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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 剑桥少儿英语考试(第二级)模拟试题及详解(二) 剑桥少儿英语考试(第二级)模拟试题及详解(二)


Part 1 - 5 questions -

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.


1. Jill and the girl skipping, in a blue coat.

(录音中提到,Jill穿着蓝色的大衣(blue coat)在跳绳(skipping)。)

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 2. Mary and the woman standing next to the bus. (录音中提到,Mary老师正在车旁将物品放入车内。)

3. John and the boy taking a photo, with a plaster on his leg.

(录音中提到,John腿上贴着膏药(plaster),正在照相(take a picture)。) 4. Sally and the girl with long hair and a yellow jacket.

(录音中提到,Sally有着一头长发(long hair),穿着黄色的外套(jacket)。) 5. Peter and the blond boy carrying skates.

(录音中提到,Peter有着金黄色的头发,手里拿着滑冰鞋(skates)。) 【录音原文】

Example: WOMAN: What a beautiful day! Who are all those children by the school bus? BOY: Mrs. Jones's class are all going on holiday.

WOMAN: There are a lot of children. Who's the boy who's running? He's got a big bag on his shoulder! BOY: That's my friend Bill.

WOMAN: Who's the girl who's skipping? BOY: The one who's wearing the blue coat?

WOMAN: Yes. I know her, I think, but I don't know her name. BOY: That's Jill. [pause]

BOY: And look, there's the teacher, Mrs. Jones. She's putting all the things in the bus.

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 WOMAN: What's her first name? BOY: It's Mary. You know that, Mum!

WOMAN: Oh, yes! I talk to her in the shop sometimes. Look! She's got a new hat. [pause]

WOMAN: Who's that? The boy who's taking a picture? BOY: His name's John.

WOMAN: What's the matter with his leg?

BOY: He hurt it in the playground last week. [pause] BOY: Can you see Sally? She's going with them. WOMAN: No. Which girl is she?

BOY: The one who's putting on her jacket. WOMAN: She's got very long hair. BOY: Yes, she has. [pause]

BOY: And look, that's Peter. He's carrying some skates. WOMAN: What's he pointing at? BOY: The dog. Look! Can you see it?

Part 2 - 5 questions -

Listen and write. There is one example. (F1)

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台


Example: Day: Questions: 1. Place:

The Cafe



2. Number of children: 3. Where they sat: 4. Food: 5. Drink:

cake, and ice cream

lemonade and juice


1. Paris 录音中男孩问“聚会在哪里开”,女孩回答“在巴黎咖啡(Paris Café)”,拼写为P-A-R-I-S。

2. 18 / eighteen (children) 录音中男孩问“当时那里有多少个孩子”,女孩回答“18个(eighteen)”。

3. outside 录音中男孩问“你们都坐在哪里”,女孩回答“我们在外面(outside)有个大桌子。

4. sandwiches 录音中男孩问“你们都吃了什么”,女孩回答“我们吃了生日蛋糕(birthday cake),三明治(sandwiches)和冰淇淋(ice cream)。

5. lime 录音中男孩问“你们喝了什么”,女孩回答“一些人喝了柠檬汁(lemonade),一些人喝了酸橙汁(lime juice)。 【录音原文】

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Example: 圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 MAN: Did you have a good birthday party? GIRL: Yes, it was great! MAN: When was the party? GIRL: It was last Saturday. MAN: Saturday? GIRL: That's right.

MAN: Where was the party? GIRL: It was in the Paris Cafe. MAN: Oh! How do you spell that? GIRL: P-A-R-I-S. [pause]

MAN: How many children were there? GIRL: Eighteen.

MAN: Eighteen! That's a lot! GIRL: Yes. There were ten boys... MAN: and eight girls? GIRL: Right! [pause] MAN: Where did you all sit? GIRL: We had a big table outside. MAN: Outside? Oh, weren't you cold?

GIRL: No. It was hot and sunny that day. [pause]

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