【期刊名称】《复合材料学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(028)006
【摘要】Different diameters and depths of blind holes were drilled in the samples of 3D needled C/SiC composites to simulate air void defects in this paper. Thermal imaging testing was used to detect the blind hole defects, and then the dimension and location information of the defects were obtained. Two methods, i.e. peak temperaturecontrast method and logarithmic peak second-derivative method, were used to measure the defect depths, and the errors of these measured results were discussed. The results indicate that both of the two methods can be used to successfully measure the depth of the blind holes, but the measured error for the two methods is different. The error of peak temperature contrast method is less than the other method when the ratio of diameter to depth ranges from 1 to 4.4. Though the error of logarithmic peak second-derivative method is a bit larger than the other, this method can be used for wider ratios of diameter to depth, and the error of this method decreases as the ratio of diameter to depth increases.%利用在三维针刺C/SiC复合材料板上设计不同直径和深度的盲孔作为试样,模拟材料表面下的孔洞缺陷。采用红外热成像技术对试样盲孔缺陷进行检测,获得盲孔缺陷信息,通过最大温差法和InT—Int陆线二阶导数最大
值法两种分析方法测量盲孔的深度并分析所产生的误差。结果表明:两种方法都可以实现对盲孔缺陷深度的定量测量,但产生的测量误差存在差异;当径深比为1~4.4时,采用最大温差法的误差明显小于InT—Int曲线二阶导数最大值法,而InT—Int曲线二阶导数最大值法的测量精度虽然稍低,但该方法所适用的径深比范围较宽,并且测量误差随着盲孔径深比的增大而减小。 【总页数】5页(137-141)
【关键词】红外热成像;C/SiC复合材料;盲孔缺陷;深度 【作者】徐振业;成来飞;梅辉;陈曦;邓晓东
【作者单位】西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安710072;西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安710072;西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安710072;西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安710072;西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安710072 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TB332 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_acta-materiae-compositae-sinica_thesis/0201211877143.html 【相关文献】
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