Inter-comparison of the Infrared Channels of the Meteorological Imager Onboard COMS and Hy
Inter-comparison of the Infrared Channels of the Meteorological Imager Onboard COMS and
Hyperspectral IASI Data
Dohyeong KIM1,Myoung-Hwan AHN?2,and Minjin CHOI1
【摘 要】ABSTRACT:The successful launch and commissioning of the f i rst geostationary meteorological satellite of Korea has the potential to enhance earth observation capability over the Asia Pacif i c region.Although the specif i cations of the payload,the meteorological imager(MI),have been verif i ed during both ground and in-orbit tests,there is the possibility of variation and/or degradation of data quality due to many different reasons,such as the accumulation of contaminants,the aging of instrument components,and unexpected external disturbance.Thus,for better utilization of MI data,it is imperative to continuously monitor and maintain the data quality.As a part of such activity,this study presents an inter-calibration,based on the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System(GSICS),between the MI data and the high quality hyperspectral data from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer(IASI)of the Metop-A satellite.Both sets of data,acquired for three years from April 2011 to March 2014,are processed to prepare the matchup dataset,which is spatially collocated,temporally concurrent, angularly coincident,and spectrally comparable.The results show that the MI data are stable within the
Inter-comparison of the Infrared Channels of the Meteorological Imager Onboard COMS and Hy