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A.a, an ,/ B.a , / , the C.an , an , the D./ , an , / 15.Today is _____ Children’s Day . A.a B.an C.the D/ 四、用代词填空:

1._____ , _____ and ____ are all good friends .

A.We , you , they B.You , they , we C.We , they , you D.They , you , we 2.____ classroom is big , but ____ is much bigger than _____ .

A.We , they , us B.Our , their , our C.Our , theirs , ours D.Our , theirs , we 3.She lost ____ pen . Will you lend her ____ ?

A.her , yours B.his , your C.hers , you D.their , yourself 4. “What are you doing ?” “I am looking at _____ in the mirror ?” A.me B.myself C.itself D.himself


一、 写出相邻的数词

1. twenty 2. five

3. twelve 4. fifty-eight 5. ninety 6. seventy 7. thirty-eight 8. one hundred 9. one thousand 10. one 二、选择正确答案

1.There are days in a year.

A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five 2.There are students in this school.

A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six 3.My brother is in .

A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one 4.He was doing some washing .

A. at eight yesterday morning B. yesterday morning eight C. yesterday morning at eight D. by eight yesterday morning

5.There are months in a year. December is the month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth 6.Sunday is the day of the week.

A. seventh B. first C. second D. third 7.Autumn is season in a year.



A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. third

8.Tom was to get to school and I was .

A. first; ninth B. the first; the ninth C. a first; a ninth D. the second; the ninth 9.What’s the date today? It’s .

A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4th 10.Monday is the second day, and .

A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifth C. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday



1、形容词比较级在句子中的运用:两个事物或人的比较用比较级,比较级后面一般带有单词than。比较级前面可以用more, a little 来修饰表示程度。than后的人称代词用主格(口语中可用宾格)。 2.形容词加er的规则: ⑴一般在词尾加er ; ⑵以字母e 结尾,加r ;

⑶以辅音字母加一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾(除ow结尾),应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er ;

⑷以“辅音字母+y”结尾,先把y变i,再加er 。

(5)两个音节或两个以上的音节的,在原级前加more 如:beautiful-more beautiful 3.不规则形容词比较级: good-better


1.形容词与副词的区别 (有be用形,有形用be;有动用副,有副用动) ⑴在句子中形容词一般处于名词之前或be动词之后 ⑵副词在句子中最常见的是处于实义动词之后

2.副词比较级的变化规则基本与形容词比较级相同 (不规则变化:well-better, far-farther) ☆表示两者之间没有差别时,使用句型:

主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词 + as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物 +…. 如: Lily ran as slow as an old woman.(莉莉跑得像老太太一样慢)

They picked as many apples as the farmers.(他们摘的苹果和农民一样多) ☆表示第一个人比不上第二个人时,使用句型:



主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词(否定式) + as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物+….

如: Lily did not run as slow as an old woman. (莉莉跑得不像老太太那样慢) They didn’t pick as many apples as the farmers. (他们摘的苹果不如农民多)



old____________ young____________ tall___________ long____________ short____________ strong____________ big____________ small___________ fat_____________ thin______________ heavy__________ light___________ nice_____________ good_____________ beautiful______________________ low______________ high_____________ slow___________ fast_____________ late______________ early_____________ far___ __________ well_________ 二、根据句意填入单词的正确形式:

1. My brother is two years __________(old)than me. 2. Tom is as ________(fat) as Jim.

3. Is your sister __________(young) than you? Yes,she is. 4. Who is ___________(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.

5. Whose pencil-box is __________(big),yours or hers? Hers is. 6. Mary's hair is as __________(long) as Lucy's.

7.Ben ______ (jump) ________ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 8.________ Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen? Yes, she _____. 9.Fangfang is not as _________ (tall) as the other girls. 10.My eyes are __________(big) than ________ (she).. 11.Which is ___________(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 12.Who gets up _________(early),Tim or Tom?

13._____the girls get up_______(early) than the boys?No,they______. 14. Jim runs _____(slow). But Ben runs _____(slow).

15.The child doesn't______(write) as ____(fast) as the students. 三、翻译句子:


________ is _________than Jim? ________ are 2、谁比David更强壮?是Gao Shan.

________ _________ than David? Gao Shan ________. 3、谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。

_________ pencil is _________,______or________?________is,I think. 4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的。 _________ apples ________ ________,your _______ or your _______?



My ____________ ___________. 5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。

_________ ________as _________as your uncle?Yes,I am. 6、他和他的朋友Jim一样年轻。

He _______ as __________ as ________ ________ Jim. 7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦。

________ ________ as _________ as______ twin _______? No, _________ _________ than him. 8.Yang Ling每天睡得比SuYang晚。

Yang Ling ________ to _______ ________ than Su Yang every day. 9.我跳得和Mike一样远。

I _________ as _______ as Mike.


____ Tom _____ _____ than you?No,he _______. He_____ as_____ as_____. 11.多做运动,你会更强壮。

________ more exercise,you'll ________ _________ soon. 12.我的科学很好,但是语文不好。

I ______ ________ at Science.But I don't _________ well in Chinese. 13. 你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低。

____you_______the kite_____than Wang bing?No,I______it _____than___. 14.我喜欢游泳。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢。

I like_______.All my______ _______ _______than me. 15.我的姐姐起得比我早。

My_____ _____ up _____than me. 16.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的。

____the girls______ ______ ______the boys? Yes,they ____. 17.她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。

She doesn't ____ _____ in PE. But I don't ______ _____than_____. 18.你足球踢得比你的同班同学好吗?不,他们踢得和我一样好。

___ you ____football _____than your classmates?No,they____as____as me. 19.我母亲比我父亲年纪小。

My_____ _____ ______than my ______. 20.她的毛衣和我的一样重。

_____sweater_____ as_______as_____.


My dress_____ too_____. I want to _____a______one. 22. I'm taller than Mike .(该成用原级的比较)



I'm _________ as ________ as Mike .



介词是一种虚词,不能独立使用。介词之后一般有名词或代词(宾格)或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句作它的宾语,即构成介词短语。有些介词是由两个以上的词构成的短语介词,如:out of(从…中出来), away from(距离…), next to(在…隔壁), in front of(在…前方)等。

2、介词的分类表: (见下表)

地点(位置、范围)介词: after在…后面, at在…处, before在...前, behind在...后, beside在...旁边, between在...之间, from来自..., in在...里面, near靠近..., on在...上面, outside在....外面, under在...下方, in front of在...前, in the middle of在...的中间, at the back of在...的后部,等等。

方向(目标趋向)介词: along沿着..., around绕着..., at朝着..., down向…下, for向..., from从/离..., in进入..., into进入..., near接近..., off脱离/除..., out of向...外, outside向....外, to向/朝..., up向...上, away from远离... 时间介词:about大约..., after在…以后, at在… (时刻), before在…以前, for有…(之久), from从…(时)起, in在(上/下午); on在(某日), past过了…(时), to到(下一时刻), 方式介词:as作为/当作..., by用/由/乘坐/被..., in用…(语言), like与…一样, on骑(车)/徒(步), with用(材料),用(手/脚/耳/眼),

涉及介词: about关于..., in在…(方面), of…的,有关..., to对…而言, with就…而言 其它介词:

【目的介词】 for为了..., to为了…

【比较介词】 as与…一样,like象…一样,than比...,to与…相比少,

【伴随/状态介词】 at在(上班/休息/上学/家,etc.),in穿着…(衣服/颜色), on在(值日), with与…一起,有/带着/长着... 3、介词短语的句法作用:

介词短语相当于一个形容词或副词,可用作状语、定语和表语。如:The man came .(状)(那个人走下楼来)/The woman is from the countryside.(定)(头上戴花的妇女来自乡下)/The teacher is now with the students.(表)(老师现在和学生在一起) 4、介词短语在句子中的位置:

介词短语做状语时,如果表示时间/地点,可以放在句首或句尾,如果表示方向/方式/伴随/涉及/原因/目的/比较,一般放在句尾; 介词短语作表语时放在连系动词之后;介词短语作定语时,只能放在被修饰的名词之后。如:He wanted to find a good job in




