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(1) Contrary to what they predicted, the disease broke out and killed thousands of people.


(2) Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit acceptance. 没有如期收到她的答复(回复),他认为她这是默许接受了。

(3) He repeated his assertion that he was not guilty in front of the jury in court. 法庭之上,他在陪审团面前重申了他无罪的声明。

(4) Using the Internet, he was able to look up information on a terrible disease torturing his wife.他可以运用互联网查找一种折磨他妻子的可怕疾病的信息。 (5) The young man adapted well to the city life and his new environment. 这个年轻人非常适应城市生活和新环境

(6) There is not enough oxygen in the Moon’s atmosphere to sustain plant life. 月球大气中没有足够的氧气来维持植物的生命。

(7) What you prepare for your speech, be sure to cite unbiased qualified sources. 当你在准备演讲时,一定要引用不偏不倚并且得到允许的信息源。

(8) In the course of children’s language acquisition, adults should pay attention to grammar.


(9) It is known to all Arabic children that “ship of the desert” is a metaphor for the camel.


(10) Clutter is one of the things you should try to eliminate when you make a speech. 当你发表演讲时,杂乱是一切你应当尽力避免的事情。

(1) The government decided to take concrete steps to bolster its faltering economy. 政府决定出台具体的措施来支持它不稳定的经济。

(2) The evidence he presented at the meeting was credible, according to his viewpoint.


(3) At the conference, he made an impromptu speech, which left a deep impression on every participant.在议会中,他做了一个给每位参会者都留下深刻印象的即兴演讲。

(4) Experts warn that mankind should use natural resources sparingly. 专家提示:人类对自然资源的利用要节制。

(5) An anecdote about Albert Einstein was rewritten and published in the Reader’s Digest.


(6) He needs to build up his credentials with his colleagues in biological research. 他需要和他的同事在生物研究领域需要建立他的资格证书。

(7) Winning the scholarship is testimony of her intelligence in the field of physics. 获得奖学金是对她在物理学领域的智慧的证明。

(8)The medical students were asked how they would treat a hypothetical case and were marked according to they are responses.


(9)Student should learn how to quote to other people’s statements and also how to

paraphrase them.学生应该学习怎样引用他人的观点并知道怎样声明。

(10) The photographer used a juxtaposition of fat and thin modles to demonstrate the beauty.


1. I can't remember exactly what triggered the explosion but it was pretty devastating.


2. Of course, that posed a new set of problems for Mum and Dad who were constantly running around trying to contain my wanderlust. 当然,这给爸妈造成了一系列新的问题,他们不断地东奔西走尝试控制我的流浪癖。

3. The industry has pumped massive amounts of money into political campaigns, making it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.

工厂已经给政治运动注入了大量资金,使政治家们不太可能更理智地处理问题。 4. I was asked to contribute to a newspaper article making predictions for the New Year.


5. If it were as cheap and easy to get online here as in America, the British might triple their time at the computer.如果在这里上网像在美国一样既便宜又容易的话,那么英国人在电脑前花的时间能达到原先的三倍。

6. After 1989, the external menace vanished, but the danger to American civilization remained.

1989年后,外部的威胁消失了,但美国文明的危险因素依然存在。 7. As the surgeon's health worsened, he became a liability to the hospital. 随着外科医生健康恶化,他变成了医院的一个不利因素。

8. Today, that consensus has given way to a myriad of family styles as a result of people living longer, marrying later, divorcing more often and changing mates to suit the seasons of their lives.


9. In order to avoid a good deal of frustration (not to mention time, effort, and shoe leather) that a job search entails, you might want to consider the following approach: conduct a planned, focused job search.


10. A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.更合理的解释似乎是人们对保守党政府感到厌烦。 1. As we feel our way around the first months of the 21st century, what seemed impossible in the last is becoming more and more believable (plausible).


2. In one sense, this could be good news for America: it could predict(portend) greater social consensus, with virtually everyone agreeing about the proper functions

of government.


3. What kind of task was that for a man who couldn't even discover (pin down) the truth about himself?对于一个甚至不能准确认识自我的人,什么样的任务才是合适的呢?

4. It may be the band's trademark, but after the briefest exposure, it becomes annoying (aggravating) to a large degree.它可能为是乐队的商标,但一经公开就广受恶评。

5. If the value of services exchanged or booked online were included as well, the figures would be more astounding (staggering) still.


6. Parts of Glasgow are the same as (on a par with) the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.就入室盗窃来看,格拉斯哥的部分地区和伦敦及利物浦的最差地区一样差。

7. The most profound change in our society since the sixties has not been the arrival of new Britons but the appearance (emergence) of a new class.

16世纪以来我们社会最深刻的变革不是新英国人的到来而是一个新阶层的诞生。 8. Police say drugs traffickers are behind the increase (resurgence) of violence. 警方说,掩藏在日益增多的暴力事件背后的是毒贩。

9. They said yes, provided he did not publish anything that would take away from(detract from) their reputation.他们同意了,(前提是)只要他不公开有可能损害他们名誉的任何信息。

10. The shortage (inadequacy) of clean energy resources plagues all nations. 清洁能源短缺困扰着每个国家。

1. They asked him to leave. In other words, he was fired.他们让他离开。换句话说,他被解雇了。

2. The United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in this area. 联合国军队在这片区域执行停火协议。

3. The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.


4. Your paper does not address the real issues.你的论文没有解决主要的问题。 5. How many vehicles were involved in the crash yesterday?昨天的事故涉及多少辆车。

6. She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria.她感到焦虑接近歇斯底里的状态。 7. The new technology can be applied to farming.新的技术能够应用于农业。 8. What do these results suggest to you? 这些结果对你有怎样的建议? 9. He has six previous convictions for theft and burglary. 他有六个前科有关于偷盗和入室抢劫。

10. We'll send you the copy as soon as it becomes available. 一旦我得到它我会给你一个复印版本。

1. This incident was not without importance in the following development of events. (subsequent)这个小事在随后的事件发展中很重要。

2. The company report a huge 85-million-dollar loss. (whopping) 公司报告其巨大的损失达8500万美元。

3. Several people were injured in the traffic accident yesterday, but there were no deaths. (fatalities)昨天一些人在车祸中受伤了,但无人死亡。 4. The candidate’s speech was interrupted by applause occasionally. (sporadically) 求职者的演讲偶然地被掌声打断了。

5. Luckily she had left the island two days before the arrival of the devastating tsunami. (prior to)


5. It took me two months to urge him into action. (prod) 促使他采取行动花费了我两个月的时间。

6. The police have apparently found some new evidence about this case. (turned up)


7. His decision to move to Mexico was based on a sudden wish. (whim) 他移民到墨西哥的决定基于他一时的念头。

8. It took the police two years to catch the murderer. (nail)警察花了两年的时间抓这个凶手。

9. A 9-year-old boy was killed in an accident involving a stolen car last week. (crash)


1. Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to be stricken by lung cancer than non-smokers.


2. Most States emphasized eradication of violence, particularly domestic violence, as a national priority area in national crime prevention strategies. 多数州强调杜绝暴力现象,尤其把杜绝家庭暴力作为预防国民犯罪策略的重中之重。

3. Some activists in the Women 's Movement call themselves feminists, while others who resist political activism choose not to label themselves \feel that the U.S. media often portrays feminists as people who are anti-men. 女权运动中的某些积极分子称自己为“女权主义者”,然而那些反对政治激进主义的人却不愿这么做,因为他们认为美国媒体常把“女权主义者”说成是“反人类”的人。

4. Women accounted for 10.5 percent of cabinet, ministerial and sub-ministerial offices in Commonwealth countries. 在组成联邦制国家内阁、部长以及副部长办公室的公职人员中,女性所占的比例为10.5%。

5. If he still hesitated it was because he didn't want to yield to the other man's pressure, to Alec's gift for getting his way. 如果他仍然犹豫不决,那是因为他不想屈服于对方的施压,亚力克天性就一贯如此。

6. He had never in the past hesitated to make mischief if it served his curiosity. 在过去,如果恶作剧能满足好奇心,那他会毫不犹豫地捉弄别人。

7. In court, the accused man claimed that he was innocent, saying that he had been framed .


8. More and more athletes play games just for money. Sport is being debased by commercialism.


9. Damaging the production machinery is an underhanded attempt to slow down our output.


10. With an air of authority, as if every jug and bottle in the place existed to do his bidding, the landlord gave Harold his drink.


1. Whether the cloning of human beings is morally justified is now on the nations’ moral agenda.


2. It is reported that the company will promulgate detailed rules and regulations for the efficiency standard of the new water heaters before the end of this years.

据悉,该公司将在今年年底前颁布有关新型热水器效率标准的详细规章制度。 3. High prices are deterring a lot of young couples from buying houses. 高房价正阻碍着许多年轻夫妇买房子

4. People particularly dislike politicians whose speeches are full of empty rhetoric. 人们尤其不喜欢那些演讲空洞无物的政治家

5. We should not stop eating for fear of choking.我们不应该因噎废食。

6.The website was accused of distorting the fact and slandering the president 这个网站被指控歪曲事实和诽谤总统。

7. If you have an open mindset, you will learn from everything 如果你具有开放的观念,那你将能从任何事情中学习。

8. Once a company caught cheating consumers, it will be very hard to restore its business credibility.一旦一个公司被发现欺骗消费者,那么这家公司将很再难树立公司信誉。

9. Everyone was shocked to hear that the dog was the only beneficiary in the rich women’s will.

当听到这只狗是那位富有女人的唯一财产继承者的时候每个人都震惊了。 10.The accounting firm is very busy at the end of fiscal year auditing companies 会计事务所每个财政年末都会忙于审计各个公司

1、A number of economic sanctions against the country are to be put into action.(enact)——制定 :对该国的一些经济制裁将付诸行动。

2、A special task force was created to help carry out the new policy.(implement)——实施,使生效。设立了特别工作组,以帮助实施这项新政策。

3、Unlike global warming and ozone depletion –which ,if the political will was there ,could be reduced by cutting gas emissions –preserving bio-diversity remains a problem that is extremely difficult to manage.(intractable)——难以管理或驾驭的 与全球变暖和臭氧枯竭不同,如果有政治意愿(要解决这两个问题),可以通过



