是哪几层?然后让学生细读课文第一部分The Function of Skin,根据课文内容完成PPT所给句子的空白部分信息,理解皮肤的功能。

T: Let’s look at the picture. How many layers are there in our skin? And what are they?

Ss: Three. They are the first layer, the second layer and the third layer. [设计意图] 文章的第一部分,老师围绕着皮肤的作用给学生设置了查找关键词的任务,培养学生通过细读查找关键信息的能力。

Part2: Causes of burns 在学生预习课文的基础上,教师给出一些图片,让学生回答生活中常见的烧烫伤的原因有哪些。

T: But sometimes we can be very careless and get our skin burned. What kind of causes are there in our daily life?

Ss: Hot liquids, steam, fire, the sun, electricity/ electric shock, chemicals. [设计意图] 第二部分内容比较简单易懂,但应对个别生词强化记忆。

Part3: Types of burns and Part4: Characteristics of burns 教师提问学生:日常生活中的烧烫伤的类型有几种?分别有哪些?每种类型烧烫伤中受影响的是哪层皮肤?

T: In fact, different types of causes can cause different types of burns. Each


burn has its own characteristics. Read part 3 and part 4,and try to find out the answers to these questions.

1) How many types of burns are there? 2) In each type, which layer of skin is affected?

3) Which type of burns is it? What are the symptoms of each burn? Ss: (together) Three. They are First degree burns, Second degree burns and Third degree burns.

T: Good. And in each type, which layer of skin is affected? Ss: First degree burns affect only the top layer of the skin…

[设计意图] 第三部分--烧伤的类型,让学生根据老师所给任务快速查找所需信息,训练了查读的能力,也让每个学生有了独立思考的空间。

教师让学生仔细观察三副烧烫伤的图片,提出问题:每副图片上对应的是哪一类型的烧烫伤?每种类型烧烫伤的症状分别是什么? 有疑问的地方可以参看课文或者与同桌讨论得出答案。

Part5: First aid treatment (1)教师指导学生思考:明星歌手Selina曾经严重烧伤,如果你在现场的话,应该怎么办呢?以此引出课文的第五部分:First aid treatment T: Let’s come to the fifth part of the text----First aid treatment. Read and try to find the six steps about first aid for burns. 让学生对卡片进行排序,然后和对答案。


(2)教师再指导学生细读第五部分并思考:在烧烫伤的急救处理过程中我们需要哪些东西?学生读完之后,教师指导学生进行一个快速判断的小游戏,即:教师给出一个物品名称,让学生回答YES/ NO,以此判断哪些是需要的哪些是不需要的,有疑问的地方进行适当的解释。 (3)接着,为了进一步细致地理解正确恰当的急救措施,教师指导学生进行抢答练习,即:学生听老师亲自录制的句子,然后直接起立抢答判断所给句子中急救措施的正误,并给出合理的解释。

T: Good. You have got more details of the treatment. To understand the steps further, let’s do Rushing to answer. Listen to the following first aid treatment. Just stand up to decide whether it is True (T) or False (F). If it’s false, please give your reason. If you’re reasonable, you’ll add one more point to your group.

F 1) When someone is burned, you should place some ice on his wound. T 2) The function of cool water is to prevent and reduce swelling.

T 3) We shouldn’t break the blisters, or they will make the wound infected.

F 4) Sometimes, we can put oil or ointments on burns to stop the infection.

F 5) Cold water can be used in three types of burns.

[设计意图] 设置多种教学方式,让课堂动静结合。同时,以听力及抢答的方式进行小组比赛,调动了学生的积极性的参与的热情,增加了课堂的活跃度,也加强了小组内学生的合作意识和整体意识。



