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用C++解决问题第十版Chapter 3

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Test Bank for Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, 10/e Chapter 3 More Flow of Control


1. A boolean expression may evaluate to more than 2 values ANSWER: FALSE

2. A function may return a boolean value. ANSWER: TRUE

3. In an enumerated data type, different constants may not have the same value. ANSWER: FALSE

4. The compiler always pairs an else with _______________

ANSWER: the nearest previous if not already paired with an else. 5. All switch statements can be converted into nested if-else statements ANSWER: TRUE

6. All nested if-else statements can be converted into switch statements. ANSWER: FALSE

7. A break statement in a switch stops your program. ANSWER: FALSE

8. It is illegal to make function calls inside a switch statement. ANSWER: FALSE

9. A semicolon by itself is a valid C++ statement. ANSWER: TRUE

10. The break statement causes all loops to exit. ANSWER: FALSE Short Answer

1. A ____________ expression is an expression that can be thought of as being true or false.

ANSWER: boolean

2. _________ is a type whose values are defined by a list of constants of type int. ANSWER: enumerated data type

3. The code following the ________ case is executed if none of the other cases are matched in a switch statement. ANSWER: default

4. A compound statement that contains variable declarations is called a __________. ANSWER: block

5. Variables defined inside a set of braces are said to be _______ to that block of code.

ANSWER: local

6. Each repetition of a loop body is called ____________. ANSWER: an iteration

7. A _________ loop always executes the loop body at least once, irregardless of the loop condition.

ANSWER: do-while

8. A switch statement variable must be ________

ANSWER: an integer, bool, char or enumerated type

9. A loop that iterates one too many or one too few times is said to be ________ ANSWER: off by one

Multiple Choice

Test Bank for Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, 10/e Chapter 3 More Flow of Control

1. Which boolean operation is described by the following table? A B Operation True True True True False True False True True False False False a. or b. and c. not

d. none of the above ANSWER: A

2. Which boolean operation is described by the following table? A B Operation True True True True False False False True False False False False a. or b. and c. not

d. none of the above ANSWER: B

3. Which of the following symbols has the highest precedence?

a. ++ b. || c. && d. -


4. If a programming language does not use short-circuit evaluation, what is the output of the following code fragment if the value of myInt is 0?

int other=3, myInt;

if(myInt !=0 && other % myInt !=0) cout << \else cout << \

a. other is even b. other is odd c. 0

d. run-time error, no output ANSWER: D

5. What is the value of the following expression? (true && (4/3 || !(6)))

Test Bank for Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, 10/e Chapter 3 More Flow of Control

a. true b. false c. 0

d. illegal syntax ANSWER: A

6. if x is 0, what is the value of (!x ==0)?

a. false b. true

c. unable to determine d. A ANSWER: A

7. Which of the following are equivalent to (!(x<15 && y>=3))?

a. (x>15 && y<=3) b. (x>=15 && y < 3) c. (x>=15 || y < 3) d. (x>15 || y < 3) e. C and D ANSWER: C

8. Which of the following boolean expressions tests to see if x is between 2 and 15 (including 2 and 15)?

a. (x<=15 || x>=2) b. (2 <=x || x <=15) c. (x >=2 && x <=15) d. (2 <= x <= 15) ANSWER: C

9. Given the following enumerated data type definition, what is the value of SAT? enum myType{SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THUR,FRI,SAT,NumDays};

a. 7 b. 6 c. 8 d. 5

e. unknown ANSWER: b

10. Given the following enumerated data type definition, what is the value of SAT? enum myType{SUN=3,MON=1,TUE=3,WED,THUR,FRI,SAT,NumDays};

a. 7 b. 6 c. 8 d. 5

e. unknown ANSWER: A

11. What is the output of the following code fragment if x is 15? if(x < 20) if(x <10) cout << \ else

Test Bank for Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, 10/e Chapter 3 More Flow of Control

cout << \

a. less than 10 b. nothing c. large

d. no output, syntax error ANSWER: C

12. What is the output of the following code fragment? int i=5; switch(i) {

case 0: i=15;break; case 1: i=25;break; case 2: i=35;break; case 3: i=40; default: i=0; }

cout << i <

a. 15 b. 25 c. 35 d. 40 e. 0 f. 5 ANSWER: E

13. What is wrong with the following switch statement? int ans;

cout <<\cin >> ans; switch (ans) {

case 'y':

case 'Y': cout << \case 'n':

case 'N': cout << \default: cout <<\}

a. ans is a int

b. break; is illegal syntax c. nothing

d. there are no break statements on 2 cases. ANSWER: A

14. Which of the following data types can be used in a switch controlling expression?

a. int b. char

Test Bank for Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, 10/e Chapter 3 More Flow of Control

c. float d. enum e. double f. d and e g. a and b h. a,b and d

i. all of the above ANSWER: H

15. What is the output of the following code fragment? int x=0; { int x=13; cout << x <<\ }

cout << x << endl;

a. 13,13 b. 0,13 c. 13,0

d. nothing, there is a syntax error. ANSWER: C

16. What is the output of the following code fragment? { int x=13; cout << x <<\ }

cout << x << endl;

a. 13,13 b. 0,13 c. 13,0

d. nothing, there is a syntax error. ANSWER: D

17. What is the value of x after the following code executes? int x=10; if(x++ >10) { x =13; }

a. 10 b. 9 c. 13 d. 11 ANSWER: A

18. What is the value of x after the following code executes? int x=10; if( ++x >10) {

用C++解决问题第十版Chapter 3


