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外研版九年级英语下册教案Module 1

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外研版初三英语(下)Module 1 Travel教学设计 I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标

Listen to people talking about trips 听 Talk about the holiday and trips. 说

Read the dialogue about the holiday and the articles about the travel 读

Skill experience and the planes. Focus Write about something that happened during a trip students have 写


Write about the trip Talking about trips: How was your trip? 功

I flew to…/ I went to…by airplane/ bus/ coach/ ship/ taxi/ train. 能

I took the boat/ train/ coach/ taxi/ bus/ plane to …. . 句 式 Everyday English

The trip back was very long. Better get back to work. Plenty of fun things. We’ll have a great time! 1(重点词汇

Language airplane coach departure lounge transport nod tear towards Focus cigarette though step 词 2. 短语

be full of departure lounge because of take the boat go 汇 sightseeing by coach go for a long walk plenty of in front of at the start of as soon as look out of get off 语

The usages of a, an, and the 法

1. He’s staying with his family in the UK. P2 2. Why is travel so difficult in winter? P2 重

3. It’s the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.P2 点

4. We flew to Hong Kong –and the flight was late. P2 句

5. Last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and 子 went for a long walk. P2 6. The train to Beijing. P4

7. He pushed past them towards his seat. P4 8. You can have my seat. P4

II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析


Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习谈论旅行的方法。 Vocabulary and listening

Activity 1要求利用所给的词回答问题,学习或复习一些交通工具的表达方式。Activity 2利用所给词汇听录音回答关于旅游的问题。Activity 3再听一遍

填写表格。Activity 4听读一段Lingling, Betty, Daming谈论各自旅行的对话, 学习关于旅行的一些表达方式。Activity 5根据对话完成表格,听对话录音核对答案。Activity 6根据对话内容回答问题, 要求对对话深入理解。Activity 7根据对话内容完成句子, 注意because, so and although, but 的用法。

Pronunciation and speaking

Activity 8听录音,按照意群朗读句子。Activity 9根据意群朗读对话并听录音改正读得不对或不好的地方。Activity 10两两活动,就彼此的旅行进行口语练习。

Unit 2 通过读、写训练,学习谈论旅行途中的经历。 Reading

该单元共设计了4个活动。Activity1看短语猜测文章内容,读文章给句子排 序。文章介绍了Lin的第一次坐火车旅行的经历。Activity 2根据文章选择最佳答案, 注意文章的细节。Activity 3两两活动,根据文章回答问题,加深对文章的理解。


Activity 4写下自己旅行途中的难忘经历,从而练习关于旅行文章的写作。 Unit 3 对定冠词与不定冠词及“谈论旅行”的功能项目进行综合训练:Activity 1用a, an, the 填空。Activity 2选择符合句子的最佳答案。Activity3根据实际情况完成句子。Activity 4看图完成表格, 要求学生能看懂飞机票。Activity 5听录音完成表格。Activity 6根据表格回答问题。Activity 7阅读短文完成表格,写出文中介绍飞机的优缺点。Activity 8再次阅读Activity 7的短文把数字与事件连线。

Around the world介绍了飞行员 Charles Lindbergh第一次飞渡大西洋的经历。

外研版九年级英语下册教案Module 1


