新GRE模考题Sect ion 3
For Questions 1 to 5, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. Cynics believe that people who ______ compliments do so in order to be praised twice. (A) bask in (B) give out (C) despair of (D) gloat over (E) shrug off
2. The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanity’s longest continuous______ of natural events. (A) defiance
(B) documentation (C) maintenance (D) theory
(E) domination
3. Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric
Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical ______ or a brilliant ______ blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) (D) amalgam conversion (B) (E) apparition appropriation (C) (F) construct stratagem
4. Their mutual teasing seemed ______, but in fact it ______ a long-standing
Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) friendly (D) produced (B) aimless (E) masked (C) clever (F) averted
5. The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchell’s own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870’s ______ any assertion that feminism was ______ in that period.
Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) (D) frivolity buttress. (B) pervade (E) quiescent (C) belie (F) transitoriness
Questions 6 to 7 are based on the following reading passage.
From the 1900’s through the 1950’s waitresses in the United States developed a form of unionism based on the unions’ defining the skills that their occupation included and enforcing standards for the performance of those skills. This “occupational unionism” differed substantially from the “worksite unionism” prevalent among factory workers. Rather than unionizing the workforces of particular employers, waitress locals sought to control their occupation throughout a city. Occupational unionism operated through union hiring halls, which provided free placement services to employers who agreed to hire their personnel only through the union. Hiring halls offered union waitresses collective employment security, not individual job security—a basic protection offered by worksite unions. That is, when a waitress lost her job, the local did not intervene with her employer but placed her elsewhere; and when jobs were scarce, the work hours available were distributed fairly among all members rather than being assigned according to seniority.
6. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) analyze a current trend in relation to the past
(B) discuss a particular solution to a long-standing problem
(C) analyze changes in the way that certain standards have been enforced (D) apply a generalization to an unusual situation
(E) describe an approach by contrasting it with another approach
7. The author of the passage mentions “particular employers” (line 5) primarily in order to
(A) suggest that occupational unions found some employers difficult to satisfy (B) indicate that the occupational unions served some employers but not others (C) emphasize the unique focus of occupational unionism
(D) accentuate the hostility of some employers toward occupational unionism (E) point out a weakness of worksite unionism
Questions 8 to 9 are based on the following reading passage.
The dark regions in the starry night sky are not pockets in the universe that are devoid of stars as had long been thought. Rather, they are dark because of interstellar dust that hides the stars behind it. Although its visual effect is so pronounced, dust is only a minor constituent of the material, extremely low in density, that lies between the stars. Dust accounts for about one percent of the total mass of interstellar matter. The rest is hydrogen and helium gas, with small amounts of other elements. The interstellar material, rather like terrestrial clouds, comes in all shapes and sizes. The average density of interstellar material in the vicinity of our Sun is 1,000 to 10,000 times less than the best terrestrial laboratory vacuum. It is only because of the enormous interstellar distances that so little material per unit of volume becomes so significant. Optical astronomy is most directly affected, for although interstellar gas is perfectly transparent, the dust is not. For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. 8. It can be inferred from the passage that the density of interstellar material is
(A) equal to that of interstellar dust
(B) unusually low in the vicinity of our Sun.
(C) not homogeneous throughout interstellar space.
9. Select a sentence in the passage which gives the reason why stars can be obscured even by very sparsely distributed matter.
For Questions 10 to 13, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
10. Industrialists seized economic power only after industry
had______agriculture as the preeminent form of production; previously such power had resided in land ownership. (A) sabotaged (B) overtaken (C) toppled (D) joined
(E) supplanted (F) surrogated
11. Many industries are so______ by the impact of government sanctions, equipment failure, and foreign competition that they are beginning to rely on industrial psychologists to salvage what remains of employee morale.
(A) estranged (B) beleaguered (C) overruled
(D) encouraged (E) restrained (F) besieged
12. Not wishing to appear ______, the junior member of the research group refrained from
venturing any criticism of the senior members’ plan for dividing up responsibility for the entire project. (A) reluctant (B) inquisitive (C) presumptuous (D) pretentious (E) censorious (F) moralistic
13. The natures of social history and lyric poetry are antithetical , social history always recounting the ______and lyric poetry speaking for unchanging human nature, that timeless essence beyond fashion and economics. (A) bygone
(B) evanescent (C) unnoticed (D) unalterable (E) transitory (F) eternal
Questions 14-16 are based on the following passage.
The 1973 Endangered Species Act made into legal policy the concept that endangered species of wildlife are precious as part of a natural ecosystem. The nearly unanimous passage of this act in the United States Congress, reflection the rising national popularity of environmentalism, masked a bitter debate. Affected industries clung to the former wildlife policy of valuing individual species according to their economic usefulness. They fought to minimize the law’s impact by limiting definitions of key terms. But they lost on nearly every issue. The act defined “wildlife” as almost all kinds of animals—from large mammals to invertebrates—and plants. “Taking” wildlife was defined broadly as any action that threatened an endangered species; areas vital to a species’ survival could be federally protected as “critical habitats”. Though these definitions legislated strong environmentalist goals,
political compromises made in the enforcement of the act were to determine just what economic interests would be set aside for the sake of ecological stabilization.
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
14. According to the passage, all of the following statements are defined as a “critical habitat” EXCEPT
(A) A natural ecosystem that is threatened by imminent development (B) A natural area that is crucial to the survival of a species and thus eligible for federal protection.
(C) A wilderness area in which the “taking” of wildlife species is permitted rarely and only under strict federal regulation
15. It can be inferred from the passage that if business interests had won the debate on provisions of the 1973 Endangered Species Act, which of the following would have resulted
(A) Environmentalist concepts would not have become widely popular. (B) The definitions of key terms of the act would have been more restricted. (C) Enforcement of the act would have been more difficult.
(D) The act would have had stronger support from Congressional leaders. (E) The public would have boycotted the industries that had the greatest impact in defining the act.
16. The author refers to the terms “wildlife” (line 11),
“taking” (line 13), and “critical habitats” (line 16) most likely in order to
(A) illustrate the misuse of scientific language and concepts in political processes
(B) emphasize the importance of selecting precise language in transforming scientific concepts into law
(C) represent terminology whose definition was crucial in writing environmentalist goals into law
(D) demonstrate the triviality of the issues debated by