Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Social Background
? freedom from restraint; ? age of revolutions
? experimentation in science; ? the presence of the frontier; ? growth in nationalism; ? growth in materialism;
? the age of the gifted amateur; ? belief in progressivism.
? His life:
? Born into a poor candle makers family; the 15th of his father’s 17children ? Had very little formal education
? Was apprenticed to his older brother at 12
? Ran away to Philadelphia to make his own fortune at 17
? A printer, postmaster, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, orator, statesman,
philosopher, political economist, ambassador
? The only American to sign the four documents that created the US ? One of the makers of the new nation
? Poor Richard’s Almanac:
containing witty maxims for achieving wealth as a result of hard work and thrift.
? “Lost time is never found again.” “A penny saved is a penny earned.” “God help them that help themselves.”
“Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
☆ A record of a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity.
☆ The book demonstrates Franklin’s confident belief that the new world of American was a land of opportunities which might be met through hard work and wise management. ☆ The book celebrates the fulfillment of the American dream.
☆ It is a Puritan document of self-examination and self-improvement.
☆ The spirit of self-reliance, originating from Puritan ethics, bloomed in the next century into Emerson’s Transcendentalism.
? Franklin's Autobiography has received widespread praise, both for its historical value as a
record of American’s first self-made man and for its literary style.
? It follows the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision. (the plainness of its
style, the homeliness of imagery, the simplicity of diction, syntax and expression)
? It is often considered the first American book to be taken seriously by Europeans as
? William Dean Howells asserted that \
literature, and towers over other autobiographies as Franklin towered over other men.\
“To His Son”
? The Autobiography opens with a salutation to Ben Franklin son, William Franklin, who at
the time was the royal governor of New Jersey.
? Franklin is writing in the summer of 1771 on vacation in a small town about 50 miles
south of London.
Why did Franklin write his Autobiography?
? He assumes that his son might be interested in knowing the circumstances of his life.
? He claims to write so that his own life may be an example for his son of how one can live
well and how one can get through hardships.
? He has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it. But since he cannot repeat life, he can
instead recollect it.
? He admits that he wants to gratify his own vanity.
? His motive for writing, as well as Franklin's mention of correcting some errors were he to
relive his life, both indicate Franklin's constant interest in self-improvement. This is perhaps the most important theme in the Autobiography.
A Summary of “To His Son”:
? Franklin says that he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record
his past for his son.
? He states his motives for writing his autobiography. ? He thanks God for allowing him to live a good life.
“The Arrival in Philadelphia” Ben and his brother:
? Ben and James, often fought over trifling matters.
? When James was jailed for political reasons, Ben had the chance to take over the
newspaper briefly,
? Ben held the job in name even after James was released under the stipulation that James
could no longer work on the paper.
? After another fight with James, Ben suddenly broke his contract and quit his job.
? James immediately instructed the other printers in Boston not to hire his brother, and as a
result, Ben realizes that he would have to travel to a different city if he wished to find work.
One of His First Errata
? Franklin mentions his \
? His mention of his errors blends in well with the overall theme of self-improvement. ? He wants to make it clear that he has never acted perfectly in all situations, and he wishes
to indicate that he recognizes the mistakes he has made during his life. ? He also points them out as a means of showing humility.
A Summary of “The Arrival in Philadelphia”
? At age 17, he secretly leaves home and traveled to New York City. He finds no work
there , but learns that he could get a job in Philadelphia.
? His journey to Philadelphia is eventful as he gets caught in a storm, during which he
saved the life of a drunken Dutchman.
? The boat dropped him off near Burlington, about 18 miles from Philadelphia.
? He finally arrived in the city in the Market Street Wharf with a ridiculous appearance.
His List of Virtues 1. Temperance 2. Silence 3. Order 4. Resolution 5. Frugality 6. Industry 7. Sincerity 8. Justice 9. Moderation 10. Cleanliness 11. Tranquility 12. Chastity 13. Humility
? Please comment on Benjamin Franklin and his autobiography. ? Why did he write his autobiography? ? Why and how did he go to Philadelphia?