Relationship Between Two Classes of Shape-Invariant Potentials
QIAN Shang-Wu ;GU Zhi-Yu
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2001(036)010
【摘要】We show that two classes of shape-invariant potentials are interrelated to each other. For all one-dimensional shape-invariant potentials with parameters related by translation, i.e. the first class of shapc-invariant potentials (SIP1),we can find their multi-parameter deformations with q acting as the deformation parameter, i.e. the second class of shape-invariant potentials (SIP2) with parameters related by scaling. In order to get closed solution of SIP2, we consider two infinitesimal intervals, one is close to q= 0 another close to q = 1, and show that in these intervals we can get separately two first-order approximate solutions in closed form, furthermore we prove that all SIP1 can be obtained by the limiting procedures for corresponding SIP2.``
【关键词】shape-invariant potential;superpotential;multi-parameter deformation
【作者】QIAN Shang-Wu ;GU Zhi-Yu
【作者单位】Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871,
China ;Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】04 【相关文献】
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