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(2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名. (3) 制作学校的海报. 课题:M6 U2 What's this 教学重点

1,功能:询问远近物品并回答 2,单词:bag, pencil, pen, book; 3,句子:What's this/that It's a ? 教学难点

1,bag和book的正确发音; 2,What's this/that It's a ?;

3,bag和book,pen和pencil易混单词比较. 教学程序

Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1,Sing a chant.

2,Say sth. About your poster

S1: I'm a pupil. This is my school. ?

3,The teacher walks around the classroom and ask: What's this/that

Step 2:Presentation and practice

1,Lead-in T:好奇宝宝Tom向Amy问了5个问题,Amy是怎样回答的 Listen to the tape. 2,Teach \

1) bag——T: What's this/that S1: It's a red bag? 2) book——Make phrases or sentences 3) ten, pen, hen, pencil 3,Practise the new words.

A bag game. \Put a pencil, pen, a book and a toy cat in one bag. Give each group a bag Then touch and guess. 4,Read after the tape. Step3:Production

1,Do Activity 3 in pairs. S1: What's this S2: It's a red pen.

2,Mime the text and say. What's this/that It's a ? (that:手势——望远镜)

3,Teach the chant——Make a new chant. Step 4: Homework

(1) 每天听读15分钟,家长签名. (2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名. 课题:M7U1 Happy birthday! 教学重点

1,功能:祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时使用的语言 (文化差异)

2,单词:happy, birthday, here(here's=here is), cake 3,句子:Happy birthday! Here's your? 教学难点

1,birthday和cake的发音 2,Here's your?句子的运用 教学程序

Step 1: Warm-up and revision

Sing a song\pencil.\

2. Listen and do. Point to your desk/chair. Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. Lead in: T: Listen! What song is this (引发好奇,营造气氛) 生日贺卡音乐,揭题:今天是Sam的生日,我们一起为他过生日.

M7U1 Happy birthday!

2. Listen and teach the new words.

(1) birthday—Happy birthday!—Sing a birthday song.(Clap hands.)

(2) cake—birthday cake, your cake, my cake

(3) 实物\谁想吃蛋糕 \读cake词, T:Here's your cake. 引导Ss: Thank you.

3. Teach \?Thank you.\

(1) Pair work. 运用手上物品pen, pencil, book, bag?操练 Here's your?Thank you. (2) 小组展示

4. Teach the text and culture

(1) 老师也准备了present(出示礼物盒) 猜猜礼物是什么 T: What's this S1:? S2:? 若猜中It's a present. (2) 听读课文,Answer the question: What's the present (3) Listen and point. (4) Listen and read. Step 3:Production

情景剧:Birthday party.要求学生运用所学的语言,并把歌曲\编排进去,评出表演得最好的情景剧. Step 4: Homework

1. 听读

2. 用英语为别人开party. 课题:M7U2 How old are you 教学重点

1,功能:关于年龄的问与答 2,单词:old, how old, look

3,句子:How old are you I'm nine. You're nine. I'm nine, too. 教学难点

1,How old are you 和How are you 的区别 2,You're?的运用 教学程序

Step 1:Warm-up and revision

1,Say two songs: \2,Game: Look! How many fingers 复习1-12 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1,Lead in.

T: 请学生当Sam,全体为他祝福,把U1课文表演一遍. T: How old are you, Sam 2,揭题:M7U2 How old are you

3,Listen and learn the new words and sentences. 师拿Sam头饰 Look!(做动作) Look at?I'm Sam. I'm nine. How old are you

4,Pair work. S1:Hello. How old are you S2:I'm nine. How old are you S1:I'm nine, too. 5,Text.

6,Sing the song. Step3: Production

生上台抽1-12,全体Ss问:How old are you S1: I'm one. Ss: One You're one! (笑) Step 4: Homework 1,听读磁带

2,谁是最棒的调查员,看谁登记的同学信息多 课题:M8U1 Is it a dragon 教学重点

1,功能:使用句型\? \进行关于物品的问答 2,单词:no, not(isn't=is not), yes, help, kite, dragon 3,句子:Is it a? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 教学难点

1,cat和kite的发音区别 2,句型Is it a? 的正确使用 3,No, it isn't.否定回答的朗读 教学程序

Step 1: Warm-up and revision

Sing a song \old are you \and say a chant \a cat.\Game. 炸弹游戏(快速说词)

Ask and answer. What's this/that It's a? Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. Lead in: T shows a box. Sam还收到其它的礼物,他想与大家分享,请同学们来猜一猜.

揭题:M8 Friends U1 Is it a dragon

2. S1touch, T guess: Is it a cat/? (Presents the sentence.)



