PCS7 V7、0 SP1中文版安装步骤说明 1、安装软件准备:
1、 PCS 7 Toolset Chinese V7、0 SP1 1 DVD
2、 MS Service Packs & Tools Asia 1 DVD3?、 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1 for WinCC V6、2 1 DVD
4、 Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 英文版以及Microsoft Internet Explorer V6、0 Service Pack 2英文版(XP SP2提供)
5、 Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition) Service Pack 2 以及 Internet Explorer V6、0 Service Pack 2(Windows 2003 server SP2提供)?※备注:相关补丁、HotFix、安全补丁可以在MS Service Packs & Tools Asia DVD中找到。
Parameters Central engineering station with server OS client, operating system, central archive server, PCS 7 OS/SIMATIC BATCH/SIMATIC RouBATCH client, te Control on a PC, Route Control Engineering station, client OS server, OS single station, maintenance station, PCS 7 Web server, OS client, and BATCH client on a PC, BATCH server, BATCH single station, Route Control server, Route Control single station SIMATIC Rack PC 547B Intel Core2Duo E6600 2、40 GHz 4 MB 1066 MHz Basic PC (see catalog) Processor Clock-pulse rate Second-level cache (SLC) Front-side bus (FSB) Work memory (RAM) Hard disk Partition size Network adapters/munications interfaces ·?For terminal bus munication ?· For plant bus munication?2、0 GB 1、0 GB 250 GB SATA RAID 1 250 GB SATA array in servers and ES/OS single stat ions 250 GB SATA in client s ystems C:\\ 50 GB C:\\ 50 GB · RJ45 on-board gigabit Ethernet? · CP1613 A2 or BCE network adapter for engineering station and OS server?· For all apart from engineering station:?DVD-ROM · For engineering station:?DVD+/-RW · RJ45 on-board gigabit Ethernet?Opt、 drive DVD-ROM ParametSIMATIC BOX PC 627B SIMATIC Microbox PC 427B ers Intel Core2Duo Mobile Processor Pentium Mobile M738 T7400 Clock-p2、16 GHz 1、4 GHz ulse rate Second-level cache 4 MB 2 MB (SLC) Front-side bus 667 MHz 400 MHz (FSB) Work memory 2、0 GB 1、0 GB (RAM) Hard disk 160 GB SATA pact Flash card: 2、0 GB Partition C:\ 30 GB size Networ· 2 x RJ45 on-board · 2 x RJ45 on-board gik adapgigabit Ethernet?gabit Ethernet?ters/munications interfaces On-board CP5611 · In \IMATIC PCS 7 BOX RTX" bundle, additional CP5613 A2?DVD-ROM On-board CP5611 Opt、 drive Special features Without fan 2、2最低硬件需求: Central engineering statiEngineSIMATIC PCS 7 on with servering OS client, BOX 416 er operatstation, ing system, (basic PC must central archiBATCH clienOS server, be a BOX PC 627 ve server, t, or better) PCS 7 OS/S OS single IMATIC station, BATCH/SIMRoute Contromaintenance ATIC Route l client statiControl on a on, PC PCS 7 Web server, Parameters OS clie nt and BATCH client on a PC, BATCH se rver, BATCH si ngle station, Route Co ntrol server, Route Con trol single station ProcessoIntel Pentium Intel PIntel PePentium Mobilr IV entium IV ntium IV e Clock->= 2、0 G>= 2、0 >= 2、0 GHz >= 2、0 GHz pulse rate Hz GHz Hard dis>= 120 >= 120 >= 80 GB 80 GB k GB GB Minimum partition size C:\\ 20 C:\\ 20 GB C:\ 20 GB C:\\ 20 GB GB Work memory (R2 GB 1 GB 512 MB 1 GB AM) Network · RJ45 · RJ45 adapters/mconnecconnector unicatiotor (Fast Etherns int(Fast net)?erfaces Ethernet)?· CP1613 or · CP1613 or BCE BCE netnetwork a2 x RJ45 connec·For work · RJ45 conndapter tors (Fast Etheterminaadapter ector (Fast Efor engirnet) available l bus for enthernet)?neerion BOX PC 627 municagineerng station?ing stattion and ion OS serveand OS r?server?·For plan t bus munication?Opt、 dDVDDVD-ROM DVD-ROM DVD-ROM rive -ROM 3、软件安装及设置:
1、 系统分区需求:?为了方便数据备份,应将 PC 站硬盘分为下述分区: ● 用于操作系统与 PCS 7 安装:约 20 GB
● 用于 PCS 7 项目结构:超过 15 GB,可能有几个分区
● 用于备份:备份到包含原始数据得 PC 或硬盘发生故障时不会受到影响得数据存储介质上,如 CD、MOD、乃至网络。
120 GB 硬盘得实例:
盘符 C: D: 、、、 大小 (GB) 20 60 、、、 驱动器名称 SYSTEM DATA BACKUP 格式化 NTFS NTFS NTFS 预期用途 操作系统安装与 PCS 7 安装 PCS 7 项目数据 备份文件 2、 安装操作系统:Windows XP Professional SP2 英文版、IE6、0 SP2或Windows 2003 Server SP2英文版、IE6、0 SP2。
3、 操作系统与PCS7版本兼容列表如下所示
注:当前版本得PCS7均不支持中文版得操作系统; 4、 其它设置:
● 对Windows XP Professional?> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Add-Remove Windows ponents?激活“Messenger Queuing”,如下图
pcs7 安装方法