摘 要
关 键 字:局域网 VLAN 服务器 防火墙
With the popularization network step by step, the campus network to the school building is the inevitable development of information technology choice, Campus Network System is a very large and complex system, not only for teaching modern, comprehensive information management and office automation such as a Series applications to provide basic operating platform, but also provide a wide range of applications, so that information can be promptly and accurately transmitted to the various systems. The campus network construction in the main applications of network technology to the important branch LAN technology to the construction and management, so this will be the main topic graduate design to the construction of QI SHAN middle
school campus local area network technologies may be used for the design and implementation of the programme direction, To the campus network and provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance.
Keywords: Local area network VLAN Server Firewall
目 录
绪 论 ............................................ 5
第一章 前言
1.1 公司网络系统建设目标????????????? 1.2 用户具体需求?????????????????? 1.3 公司系统建设原则?????????????????? 1.3.1 先进性???????????????
1.3.2 标准性????????????????????? 1.3.3 兼容性?????????????????? 1.3.4 可升级和可扩展性????????????? 1.3.5 安全性???????????????????? 1.3.6 可靠性??????????????????? 1.3.7 易操作性???????????????????? 1.3.8 可管理性?????????????????? 第二章 综合布线方案
2.1 需求分析??????????????????????? 2.2 综合布线系统的结构?????????????????? 2.3 系统总体设计????????????????? 2.4 系统结构设计描述?????????????? 第三章 网络设计方案
3.1 网络设计需求??????????????????? 3.2 总体方案设计策略?????????????? 3.3 公司园区结构示意图??????????????? 3.4 网络设备选型??????????????????? 3.4.1 选型原则???????????????????? 3.4.2 核心层交换机??????????????? 3.4.3 接入层交换机???????????????
3.5 路由交换技术部分设计???????????????? 3.6 网络安全设计??????????????????? 第四章 Windows服务器解决方案
4.1 WEB服务器、Mail服务器选型????????????? 4.2 FTP服务器角色:配置文件服务器????????????? 4.3 数据库服务器及磁盘阵列选型????????????? 第五章 工程实施方案
实习总结???????????????????????? 致 谢????????????????????????? 参考文献??????????????????????????
绪 论
在当今经济全球化、竞争白热化和信息技术应用飞速发展的时代,信息化已经成为企业的命脉和核心竞争力,搞不搞信息化,已经不是企业的发展问题,而是生存问题。在这种时代背景下,公司做出信息化的战略选择,自然是明智之举 。