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前行的路,不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!有路,就大胆去 走;有梦,就大胆飞翔。



介词是一种“媒介”词,是用来表示句子中某一个词或短语与另外一个词或短语之间的 关系的词。


用法 示例 in the 20th century, 表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季 节、 in in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, 月及一般 (非特指 )的早、中、晚等。 in the morning, in one' s thirties on May 1st, on Monday, on New Year 's Day, 表示具体某一天及对某一天的早、中、晚进行 on 详细描述。 on a cold night, on Sunday afternoon 表示某一具体时刻或钟点,有时也表示在某一 节at

at 3:20, at Christmas, 假日;若把一段时间看作某一时刻 也可at the beginning of, at night, 用 at 。 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以 给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。

前行的路,不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!有路,就大胆去 走;有梦,就大胆飞翔。

at noon, at this moment


1. in 和 after

用法 “ in +时间段” 表示将来的一段时间以后,用 示例 My mother will come back in in 于将 来时; days. three after+ 将来时间点” 表示将来的某一时刻以 She will appear o'clock afternoon. after five this after 后, 用于将来时

2. since 和 for 用法 表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,后接表过 去 的句子或者是过去的时间点,通常与完成时连 since 示例 1. They have lived here since 1978. 2. They have lived here since I was ten years old. 用。 表示动作延续贯穿整个过程,后接时间段,主 for

I have studied English for two years. 句用完成时。 3. by 和 till/ until 用法 表示时间, 指“到??以前”、 “到??时 (为 by 示例 止)”,此时要注意它所连用的时态 I had learned 1000 English words by the end of last term. 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以 给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。

前行的路,不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!有路,就大胆去 走;有梦,就大胆飞翔。

1. until/ till until\\ till 表示“直到??” 表示动作持 续到什么时候, 常与表示延续性的动词 连用; 1. I will work here until six o'clock. 2. The noise of the street didn ' t stop until midnight. 2. not ? until ? 表示“直到??才??”, 常 与表示瞬间性的动词连用。


一、考点: 时间 in\\ on\\ at


二、重难点: 时间介词的辨析及用法。

时间介词是中考的考查重点。 时间介词的中考题主要以单项选择以及完形填空等题型来 考查。 注意: during 表示事件发生在何时( when),意为“在??期间内”的行为或状态。 in 表 示时间段,相当于 during ,但是注意在选择的时候一定要优先选择 during 。

例: They visited many cities during their stay in China.




例1 .1.1



He often goes to school by bike ________ the morning.

B. in C. on D. for


They started off

例1 .1.2 _____________________ _ an autumn afternoon. at B. in C. on

D. during

用适当的时间介词填例1 .1.3 空。

I often got up _______________ 6 o' clock when I worked in the company _____________ 2008.

年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以 给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。

前行的路,不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!有路,就大胆去 走;有梦,就大胆飞翔。


例 1.2.1 Shanghai Disneyland five

years. open A. in

B. for

has started to be built

C. from

and it will be D. before

例 1.2.2

A. since

My uncle has worked at this factory

C. after B. for

five years.

D. until

例 1.2.3

A. during

He lived with his parents

B. for

C. by

he graduated from college.

D. until


随练 1.1 ---When were you born?

--- I was born ________ a cold morning in 1996. A. on B. in C. at

D. for

随练 1.2 A.big earthquake hit Japan _____________ the afternoon of March 11th , 2011. A. in B. on C. at D. since

随练 1.3 The English teacher told me to get there__________ half past ten. A. in B. at C. on D. of

随练 1.4 We often go to the Children ' s A. on B. at

Palace _______ Sunday. C. in

D. for

随练 1.5 She usually gets to school __________ 7:30 in the morning.

随练 1.6 Can you come here __________ the morning of April 5?

随练 1.7 I know my mother ' s birthday is _____________ June. A. in B. at C. of

D. to

年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以 给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。

前行的路,不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!有路,就大胆去 走;有梦,就大胆飞翔。

随练 1.8 We have been in China __________ three years. We like it very much. A. in B. since C. for D. after

随练 1.9 ---When will the second class begin?

--- ___________ two minutes. AOr B. At

C. In

D. After

随练 1.10



I have stayed in that country _ ___ 1995.

B. since C. in

D. on

随练 1.11

She didn ' t arrive _______ _ 6 o

B. after


D. for



C. before

随练 1.12 The workers will finish the task __________ two months time.

随练 1.13 He has lived here __________ 1980.

随练 1.14 We have worked in this city _________ about 5 years.

随练 1.15 Great changes have taken place __________ you left.

随练 1.16 _________ the time the doctor arrived, the patient had died.

随 练 1.17 There were huge advances in aviation ( 航 空 ) technology World War Two.

随练 1.18 I will work __________ he tells me to stop.






