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( ) 1. —____ are they going to ____ tomorrow? —They are going to have a party.

A. When; do B. What; go C. What; do ( ) 2. I’m ____ my grandmother tomorrow.

A. visited B. going to visit C. visit ( ) 3. I’m going ____ a tree tomorrow.

A. plant B. to plant C. plants ( ) 4. We ____ have a football match tomorrow.

A. are going B. are go to C. are going to ( ) 5. Daming and Simon ____ to America next year.

A. goes B. are going C. went D. go ( ) 6. There ____ a birthday party tomorrow.

A. has B. is going to have C. will have D. will be ( ) 7. Tomorrow Tim and Anne will ____ to the zoo. A. going B. goes C. go ( ) 8. —____ your father ____ you to the park tomorrow? —Yes, tomorrow is Sunday.

A. Do; take B. Did; take C. Will; take ( ) 9. My bike is not here. Will you ____ yours ____ me?

A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. lend; to

( ) 10. If you ____ work hard, you ____ pass the exam. A. won’t; won’t B. won’t; can’t C. don’t; don’t D. don’t; don’t

( ) 11. There ____ a sports meet in the playground next Monday. A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be ( ) 12. We are going to have a farewell party, I ____ a song at the party. A. will sing B. sing C. sang 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. My aunt ________ (come) back tomorrow. We are very excited. 2. It will ________ (cloudy) tomorrow.

3. She will ________ (visit) her uncle next week. 4. What are you going ________ (do) there? 5. They ________ (plant) trees tomorrow.

6. ________ Timmy ________ (visit) his friends next Sunday?

7. Tom ________ (go) to plant trees next day. He ____ (go) to plant trees every year. 8. Mike ________ (come) to see us next week. 9. We ________ (visit) the farm next week.

10. Nancy ________ (take) part in a sports meet next week.


一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I ________ (do) my homework tonight. 2. We ________ (water) the flowers this afternoon. 3. He ________ (buy) a CD next Saturday. 4. You ________ (read) books on the weekend. 5. They ________ (go) the cinema this evening. 6. My parents ________ (fly) to Beijing tomorrow. 7. Mike ________ (watch) TV this evening. 8. Amy ________ (have) a busy weekend tomorrow. 9. Lily ________ (read) books on Saturday morning.

10. Tom and Jack ________ (watch) TV on Saturday afternoon. 11. She ________ (go) shopping on Sunday morning. 12. He ________ (play) football this afternoon. 13. I ________ (go) hiking this afternoon. 二、根据答句写问句。

1. _________________________________________? I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 2. _________________________________________? He is going at 9:25.

3. _________________________________________? They are going to the library tomorrow.



